Session Start: Sun Dec 09 17:47:40 2007 Session Ident: #fazedcampaign »»»» Now talking in #fazedcampaign. »»»» Join synced in 0.187 Seconds. »»»» Total: 5 Operators: 1«20% » Voices: 0«0% » [5:47pm] yo [5:47pm]« McGroin » sup [5:48pm] Crunch ( is now known as Crunch_Modren [5:48pm] more better? [5:48pm]«@ DMchapel» all the same to me [5:49pm] Can we hurry, my mom says I have to be in bed by 8:15 tonight * Retrieving #fazedcampaign modes... [5:49pm]«@ DMchapel» well, this will be a more informal session, working out any kinks you may have, a brief primer on the gameworld, etc [5:49pm] sweet [5:50pm]«@ DMchapel» i'm working on those pdf files, but my laptop has been out of commission for most of the week [5:50pm]«@ DMchapel» heh, i only got to start setting them up this evening, during my gaming session [5:51pm] Should have delegated to your minion to make their own........I am sure we could have filled in a basic template [5:52pm]«@ DMchapel» do you guys have adobe? [5:52pm]« doublezeroSTR » yup [5:52pm] Yeah I have a work version here [5:52pm]«@ DMchapel» oh, okay then [5:53pm]«@ DMchapel» lemme find the link [5:53pm]«@ DMchapel» [5:53pm]«@ DMchapel» thats what i was using [5:55pm]« doublezeroSTR » ive only got adobe reader [5:55pm]« doublezeroSTR » bah [5:55pm]«@ DMchapel» they have a reader version [5:55pm]« doublezeroSTR » now i see that [5:56pm] [5:56pm] Microsoft Windows users can now download a 30-day trial version of Adobe Acrobat 6 Professional. Visit for more details. [5:56pm]« McGroin » oooh, neat [5:56pm]« doublezeroSTR » i'll get it from school tomorrow for sure. dial-up sucks [5:56pm]« McGroin » i'll go ahead and fill it out [5:56pm]«@ DMchapel» cool beans [5:58pm] brb filling out the goods [5:58pm]«@ DMchapel» so, while we wait to see who else all shows up, any questions on the sheets? [5:59pm]«@ DMchapel» ah, goods... that reminds me. you all need to buy equipment [5:59pm]« doublezeroSTR » are we starting at lvl 1? [5:59pm]«@ DMchapel» ayep [6:00pm]« doublezeroSTR » kk [6:00pm] taking the average for gold or are you rolling it for us? [6:00pm]«@ DMchapel» we're gonna roll it [6:00pm]« McGroin » um, im having issues putting in numbers [6:00pm]« McGroin » in the pdf [6:00pm]Joins: Fortrez ( «6 users » [6:00pm]« McGroin » doh, forget i said anything [6:00pm]« Fortrez » ello [6:00pm]«@ DMchapel» hey heya [6:01pm] yo [6:01pm]« McGroin » tag [6:01pm]« Fortrez » who's left? [6:01pm]«@ DMchapel» starting old for fighter 6d4times10 [6:02pm]«@ DMchapel» starting gold for cleric 5d4times10 [6:02pm]«@ DMchapel» starting gold for a monk 5d4 (thats it, no multiplier) [6:02pm]« Fortrez » ah shucks [6:03pm]«@ DMchapel» starting gold for a rogue 5d4times 10 [6:03pm]«@ DMchapel» so quick run down on the dicebot... [6:03pm] go dice bot go [6:03pm]« doublezeroSTR » !! [6:03pm]«@ DMchapel» roll 5#d4x10 [6:03pm] * DMdicebot --> "DMchapel Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" [6:03pm]«@ DMchapel» 5#4 x10 [6:03pm]«@ DMchapel» roll 5#d4 x10 [6:03pm] * DMdicebot --> "DMchapel rolls 5#d4 x10 and gets 1, 4, 1, 1, 4." [6:03pm]«@ DMchapel» aha! there it is [6:04pm]« Fortrez » roll 5d4 [6:04pm] * DMdicebot --> "Fortrez rolls 5d4 and gets 14." [6:04pm]«@ DMchapel» so if qdy = 5d4, then 5#d4 is what to input. roll to command [6:04pm]« doublezeroSTR » roll 10d12 [6:04pm] * DMdicebot --> "doublezeroSTR rolls 10d12 and gets 87." [6:05pm] roll 5#d4times10 [6:05pm] * DMdicebot --> "Crunch_Modren Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" [6:05pm]« doublezeroSTR » roll 8d1 [6:05pm] * DMdicebot --> "doublezeroSTR rolls 8d1 and gets 8." [6:05pm] roll 5#d4 x 10 [6:05pm] * DMdicebot --> "Crunch_Modren rolls 5#d4 x 10 and gets 1, 4, 4, 3, 1." [6:05pm]«@ DMchapel» 8#d1 [6:05pm]« doublezeroSTR » roll 1d3 [6:05pm] * DMdicebot --> "doublezeroSTR rolls 1d3 and gets 1." [6:05pm]«@ DMchapel» so, eveyone get it? [6:05pm]Joins: Celdia ( «7 users » [6:05pm] theres my gold DMchapel [6:05pm]« Fortrez » yep [6:05pm]«@ DMchapel» Ho, Celdia [6:05pm]« Celdia » Ho, Chapel [6:06pm]« doublezeroSTR » roll 5d4x10 [6:06pm] * DMdicebot --> "doublezeroSTR Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" [6:06pm]«@ DMchapel» don't mind Celdia, my old DM wanted to see how i do ;) [6:06pm]« McGroin » roll 5#d4 [6:06pm] * DMdicebot --> "McGroin rolls 5#d4 and gets 2, 1, 1, 2, 2." [6:06pm]« Fortrez » hey celdia nice to meet you [6:06pm]« doublezeroSTR » why does the # have to be there ? [6:07pm]« McGroin » it looks like it gets you seperate rolls [6:07pm]«@ DMchapel» chunder, you have, at eO's beach house [6:07pm]« Celdia » Likewise. :) [6:07pm]« doublezeroSTR » gotcha [6:07pm] McGroin ( is now known as Waylon [6:07pm] yes [6:07pm]«@ DMchapel» celdia, any way to get the dicebot to do the math for ya? [6:07pm]« Fortrez » i can't remeber who i met there except razor and nb [6:08pm]« Celdia » It wasn't