Start of #fazedcampaign buffer: Sun Dec 16 21:58:32 2007 * Now talking in #fazedcampaign * dicebot has joined #fazedcampaign * Retrieving #fazedcampaign modes... * Celdia sets mode: +o dicebot * Modren has joined #fazedcampaign hola <12Celdia> Heyla first player here gets bonus XP correct? <12Celdia> Hmm...I don't get final say in that but I'll bring it up with Chapel. I don't see why not though. :D sweet <12Celdia> I'm having the strangest technical problems. ? <12Celdia> Something is making my main computer think I'm holding the Shift key constantly. IRC or other? <12Celdia> Other best I can figure. Sticky keys blow <12Celdia> I've tried multiple keyboards, tried taking apart my main keyb, tried reinstalling drivers, reboots, virus scans...nothing helps. Is it "gummed" down ahh * Treladren has joined #fazedcampaign <12Celdia> Oddest part was, I was working on it all morning and I get up for 2 minutes to get a drink, come back and its fragged good morning everyone <12Celdia> And then there were 2. allow me to get into character *putting on my robe and wizard hat* can you play with the accessability options in the CP? sup Treladren <12Celdia> Nicely done, Tre. * Modren leaves room <12Celdia> I hadn't thought to poke around in there. I'll give it a go maybe after game. <12Celdia> I'm on the backup system in the house and all my notes are on my flash drive so it ports easy enough. thank you, thank you...I may be distracted for a few minutes, until the Eagles/Cowboys game is over...I don't get to see my Eagles on tv too often <12Celdia> That's fine. I'm eating and watching the LOTR trilogy on TNT. Its a nerdgasm day. <12Celdia> Boromir just got shot. nerdgasm...all right..giggity I did nerdfest last night.........2 days in a row.......hasn't happened in many many years groo and axis and allies i try to have nerdfests...but the old lady and the kid, they don't care for it....I need a new family. <12Celdia> Bugger to that I turned my wife into a nerd for a couple she has sworn it off for the most part. I'm only joking...I already divorced her once for calling Star Wars stupid. nice i sure showed her. <12Celdia> Damn skippy. So how much of yer nerd stuff did she get in the settlement? hey, Cel...that handbook wouldn't open, compy said file was corrupted. <12Celdia> I dont think you got all of it before teh end of session. i didn't have a lot of nerd stuff left, we had to sell most of it before we divorced to pay bills and shit i say we, but it was my stuff...."we" decided to sell it <12Celdia> Pity how that works, eh? it sucks, but it is just stuff. <12Celdia> My wife couldnt get me to let go of my gaming stuff and when she realized I liked all of it more than her, she took the kid and left. it's not like it was going to make me rich. yes "stuff" can always be rplaces replaced indeed...I don't really miss it much... so, any word from the rest of the crew? <12Celdia> I'm told Waylon won't be here, optherwise no word. 10-4 so we get to eat the sorcy this time? lol <12Celdia> :D <12Celdia> I laughed my ass off when I read that bit about becoming food for the rest of the party that was good...i was telling the old lady, and...nevermind. It's a rough party to be in I should have asked last time, but I didn't think about it.... are the PCs given an "adventurer's pack" filled with rope, rations, torches, etc.? or is that stuff we should buy? <12Celdia> Thats stuff you should buy. I ask, cuz I don't really know what all to buy. <12Celdia> Well you've got a few of the basics down right there <12Celdia> But it really comes down to looking at the list of gear in the equipment shop and figuring out how much you can afford, how much you can carry and what looks useful lets see here...I've got a bedroll, 3 days of rations, 50ft of rope, 4 torches, and a waterskin All of it is useful.........get it all.......oh and a mule you are going to need that lol <12Celdia> The problem with the mule is you gotta feed it. THe bonus is when you run outta feed you have more rations. yay! Animals tend to make parties "monster bait" as well........... <12Celdia> Hmm...15 past. Does anyone have a direct way of getting in touch with the other players? I'm not above running the game with only two present but I'd truly rather not have to. <12Celdia> Truth. And they are never tied to that tree when you come back out of the cave I do not have a way of getting in touch with them...I'll check fazed, see if theyre there. Most the people left fazed as their pref brb * Modren has quit IRC (Quit: 14« 14Ë×Çü®§îö14ñ14 14» 14Info14«14v9.514» 14Released14«14October 27, 200314») <12Celdia> roll 1d6 * dicebot --> "Celdia rolls 1d6 and gets 1." <12Celdia> Oh good its working. * Modren has joined #fazedcampaign * Sasquatch has joined #fazedcampaign evening sorry I am a bit late took me a bit to get the irc client working <12Celdia> S'alright. yo * Sasquatch is now known as Lackef howdy sas! evening <12Celdia> Lackef, you weren't