my program, Chapel. I could poke around in the script some, see if there's something else in the commands, but I can't promise anything. [6:08pm]« doublezeroSTR » k, i'll have dinner ready [6:08pm]«@ DMchapel» who are we missing? kamazu and lackef? [6:08pm]«@ DMchapel» okie dokie, 18/00 [6:08pm]« doublezeroSTR » kamuzu is me [6:08pm]« Fortrez » just checked the D&D formum dyank seems to be having so trouble getting this to work [6:08pm]«@ DMchapel» ..good point [6:08pm]«@ DMchapel» ah was just heaidng there [6:11pm]« Fortrez » as far as dms are concerned, do they get a character? or do they just moderate? [6:11pm]«@ DMchapel» posted some tips [6:11pm]«@ DMchapel» DM's play the "other guys" [6:11pm]« Fortrez » ah [6:12pm] I think I broke the "svaes" on that char sheet =-\ [6:12pm] saves* [6:12pm]«@ DMchapel» helpful hint for that sheet, uncheck the breakdown box thinger in the upper left hand of the sheet [6:13pm]« Fortrez » what sheet is this? [6:13pm]«@ DMchapel» then wehn you plug in the numbers, you can just click the calculations on the upper right and have the sheet recalculate [6:13pm] ahhh and the force calc on the upper right, is needed to recalc things that appear stuck [6:14pm]«@ DMchapel» mhmm :) [6:14pm] yeah.....what you said [6:14pm] =-P [6:14pm]«@ DMchapel» yeah, took me over an hour to Treladren the first time [6:14pm]« Waylon » im not sure how to input skill points [6:14pm]«@ DMchapel» click the downward facing arrow to have it flag the class skills, then enter the number of ranks you have in the ranks column [6:15pm]« Fortrez » is this the same sheet as before, and do i need to change anything on my character? [6:15pm]«@ DMchapel» same sheet as before, before what? [6:15pm]« Fortrez » lol the one i made the first time [6:15pm]« Celdia » Hm. looks like its built into the roller. If you omit the # sign, it doesn't show the individual dice but just gives you a total. I don't see a happy medium though. [6:15pm]« Celdia » roll 5d6 [6:15pm] * DMdicebot --> "Celdia rolls 5d6 and gets 10." [6:15pm]« Celdia » roll 5#d6 [6:15pm] * DMdicebot --> "Celdia rolls 5#d6 and gets 4, 6, 3, 2, 5." [6:16pm]«@ DMchapel» aha! [6:16pm]«@ DMchapel» roll 5d4 x10 [6:16pm] * DMdicebot --> "DMchapel rolls 5d4 x10 and gets 11." [6:16pm]«@ DMchapel» how did you do multipliers? [6:16pm]« Celdia » roll 5d6*2 [6:16pm] * DMdicebot --> "Celdia rolls 5d6*2 and gets 38." [6:17pm] DMchapel sets mode: +Mict [6:17pm]«@ DMchapel» ? [6:18pm] DMchapel Seems like I mucked up the version that I sent ou of my character........the knowledge skills I chose are cross class for clerics [6:18pm] ««Ë®®öR»» #fazedcampaign You need to identify to a registered nick to speak in that channel. For help with registering your nickname, type "/msg help register" or see [6:18pm] DMchapel sets mode: +o Celdia [6:18pm] DMchapel sets mode: +o DMdicebot [6:19pm] DMchapel Seems like I mucked up the version that I sent ou of my character........the knowledge skills I chose are cross class for clerics [6:19pm] ««Ë®®öR»» #fazedcampaign You need to identify to a registered nick to speak in that channel. For help with registering your nickname, type "/msg help register" or see [6:19pm]«@ DMchapel» there is a right click option :D [6:21pm]«@ DMchapel» so, if you have the d20 system resource document link, go ahead and make a roll for starting wealth and purchase your equipment [6:21pm]Parts: Fortrez ( «6 users » [6:23pm] ««Ë®®öR»» Cannot change nickname while banned or moderated on channel: #fazedcampaign [6:23pm] * Disconnected [6:23pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign [6:27pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign [6:27pm] ««Ë®®öR»» Cannot join channel: #fazedcampaign (Invite only) »»»» Now talking in #fazedcampaign. »»»» Join synced in 0.11 Seconds. »»»» Total: 6 Operators: 3«50% » Voices: 0«0% » [6:30pm]Joins: Fortrez ( «7 users » [6:37pm] DMchapel sets mode: +v Fortrez [6:37pm]«@ DMchapel» try now Fortrez [6:37pm]«@ DMchapel» ..maybe not [6:37pm] DMchapel sets mode: -v Fortrez [6:38pm] DMchapel sets mode: +cei -o!*@* [6:38pm]«@ DMchapel» bah! [6:38pm]«@ DMchapel» i think i am breaking the room! [6:38pm]«@ Celdia» Possibly. [6:40pm]«@ DMchapel» if you can speak in the room, sound off so i know you arent gone [6:40pm]«@ Celdia» Yo. [6:40pm]«@ DMchapel» well, 18/00 is eating [6:43pm] Celdia sets mode: -m [6:43pm]«@ Celdia» Can anyone talk now? [6:43pm] Celdia sets mode: -t [6:43pm] Celdia sets mode: -c [6:43pm] Celdia sets mode: -i [6:43pm]«@ Celdia» How about now [6:43pm] Yeah I am good now [6:43pm] ««Ë®®öR»» #fazedcampaign You need to identify to a registered nick to speak in that channel. For help with registering your nickname, type "/msg help register" or see [6:44pm] DMchapel sets mode: +v Crunch_Modren [6:44pm] DMchapel sets mode: +v doublezeroSTR [6:44pm] DMchapel sets mode: +v Fortrez [6:44pm]«+ Fortrez » hello [6:44pm] DMchapel sets mode: +v Waylon [6:44pm]«@ DMchapel» yay! [6:45pm]«+ Fortrez » digget diggety and yeehaw [6:45pm]«@ Celdia» That giant cluster of modes you set before Chapel prolly had more to do with that mute than anything else. [6:45pm]«@ DMchapel» ...yeah, i'll stick to the right click options from now on [6:45pm] * Celdia nods. [6:45pm]Joins: dyank69 ( «8 users » [6:45pm]«@ Celdia» Best to leave the technical junk to me for now, eh? [6:45pm]«+ Fortrez » +v dyank [6:45pm] DMchapel sets mode: +v dyank69 [6:46pm]«+ dyank69 » ok, i guess I'm here [6:46pm]«+ dyank69 » what's plus v? [6:46pm]«@ DMchapel» ayep [6:46pm]«@ DMchapel» i somehow muted everyone [6:46pm]«+ Fortrez » godly powers [6:46pm] Celdia sets mode: +m [6:46pm]«@ Celdia» Can y'all still talk now? [6:46pm]«+ dyank69 » can u hear me now? [6:46pm]«+ Waylon » la la la la laaaaa [6:46pm]«@ DMchapel» mhmm, got ya dyank, got ya waylon [6:46pm]«@ Celdia» Good. [6:46pm]«+ Fortrez » ok so what do i need to do to get set up for this game? [6:46pm] yooo [6:47pm] voice [6:47pm]«@ DMchapel» Fortrez, roll your starting gold amount, get your equipment (feel free to save it all to a text document for the time being) [6:47pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » hey hey, im back [6:47pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » did i miss much? [6:47pm] they mod'd the channel, only people granted a voice get to talk [6:47pm]«@ DMchapel» somehow i did [6:48pm]«+ Fortrez » i am using the same character creation sheet website as before? [6:48pm] dyank69 ( is now known as treladren [6:48pm]«+ Fortrez » or the d20 website? [6:49pm]«@ DMchapel» you just need to purchase equipment [6:49pm] Crunch_Modren ( is now known as Crunch [6:49pm]«+ Waylon » whats the roll for starting gold(sorcerer)? [6:49pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » roll 5d4*10 [6:49pm] * DMdicebot --> "doublezeroSTR rolls 5d4*10 and gets 123." [6:50pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » 123 gold for equipment, done. [6:50pm]«+ treladren » roll 10d20 [6:50pm] * DMdicebot --> "treladren rolls 10d20 and gets 85." [6:50pm]«+ Waylon » roll 5d4*10 [6:50pm] * DMdicebot --> "Waylon rolls 5d4*10 and gets 126." [6:50pm]«+ Fortrez » i know i need to purchase equipment but where do i find what equipment i can purchase and how much it costs? [6:50pm]«+ treladren » roll 10d*20 [6:50pm] * DMdicebot --> "treladren Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" [6:50pm]«@ DMchapel» is a good site [6:51pm]«+ Fortrez » ok thanks [6:51pm]«+ Fortrez » roll 5d4 [6:51pm] * DMdicebot --> "Fortrez rolls 5d4 and gets 10." [6:51pm]«+ treladren » Chaps, is there any modifications I need to make to my character? [6:51pm]«@ Celdia» Or I can send you a *coughslightlyillegallyobtainedcough* copy of the Players Handbook. [6:51pm]«@ DMchapel» dyank, you need 6d4*10 [6:51pm]«+ Fortrez » lol i get 10 gold [6:51pm]«+ treladren » roll 6d4*10 [6:51pm] * DMdicebot --> "treladren rolls 6d4*10 and gets 145." [6:51pm]«@ DMchapel» dyank, the charsheet was fine when i looked it over [6:52pm]«+ treladren » 145 that right? [6:52pm]«@ DMchapel» aye, it is [6:52pm] speels onthis sheet are FUN [6:52pm]«@ DMchapel» for arms, armor, and equipment [6:52pm] spells* [6:52pm]«+ treladren » Celdia, I would love a copy of that, lol [6:53pm]«@ DMchapel» ...yeah that why i stopped [6:53pm]«@ DMchapel» anyone here from sasquatch? [6:53pm]«@ DMchapel» erm, hear that is [6:54pm]«@ Celdia» File Send is up Treladren. Just accept. [6:54pm]«+ treladren » celdia, is it a txt? [6:54pm]«@ Celdia» PDF [6:55pm]«+ treladren » try sending again [6:55pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » i'll send a txt file of my equipment....beyond that, whats the plan for this eve? [6:55pm]«+ treladren » thanks [6:56pm]«@ Celdia» Sure sure [6:56pm]«@ DMchapel» plan is to go over a bit of world knowledge, go through the introductory phase... and see how far we get from there [6:57pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » then lets get to it, we can do equipment on our own time, no? [6:57pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » seeing as we wont be "fighing" this time anyways [6:57pm]«@ DMchapel» aye, more or less (i was stalling hoping sasquatch would show) [6:58pm]«+ Waylon » hehe, yea im for doing equipment at another time [6:58pm] treladren ( is now known as Treladren [7:01pm]«+ Treladren » i hope i didn't break anything [7:02pm]«+ Treladren » roll 5d6 [7:02pm] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 5d6 and gets 16." [7:02pm]«+ Treladren » roll % [7:02pm] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" [7:02pm]«+ Treladren » roll 2d10 [7:02pm] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 2d10 and gets 6." [7:02pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » roll