here last week so I don't know if you've been appraised of how the technical bits are going to work in here yet or not. not really.. but I figured I would wing it <12Celdia> Alright. Only major thing is the @dicebot is our public dice roller. Player dice are public rolls. The activation is typing 'roll' followed by the number of and type of dice you need for a roll. Some examples- <12Celdia> roll 1d20 * dicebot --> "Celdia rolls 1d20 and gets 4." <12Celdia> roll 2d6 +2 * dicebot --> "Celdia rolls 2d6 +2 and gets 4." <12Celdia> There's a shit roll, eh? easy enough roll 1d20 * dicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20 and gets 16." roll 1d6 * dicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d6 and gets 1." gort it roll 12d6 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 12d6 and gets 38." <12Celdia> Right so the nice and simple of something like attacking with a +3 to hit (from whatever bonuses) would be <12Celdia> roll 1d20 +3 * dicebot --> "Celdia rolls 1d20 +3 and gets 15." <12Celdia> And so on. <12Celdia> Its a nice little script once all the bugs get worked out of it should we pm you our spells for the day once we start? <12Celdia> *I* trust you to keep track of your own spellbooks. do you need/want a copy of character sheets? fair enough <12Celdia> I have copies of all your characters sheets, updated to Chapel's most recent copies. k * Modren has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * Modren has joined #fazedcampaign my bad.......installing a script and had an "issue" my bad.......installing a script and had an "issue" <12Celdia> Well, lets give Fortrez and Kamuzu another 5 minutes. If they're not here by half-past we'll get a move on and they can zombie along with Waylon until the players show up. if they show up. All agreed? sure sure sounds good to me i'm good with that wtf double type now? wtf double type now? <12Celdia> Got an echo, Mod? what, are you a stutterer? perhaps a stutter <12Celdia> Check yourAmber hair, blue eyes, fair skin, 5'2" <12Celdia> Ack not that I meant to install not that I meant to install <12Celdia> Dont mind that. goddamned paste ... * Lackef casts mordrien's dissapearing stutter in Mordren lol thanks man Thanks man <12Celdia> If anyone cares, that'll be the generic description of a few companions that will be running with you oh ffs Oh ffs <12Celdia> Spell Resistance! * Treladren smacks Modren upside the head to reset they are all 5'2 with blue eyes and amber hair? Clones! "danger will robinson. danger.. nice spell checker I have here huh hhhmmmm lol [6:28pm]« Treladren » "danger will robinson. danger.. I was typing that =-( lol one more try for this thing <12Celdia> Twins, actually. <12Celdia> But I suppose that spoils some of the surprise good thing I've got my robe and wizard hat dont worry about speeling... I can't type anyways I wont tell the rest of the party about it I promise <12Celdia> Is everyone familiar with the /me function of IRC? yup * Lackef is * Treladren is familiar * Lackef puts on Trelarden's robe and wizard hat that's ok...i'm no wizard anyways <12Celdia> Excellent. If its not too much trouble could you use that for your in-character actions? That way there won't be any misunderstandings on my side as to who's doing what meh neither am I * Treladren uses this for in-character actions just a Humble servant of Gaerdal Ironhand <12Celdia> If I'm reading my sheet right, we've got a Fighter and 2 clerics present? Could be worse. Alright, let us begin. As I recall you all ended last week bedding down in the Inn's common room? correct yp yp ok <==fighter * Celdia is now known as DMCeldia * Modren has quit IRC (Quit: 14« 14Ë×Çü®§îö14ñ14 14» 14Info14«14v9.514» 14Released14«14October 27, 200314») * Lackef is worth a half a Cleric * Modren has joined #fazedcampaign done You are awakened by heavy footfalls coming from the stairs leading into the common room. Standing on the bottom step is Tyrrel, garbed in half a suit of full-plate. Behind him and a step higher in an elf woman wearing robes bearing religious symbols and carrying the remainder of what you can only guess is Tyrrel's plate. The room is lit only by the pale grey light of dawn. welcome back * Treladren yawns * Treladren stretches, looks around for belongings * Modren stretches and eyes the pair "mornin'" * Treladren nods in acknowledgement to all present * Lackef wakes and bows to the pair Tyrrel nods to you all and speaks quietly, "Grab your things and meet us by the stables when you're ready. And do come quickly. We need to be off." He and the elf step quickly out the front door, the jingling of metal buckles accompanying their exit. "well met Travellers I am Lackef CLeric of Gaedral Ironhand" * Treladren rises, looks for piss-pot, gathers belongings * Treladren extends hand to Lackef. (sorry if we had met them before) * Modren starts gathering his things Lackef, since you were absent I'm going to just throw out the