d100 [7:02pm] * DMdicebot --> "doublezeroSTR rolls a d100 and gets 98." [7:02pm]«@ DMchapel» everyone ready? [7:02pm]«+ Treladren » ah [7:02pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » yup [7:03pm]«+ Waylon » yup [7:03pm]«+ Treladren » i'm ready [7:03pm]«+ Fortrez » i'm ready i PM you my equipment DM on the D&D forums [7:04pm]«@ DMchapel» okie dokie [7:04pm]«@ DMchapel» crunch? [7:05pm]«+ Treladren » i probably should have showered today [7:06pm]«+ Fortrez » hey, DM i just figured out this send option here, you just need to accept it [7:06pm]«@ DMchapel» is crunch still here? [7:06pm]«+ Treladren » has he been +v? [7:06pm] yeah my bad [7:06pm]«@ DMchapel» okei dokie, and away we go :D [7:06pm] trying to type all these blasted spells [7:07pm]«@ DMchapel» no worries on the sheets yet [7:07pm]«+ Fortrez » ok [7:07pm] aight [7:07pm]«+ Waylon » k [7:07pm]«+ Treladren » word [7:08pm]«@ DMchapel» You have just stumbled upon a tavern after a hard day spent out on the road. The rain, the cold, the howling wind has chased you indoors early this night, but you would rather lose some travel time and hope for the weather to break tomorrow. As you enter the smallish common room you quickly scan for a place by the fire while shaking the rain from your head, stomping the mud from your boots, and clapping some feeling into your numb f [7:08pm]«@ DMchapel» It seems the folk around the town, you can't seem to remember the name carved into the milepost by the roadside... Hart-something, had the same idea as you. The place is full of damp, mud spattered labourers elbow to elbow with craftsman and apprentices, and the odd travelling merchant and caravan guard. Eventually you spy a small table with some open stools, woefully far from the crackling fire in the hearth. [7:09pm]«@ DMchapel» "Oh well," you think, "at least it's a place to sit and dry off." [7:09pm]«@ DMchapel» As you gently push, shove, jostle, and otherwise struggle against the press of people towards the table in the corner you are informed by one of the cup-girls that she will be along shortly to take your order. [7:09pm]«@ DMchapel» "I'm Petra! Just set yourself down where you can, take this cup, and I'll be about in a moment to fill it for you." [7:09pm]«@ DMchapel» She smiles brightly as she glides away, laughing at a bawdy comment from one patron and slapping another playfully. [7:09pm]«+ Treladren » where's Petra's other girl? [7:10pm]«@ DMchapel» so, action [7:11pm]«+ Waylon » any women in this place? [7:11pm]«+ Fortrez » (I sit down the best I can in one of the chairs and slap a friendly smile on my face) [7:12pm]«+ Treladren » (I raise my cup as a welcoming gesture) [7:12pm] Modren plays with his cup absent mindedly and follows the barbmaids movements through the tavern, eagerly anticipating her return and the warming beverage she will be bringing. [7:12pm]«+ Waylon » (kick my feet up on the table and grunt a greeting) [7:12pm] () = action? [7:12pm]«+ Treladren » "My name is Treladren" I mutter softly, slightly muffled from behind my robe [7:13pm]«@ DMchapel» there is an emote function type / and me [7:13pm]«@ DMchapel» followed by the action [7:13pm] * DMchapel waves [7:13pm] * Treladren takes another sip from my cup [7:13pm]«+ Fortrez » "Hey boys, Fortrez iz da name." [7:14pm] * Crunch takes off his heavy pack and places it on the floor under his muddied robe and between his feet [7:14pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » *bumping his way through the crowd, trying not to get stepped on finally reaches a barstool* [7:14pm]«+ Treladren » "What brings you to this lonely corner? [7:14pm]«@ DMchapel» (you guys are free to introduce each other here) [7:14pm] * Fortrez pulls out a pipe and looks around for a light [7:15pm] "Evening boys, they could use another server in here on a night like this." [7:15pm] * Treladren sits silently, my face shrouded by my hood...but I'm obviously keeping a watchful eye [7:15pm]«+ Waylon » "you sure are chipper" [7:15pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "I could use with a shorter stool" [7:16pm]«+ Treladren » "I'm fine...not chipper, but not besmirched" [7:16pm]«+ Fortrez » "Yeh, an I a bigga one, this un be moighty tight on me britchez" [7:16pm] * Crunch smiles at Fortrez politely and makes sure there is enough distnce bewtween them so he won't be breating the smoke [7:16pm]«+ Treladren » "I'm just enjoying my cider" [7:16pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » *stands up on the barstool to be at eye level with everyone else* [7:17pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "Cider? What are you man, like 12? [7:17pm]«+ Fortrez » 'Uh yew could sit on me pak if you loik, gnome." [7:17pm]«+ Treladren » "22, but I've little taste for alcohol" [7:17pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » *gestures to the cup-girl* "Get this man some Dwarven Stout would ya!" [7:18pm]«+ Waylon » "make that a double!" [7:18pm]«+ Treladren » "it will be wasted on me, I'd prefer not to drink it" [7:18pm]«@ DMchapel» hearing an order placed, the cup-girl nods to you, 18/00, and rushes off to earn her coin [7:18pm] "Oh, I sat at "this" table did I." [7:18pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » *looks at Fortrez* "Gnome?...bah" *ignores Fortrez* [7:18pm]«+ Treladren » "This table?" [7:18pm]«+ Fortrez » "Yeah, wots dat mean?" [7:19pm] * Treladren adjusts my robe to better cover myself from the cold [7:19pm]«@ DMchapel» the cup-girl returns with the ordered Dwarven Stout, and asks what else she can get [7:20pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "Clearly I am NOT a gnome, you rediculous orc" [7:20pm] * Waylon sniff sniff [7:20pm] "Aye.......I meant nothing bad, I have just been in this position before. Weary trevalers on a rainy night in a quiet town ordering Dwarven Stouts and the like.......sometimes it does not end well for he locals." [7:20pm]«+ Waylon » "smells like our orc friend here could use some new "britches"" [7:20pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "Nothing else lovey, the Stout is good. what do I owes ya?" [7:20pm] "Modren's the name" [7:20pm]«+ Fortrez » "Wots da best bit o gubbinz in dis, uh, hestablizment?" [7:21pm] * Crunch extends arms to clasp with the nearest who will accept [7:21pm]«@ DMchapel» "Four copper pennies, sir" [7:21pm] * Treladren extends arm sheepishly [7:21pm] * Fortrez politely ignores waylons comment [7:21pm]«@ DMchapel» "And the stew is especially good tonight, sirs" [7:21pm]«+ Treladren » "Greetings, I'm Treladren..." [7:21pm]«+ Fortrez » "I'll 'ave sum o dat miz, anyone, its on me" [7:22pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » *tosses the cup girl a pouch* [7:22pm] Wellmet Treladren [7:22pm]«+ Treladren » "what brings you to this local pub, Modren?" [7:22pm] "lass I'll have a stout as well" [7:23pm]«+ Fortrez » "Aye pleezed ta meet yew, Trel'den" [7:23pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "I'm Kamuzu." [7:23pm]«+ Treladren » "Greetings, Fortrez, Kamuzu..." [7:23pm] "Just passing through on my way to nowhere really. I heard there may be a festival in a town about 3 miles from here...........hopefully some games." [7:23pm]«@ DMchapel» Petra deftly catches the pouch she is tossed, hefts it to check the weight, "so, drinks and stew all around, then!" She grins and heads off [7:23pm]«+ Waylon » "well since we're doing the nice thing here, the name's Dekker" [7:24pm]«+ Waylon » "Waylon Dekker" [7:24pm]«+ Fortrez » "Oh, an' I'm Fortrez." [7:24pm]«+ Treladren » "Greetings, Waylon..." [7:24pm] * Waylon gives frotrez friendly slap on back [7:24pm] "I usually lead with the "nice thing" Waylon" [7:24pm] * Crunch winks [7:24pm]«+ Waylon » " hard feelings bud" [7:25pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "where is everyone headed in the morning? I'm headed south if anyone wants some company" [7:25pm]«@ DMchapel» well, now would be a good time for me to tell you all why you are here then [7:25pm] * Fortrez Fortrez returns Waylon's slap, perhaps with a bit too much enthusiasm [7:25pm]«+ Waylon » "!" [7:25pm]«+ Treladren » "I haven't any plans...I've been looking for a group on a noble quest...but I've yet to find one." [7:25pm] * Waylon picks self up off floor [7:26pm] Off to Weedpatch, I hear they have a small festival starting in a bit. [7:26pm] * Treladren listens to the voice from above...or below....or somewhere.... [7:26pm]«+ Fortrez » "Sout'? Wot's down dat way?" (at Waylon) "Er, sorreh mate" [7:26pm] * DMchapel calls for attention [7:27pm]«@ DMchapel» so now you know who is who, to tell you why you are here [7:27pm]«@ DMchapel» you all live on the isle of Beresund [7:27pm]«@ DMchapel» it is a refuge for those good folk who have fled the mainland to escape the tyrants that have come to power [7:28pm] * Treladren gulps [7:28pm]«+ Fortrez » "Swaller somethin' de wrong way, Trel'dren?" [7:29pm]«@ DMchapel» there are some who stayed behind, to work against the tyrants along side the Dwarves and Elves. Oftentimes the young and adventerous will strike out across the sea to aid in the struggle * Retrieving #fazedcampaign modes... [7:30pm]«@ DMchapel» this small village, Hart-something, you can't remember the name, is a meetingplace for caravans and travellers headed to the coast and the port city of Valorn [7:30pm] * Treladren pretends not to have heard Fortrez' comment, ignores [7:30pm]«+ Fortrez » "Er, roit, so wot bringz you boyz 'ere on dis crap o' a day?" [7:30pm]«@ DMchapel» so that is why you are all here, to attach yourselves to a caravan headed for the coast, to join the struggle of the free peoples on the mainland [7:31pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » kk [7:31pm]«+ Treladren » brb [7:31pm]«+ Waylon » "to join up with some troop and hit the coast if i could" [7:31pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "me too" [7:32pm]«+ Fortrez » "Really, soun's loik wot I 'ad in mind." [7:32pm]«@ DMchapel» You have walked all day to reach here, and as the windows grow darker, and the patrons grow drunker, the scullion from the back trips quickly about the space lighting lamps set high upon the walls. The light shed does not help to illuminate the room much. You do notice one advantage to the dim-lighting though, not long after the lamps are lit, the men at their drinks start stumbling home. [7:33pm]«@ DMchapel» The farmers and the field labourers leave first, having the farthest to go and the earliest start. The Masters and Journeymen make a go of it for only a short while, and soon it is just your companions (who wisely moved closer to the fire), a pair of peddlers with a guard, a minstrel, and what appears to be the village brawler. The cook has since left, placing a kettle of stew over the hearth for any late night guests, and all but o [7:33pm]«@ DMchapel» The barkeep, a red-faced and portly fellow who you have learned is called Ned, comes from behind his station and sits with a tankard of his own at the table next to yours. [7:33pm]«@ DMchapel» "Will you gents be needing some loding for the night? I'm afraid we haven't any more rooms to let, but for a few small coin you are welcome to sleep down here. The minstrel would be sleeping down here as well, but he is a nice enough fellow. If you'd not be staying, you'd best be on your way, though... Everywhere else will sure be full up soon." [7:33pm]«@ DMchapel» and, actions [7:33pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "I absolutely will" [7:34pm]«@ DMchapel» (damnit, "lodging" not "loding) [7:34pm]«+ Waylon » "looks like i dont have much of choice mate, seems like i'll be joining the kiddie here" [7:34pm]«+ Fortrez » "Er, I'z goin ta sleep outside, me' thinkz. Not much coin, see. Plus I don't mind da rainz dat much. It'z refreshin' loik." [7:35pm]«@ DMchapel» "Oh, no worries, friend! The pouch the halfling gave us more than covers the food and drink, and the lodgings." [7:35pm] * Crunch peers towards the window [7:35pm] "perhjaps indoors would be best [7:36pm]«+ Fortrez » "Oh alrigh' den, (at Kamuzu) Tankz mate!" [7:37pm]«@ DMchapel» "Would you be here for the meeting then? You lot seem the travelling type, and we have got another group headed for the Continent soon. The two merchants there be Race and Erek. Tyrrel, their guard captain, could use few more hands this trip to the coast." [7:37pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "Anytime!" [7:37pm]«@ DMchapel» Upon hearing his name, Tyrrel gets up from his stool and heads over to join you, "Bah! Ned, I said I needed a few more soldiers, these lot barely look to have left their mother's skirts!" He winks at the group, "But if you are headed to the coast, have naught better to do, and can stay awake when needed, I'd be glad to have the eyes," he looks to Fortrez, "and the arms." [7:37pm] * Fortrez grins and flexes a bit [7:37pm] * Crunch stands taller when he see Fortrez [7:38pm]«@ DMchapel» "So, what shall it be then, men?" asks Tyrrel [7:38pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » *shrugs* sure [7:38pm]«+ Waylon » "any coin involved mate?" [7:38pm] "aiding in the cause of the good and just is always a task I shall accept eagerly" [7:39pm]«+ Treladren » "I'll be staying as thanks to you sir" [7:39pm]«+ Fortrez » 'I'll do it, mate. Not much bettah tingz on me list tah do." [7:40pm] * Waylon sighs [7:40pm]«@ DMchapel» "Ha! Well, you can ride the wagons during day, you can eat your fill at night. Depending on how well you do, and if we all live, there may well be coin involved for you." [7:40pm]«+ Waylon » "we can settle up when we get there i guess" [7:40pm]«+ Fortrez » 'Ha har! Dat's da spirit, boyz!" [7:40pm]«+ Treladren » "I might as well, I'm not getting anything done sitting here drinking cider..." [7:40pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » good enough for me! [7:41pm]«+ Waylon » "driking that cider might help you find a date, of course you might need a dress first" [7:42pm] "Ho-ho" [7:42pm]«+ Treladren » "Are you implying...." as I stand up [7:42pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » *BWA-hahaha* I like you Mr. [7:42pm]«+ Fortrez » "Ha ha ha! Would ya listen tah dis!" [7:42pm]«+ Waylon » "now now mate, just some friendly joshing" [7:42pm] "See I told ya" [7:42pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » Nancy boy needs a date! [7:42pm]«@ DMchapel» "Good to hear, good to hear. I shall see you at sun-up around back at our wagons, we leave early." Tyrell turns to the two merchants, whom you assume must be Race and Erek, and they all head