assumption that you've met everyone and joined on for the wagon-guard job. "Well met Lackef "morning, I'm Treladren...glad to meet you. * Lackef shakes hand * Lackef dresses quickly adjusting his chain shirt and affixing his weapons "Straight to business Tyrell is eh? I could use some eggs personally." * Treladren is ready for business "May we say a little prayer for the group before we leave?" (Anyone with ranks in Knowledge (relgion) can feel free to make a check to recognize the symbols on the elf's gear.) roll 1d20 +3 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20 +3 and gets 4." I will try.. what do I need to roll? two 1's in a row for me =-( you need a +19 modifier, lol roll 1d20 +2 * dicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20 +2 and gets 2." I'll buy one at the next stop dicebot SUCKS roll 1d20 +2 * dicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20 +2 and gets 5." hmmm i think you'll have to add the modifiers outside of the rolls is higher or lower better on skill checks? Higher for everythin ok... * Fortrez has joined #fazedcampaign roll 1d20 * dicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20 and gets 5." ok so I guess that would be a 7 then * Treladren nods at Fortrez so no more +'s in the script command right? * Fortrez waves Another elf, looking terribly similar to the woman (but this is a man you *think*) comes down the stairs not but a minute later, this one garbed only in thin robes with no particular markings on them. He smiles genially at Modren as he passes through the room and speaks softly, "The innkeep has supplied us with some food to break our fast with. We eat on the road though. Come along, eh?" roll 1d1+4 * dicebot --> "DMCeldia rolls 1d1+4 and gets 5." roll 1d1 +1 * dicebot --> "DMCeldia rolls 1d1 +1 and gets 1." No space on that. Wellmet Fotrez roll 1d20+3 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+3 and gets 18." gotcha roll 1d20+2 * dicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+2 and gets 20." "Eh wotz goin on boyz?" Fortrez, welcome to the game. You've missed little so dive right in. that works "Better get packed there Fortrez, were movin out shortly" (Religion checks over 15 recognize the holy symbols of Corellion Lotharien (or however the hell its spelt, Matron Goddess of Elves)) * Fortrez has quit IRC (Quit: ) * Treladren is anxious, like a prize-fighter right before the bell rings * Modren prays quietly to Gilgamesh as he makes his way towards the door * Lackef says his prayer to Gaerdal to protect the group * Lackef is suited up and ready * Treladren wonders why Fortrez is mumbling about brains??? (Assumuing you all grab your gear and move out) As you round the doorway into the stables you come upon Tyrrel helping the priestess into a suit of breastplate armor, he himself now fully suited up in his full plate. The male elf is checking the harnesses on the horses hitched up to the wagons. Tyrrel looks displeased about something and he ties off the last binding on the woman's armor. "Is there something you need help with, Tyrrel? " Is there anything we can help you with Friend? Tyrrel speaks to you all, "Gentlemen, meet some of my crew. This is Krystal," he motions to the priestess, "and her brother, Lerris. Yes, there is. our fourth, a man by the name of Graff, is missing. I wish I could say that it comes as a surprise..." he sighs heavily. "Let that man near drink and he'll always go finding trouble." * Treladren nods to Krystal and Lerris * Treladren is not volunteering himself to look for Graff "Wellmet Krystal *bows* and Lerris. Perhaps we could go get Graff for you if you could tell us where to look? "Are we waiting for Graff then? Anyone looked for him yet?" The elves greet you all warmly, exchanging quick introductions before Tyrrel continues. "We'll need to find Graff before we set off. I doubt he's left the town itself, but if he's still got a coin to his name I'll be impressed. I'd like you all to see if you can find him with some haste. Lerris will go with you, since I haven't a picture of the man to send with you. Krystal and I will see to things here." * Treladren follows lerris "So what is the man's description?" * Modren follows " is there another Tavern in town besides the inn we stayed at, perhaps wityh his penchant for drink we might find him there" Lerris smiles, seemingly amused by this whole predicament and says simply, "We should check around some of the less tan reputable establishments. its where we usually find him." Lead the way Lerris, you are far more familiar with this town than I "So do we get extra coin for the babysitting?" Modrend laughs "Graff, he's a thin man, dark hair, dark eyes....not particulary tall, nor short. He makes a good everyman. Save for the scars. Those kind of mark him out in a crowd. Alas..." Lerris spreads his hands. "Indeed. Lets be off." He strolls out of the stables, as if without a care in the world. * Treladren smiles at Modren's remark, but it is hidden by my robe * Lackef shakes his head and sighs (Everyone, make Gather Information checks) roll 1d20+2 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 and gets 11." i don't know what that is.... Just a Charisma check if you have no ranks. roll 1d20 * dicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20 and gets 13." it. roll 1d20 So 1d20 plus or minus any charisma bonus * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 and gets 16." I'll get the hang of it eventually, :) don't feel bad 3.5 is new to me too I have a desk full of papers spread out in front of me for reference it's been years since i've played D&D, so little stuff like that I don't remember anymore...I'll get the hang of it, tho. Alright. You poke around town for a bit, asking a question here and there of people up early, opening their shops or running errands. Treladren chats up a young woman as she is opening the shutters on a bakery and hears that she saw a man by Graff's description being physically tossed out of the Black Bear Tavern at the south end of town the night before. * Treladren relays this information to the rest of the group "Sounds like a visit to the Black Bear Tavern might be in order" Lerris assures you all that this is a perfectly normal occurance and immeadately heads south. * Treladren can has doughnut? * Lackef follows Lerris The bakery won't have any goods available for at least another half hour. The girl tells you to check back then for the first bread of the day. * Modren hopes there will be breakfast * Modren groans * Lackef casts Duncan's wonderous dounut for trelarden * Treladren is disappointed, but nods his appreciation "Perhaps the Black Bear will have something for us" It takes you a good fifteen minutes to locate the Black Bear, currently locked up from closing the previous evening. A quick search around the building reveals a dark haired man wearing muddy, grey clothes slumped in the corner of an adjoining alleyway. Lerris pipes up, "Well, at least they left him his clothes." * Lackef goes to get a closer look at the man The man's face is pocked by numerous scars, and a fresh slice across his cheek that is still covered in dried blood. * Modren follows Lackef * Lackef casts cure light wounds on Graff roll 1d8 * dicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d8 and gets 7." * Treladren stares in amazement at Lackef's "spell" "best hangover remedy that is" Modren smiles * Lackef offers Graff some water from his pack Don't forget the +1 for caster level on that. The wound on Graff's face seals up under the influence of the magic and some of the color returns to his face as he slowly comes around, muttering in a rough voice. "Agh...wurr..wurr'm I? Oh, hell... * Treladren tries shooting sparks out of his fingers Lerris grins down at the groggy Graff. "Did they leave you with anything at all this time? I don't see your armor, or your sword..." He begins to cast his gaze about theatrically. * Modren offers his arm to Graff to haul him to his feet Graff takes Modren's arm and lurches to his feet, wobbling some once he's upright. "Nae, they took it all this time...Tyrrel's gonna 'av my hide..." * Modren observes Graff......steay enough to walk DMCeldia? steady* Treladen's attempt to 'shoot sparks' is meet by small globes of light appearing at his fingertips and floating about harmlessly. (Spot and Listen checks) Yes, he appears steady enough to walk. roll 1d20+5 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+5 and gets 8." spot roll 1d204 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d204 and gets 37." roll 1d20+4 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+4 and gets 19." listen I'll take that 37 though ;-) lol :) Tre? Lack? Your rolls? How did you do that Tre?! roll 1d20 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 and gets 14." listen roll 1d20 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 and gets 9." roll 1d20+4 * dicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 and gets 7." for spot and roll1d20+6 roll 1d20+6 * dicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+6 and gets 19." for listen "Trelarden, Please don't toast us with those fingers of yours" * Modren smils at Lackef knowingly "huh?" Lerris starts laughing quietly to himself before clapping a friendly arm across Graff's shoulders. "Let us go, men. I'm sure Tyrrel is going to be most cross about Graff as it being any later than necessary will only complicate things." * Lackef gives modren a knowing wink "let's head out then" The town is getting busy with the rising of the sun. Did anyone want to stop for anything before getting back to the inn? "FOOD" Modren blurts "I could use some food...perhaps that bakery???" "only if you promise not to shoot things out of your fingers again" "I imagine our boy Graff here could use, something as well." "I wish I knew what you were talking about." " a bit of bread would do