up to their respective rooms. [7:43pm] * Treladren sits back down... [7:43pm]«@ DMchapel» Ned let's you know how glad he is to hear you "fine boys" will be helping in the struggle, and he too heads off for bed [7:44pm] * Crunch runs his eyes over Fortrez........figuring that physically that would be the only person in the bar that would be able to match him [7:44pm]«+ Fortrez » "Any o you boyz fo an arm wrestle?" (catches Crunches eye) [7:44pm]«+ Waylon » "a bit interested in our orc friend? eh?" [7:45pm]«@ DMchapel» Mila, the serving woman, lets you know that the stew in the hearth should be good for a few more hours, then she and Petra leave as well [7:45pm]«+ Fortrez » "Uh half-orc, sur" [7:45pm]«@ DMchapel» the minstrel is quietly snoring now in a chair by the fireside [7:45pm]«+ Treladren » [ooc] are they leaving their cup? [7:45pm] * Crunch grins wryly [7:45pm]«+ Waylon » "you still said orc right?" [7:45pm] Ahhh well.........(fake hesitation) why not [7:45pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » arm wrestle? [7:45pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » NO SIR! [7:46pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » wanna play a coin game? [7:46pm]«+ Fortrez » "Not too good wiv coinz" [7:46pm] "I am a man of fatih, you will find very little coin on me" [7:46pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » c'mon [7:46pm] * Crunch checks purse [7:46pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » its easy [7:46pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » its called "Heads I win, Tails you lose" [7:46pm]«+ Waylon » "coin game eh?...i would, but i would surely hate to leave my new friends with empty pockets" (BLUFF) [7:47pm] * Treladren watches silently [7:47pm]«+ Fortrez » "'Ey soundz loik cheatin ta me" [7:47pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » I assure you, its completely legit. [7:47pm] * Crunch muscles in on the table closer to Fortrez...........we have our own game at the moment. [7:47pm] *saying the last [7:47pm]«+ Fortrez » "Roight" [7:47pm] * Fortrez positions arm [7:48pm]«+ Waylon » "hey kiddo (motioning towards Kam), how bout a bet on these two?" [7:48pm] * Crunch shrugs off his robe and then positions his his arm next to Fortrez [7:49pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » sure [7:49pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » I got theOrc [7:49pm]«+ Fortrez » "Oo 'ere wants to off'shiate?" [7:49pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » *runs over to Fortrez and massages his shoulders* [7:49pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » You're my horse baby, dont let me down! [7:49pm] * Crunch smiles [7:50pm]«+ Fortrez » "Oi datz da stuff" [7:50pm]«+ Treladren » "I'll call it" [7:50pm] "you know they usually put down lame horses" [7:50pm]«+ Fortrez » "Wot, I wazzn't listenin'" [7:50pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » bah! [7:50pm] * Crunch chuckles. [7:50pm] * Treladren puts my hand on both competitors clenched fists [7:51pm]«+ Treladren » "On [7:51pm]«+ Treladren » two [7:51pm]«+ Treladren » three! [7:51pm] erm......roll? Or can I just wiin? [7:51pm]«+ Fortrez » likewise [7:51pm]«+ Waylon » ooc: d20 plus strenght [7:51pm]«+ Waylon » my guess at least [7:51pm]«@ DMchapel» aye [7:51pm] yeah [7:51pm]«@ DMchapel» d20 plus str mod [7:52pm]«+ Fortrez » roll 1d20 [7:52pm] * DMdicebot --> "Fortrez rolls 1d20 and gets 11." [7:52pm] +3 but I can get +1 faith bonus to total +4 [7:52pm] roll 1d20 [7:52pm] * DMdicebot --> "Crunch rolls 1d20 and gets 1." [7:52pm] 0.0 [7:52pm]«+ Waylon » bahahaha [7:52pm]«@ Celdia» Wow, pwned. [7:52pm] * Treladren chuckles softly [7:52pm] * Crunch stares blankly [7:52pm] * Treladren sits back down [7:52pm]«@ DMchapel» The half-orc wins easily [7:52pm]«+ Waylon » ooc: so what, did he get thrown out the window or what? [7:52pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » OH YEAH BABY!!!!!! [7:53pm]«+ Fortrez » "I'z da biggest so I'z da best, don' take it too arshly, now." [7:53pm]«+ Waylon » "(to modren) oooh, bad luck mate....hope we dont have to put you down now" [7:54pm] * Fortrez sits back and puffs pipe [7:54pm] * Crunch glares at Waylon........ [7:54pm]«+ Waylon » "hahaha, it was good show mate" [7:54pm] "well done Fortrez, you are indeed stronger than I had though [7:54pm] t [7:54pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "so *cough* Waylon was it? *extends open palm* [7:54pm] * Treladren gets up for a bowl of stew [7:54pm]«+ Waylon » "maybe you two could take it on the road" [7:55pm]«+ Waylon » "aye, thats the name, got something in your throat again?" [7:55pm] * Fortrez follows Treladren's lead and gets some stew [7:55pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "no no no....just wonderin what I won from out bet there." [7:55pm] * Treladren returns to the table... [7:55pm] ooc: Wife just came in because I was choking after laughing so least I got another brew [7:55pm]«+ Waylon » "oh i would gladly pay up, but theres the matter that deal was never sealed see?" [7:56pm] "What was the wager Waylon?" [7:56pm] * Fortrez calls from stew pot "Can I get yew boyz any o dis grubbinz?" [7:56pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "well THATS a crooked deal.....but hey, I would have said the same if I just enjoy the free stew" [7:57pm]«+ Waylon » "maybe next time eh?" [7:57pm] "Aye Fortrez I could use some" [7:58pm] * Fortrez returns with two stew bowls and places some in front of Modren [7:58pm] "Thanks mate" [7:58pm] * Waylon grabs a bowl of stew [7:58pm] "I not been bested by many, what do you do for training?" [7:59pm] * Treladren mutters something unintelligible [7:59pm]«+ Fortrez » "Monk stuff an' da loik" [7:59pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "Well, I'm not sure about the rest o' ya, but I think i'm gonna hit the hay" [7:59pm]«@ DMchapel» just find a softish, cleanish spot and go for it [7:59pm]«+ Fortrez » "Noight Kamuzu, tanks again fo da grubbinz" [7:59pm]«+ Treladren » "I think I will do the same..." [7:59pm] "Monk aye.....I've studied a bit of that........didn't work out for me" [8:00pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » "No problems of you get it next time" [8:01pm]«+ Waylon » "sure thing kiddo" [8:01pm]«+ Fortrez » @Modren "Iz not fo ev'ry one I guess, but yewz still a strong one." [8:01pm]«+ Fortrez » "Noight Trel'dren" [8:01pm]«+ doublezeroSTR » *heads into a corner and sleeps with 1 eye open* [8:01pm]Parts: doublezeroSTR ( «7 users » [8:02pm] * Treladren nods to Fortrez [8:02pm]«+ Fortrez » to table: "Don't say much, dat one" [8:02pm] * Waylon pushes chairs together for a makeshift bed [8:03pm] * Fortrez takes hint and prepares a spot to sleep, bringing a bowl of stew with him [8:03pm]«@ DMchapel» is everyone bedding down for the night? [8:03pm]«+ Fortrez » ooc: guess so [8:03pm]«+ Treladren » ooc{yes} [8:04pm] "Full belly, early start tomorrow........yeah I should bed down as well [8:04pm]«+ Fortrez » "Noigt boyz" [8:04pm] * Crunch prays then finds a spot [8:04pm] * Fortrez immediately falls asleep and begins snoring [8:04pm] Quits: Fortrez ( (Quit:) [8:05pm] * Waylon mumbles some things and studies a book [8:05pm] * Waylon eventually falls asleep [8:05pm]«@ DMchapel» well, thats about it for the night then. looks like we'll pick up in the morning next week [8:05pm]«+ Waylon » sweet [8:05pm]«+ Waylon » so who leveled up? [8:05pm]«+ Treladren » lol [8:06pm]«@ DMchapel» heh no one yet [8:06pm] lol [8:06pm]«+ Treladren » i thought we were playing for about 3 hours, but if this is it, okie dokie then [8:06pm] Crunch ( is now known as Modren [8:06pm] should have changed my nick an hour ago =-\ [8:06pm]«@ DMchapel» well, we didn't have everyone here, so i don't really want to head out without them [8:07pm]«@ DMchapel» (and i would have been winging it once we started out) [8:07pm] just make the orc carry them =-D [8:07pm]«+ Treladren » no prob...everyone's ready to start next week, then, right? [8:07pm] yeah [8:07pm]«@ DMchapel» dunno, didn't hear from sasquatch [8:07pm]«+ Treladren » he'll show up....gnight then! [8:08pm]«+ Waylon » i guess im ready [8:08pm] Quits: Treladren ( (Quit:) [8:08pm]«+ Waylon » hey chap, do you have the story bits already written out? [8:08pm] DMchapel critical failures? [8:09pm]«@ DMchapel» i've been trying to work them up ahead of time so i can just cut/paste when necessary [8:09pm]«@ Celdia» You need me for anything else tonight Chapel? [8:10pm]«@ DMchapel» Nay, Celdia. I'll send you a write-up sometime this week [8:10pm]«+ Waylon » aite, couldnt tell if were doing that or not [8:10pm]«@ Celdia» Excellent. I'll be in touch. [8:10pm] Quits: Celdia ( (Quit:) [8:10pm] * Modren hands a Myers Rum with OJ & fresh Lime to everyone in #fazedcampaign [8:10pm]«+ Waylon » well, its been fun, cant wait for next week [8:10pm] Goofiest script thing I got here........ [8:10pm] * DMchapel drinks heartily, then sputters [8:10pm] yup it was nice to play again [8:11pm]«+ Waylon » let me know if i need to work on that character sheet, it didnt feel done when i sent it [8:11pm]«+ Waylon » well later [8:11pm] Quits: Waylon ( (Quit:) [8:11pm] see ya man [8:11pm]«@ DMchapel» sorry if i seems a bit slow, im still actively playing in my d20 Modern game. we're in a firefight [8:12pm] your dNd nerdness impresses me =-P [8:12pm]«@ DMchapel» meh, we were supposed to play yesterday [8:12pm]«@ DMchapel» trying to multitask [8:13pm]«@ DMchapel» i'll try and post this mess as a narrative in the forum. but i'mma head back to the table now [8:14pm] Quits: DMdicebot ( (Quit:) [8:14pm] Quits: DMchapel ( (Quit: g'night) [8:15pm] * Disconnected Session Close: Sun Dec 09 20:15:36 2007