him well to soak the toxins out" * Treladren wiggles fingers at Lackef * Lackef ducks and chuckles The bakery is on the way and Lerris doesn't seem to mind a *quick* stop, adding that Graff looks like he could use some food before facing Tyrrel. You make your way to the bakery and the only thing that is available this early is fresh bread. They have a dark loaf for 3 coppers or a white loaf for 5 coppers. A single loaf could easily feed two men. * Treladren shakes head in wonder "HaHo" "lets get some bread...I'll spring for a loaf" * Lackef checks his pockets for coin * Modren orders a loaf of the dark * Treladren orders a loaf of the white * Lackef orders a loaf of the dark assuming he has any coin Moments later you exchange coins for bread. The dark bread has a sweetness to it you can't place, while the white is a savory herb bread of some kind. All in all, its quite good. * Modren eagerly begins eating the load loaf* woops lol I haven't got a clue about what coin you have left after equipment purchases. I'm assuming you have at least a few coppers on you. Lerris gets a loaf of dark and splits it with Graff, making sure to finish before returning to the Inn. * Lackef breaks his loaf in third and offers some to Lerris and Graff i haven't got a clue how much money i have after equipment purchases either.... * Lackef eats half of his loaf and carefull stores the rest in his pack realizing that lerris an Graff have their own * Treladren splits my loaf in half...makes a gesture to share "No thank you brother, I am full" * Treladren takes other half and puts in with my rations...eats You return to the inn and get to witness a very harsh dressing down of Graff by Tyrrel that involved just about every curse you know and a few you didn't, including one or two spoken in Goblin. Lerris is busy trying not to die of laughter while his sister (obviously his twin in this light) seems completely unamused by the whole proceeding. * Treladren shifts nervously * Modren occupies his time praying Tyrrel rummages inside one of the wagons and produces a dagger and a crossbow, thrusting them at Graff and telling him to go and "make yourself useful" before heading into the Inn to collect your beenfactors. Krystal takes a moment to talk to each of you quietly. * Lackef waits patiently his head bowed in prayer As she steps away from each of you, she speaks loudly enough to be heard, reciting "Corellion's blessing upon you this day." to each of you in turn. Sorry guys, afk a minute: Bio break. ....sounds good, gotta p...brb I may have to go into zombie mode for a bit, wife cooked a roast and I need to eat * Lackef is now known as zombieLackef I shall return Alright, I'm back. Can I get a 'here' from all present? here I use a capheter ;-) Eww... and poo pouch here ick Right-o. I haven't left my desk in weeks i've got the image of the WoW guy in South Park... hahaha yeah wrist brace on his mouse hand cheetos on his chest lol just like that.....except with a wizzy hat lol sounds like lACKEF IS AFK FOR A BIT Tyrrel returns with the two merchants in tow and a canvas sack he hands to Lerris. Erek and Race climb into a small passenger cabin on the forward wagon while Tyrrel climbs up onto the front bench, Krystal up there just behind him. Lerris distruibutes the contents of the pouch, fresh buttered rolls and some thick slices of good cheese, to everyone before climbing up beside Graff on the bench of the second wagon. "Anywhere particular we should be seated?" * Treladren thanks Lerris * Modren stows the good in his backpack with the other half loaf * Treladren puts food with my other rations Tyrrel speaks, "That's breakfast. We eat as we move. We're later than I wanted to leave as it is. You'll be walking alongside as we go I'm afraid, but it's not like we'll be travelling at a gallop anyways. You should be able to keep up. Let's move." He cracks the reins with a 'Yeee-ahh!' and the horses put their weight against the harnesses and roll out of the stables. * Treladren follows the crowd * Modren adjusts his pack for a long walk and follows "How far are we traveling?" You all are free to mkae discussion as you travel and if no one has any actions they feel a need to express, I can just move onto the next event I have planned. I have nothing........ DM, pm Krystal responds and pulls out what appears to be a small map as she speaks, "Well, this town is still about 2 days travel from the crossroads to Valorn." She shows you the map and points to a few marks on it. "We'll be heading west until we reach the crossroads then south to the port city. That's almost another two days past the crossing." * Treladren has nothing Noted. "Thanks Krystal." She nods and folds her map away. Near midday a banging comes from inside the front wagon and Tyrrel pulls the horses to a halt. Once at a stop, Race steps out of the cabin and announces its time to stop for lunch. Tyrrel and Krystal eat sitting up on the bench, pulling rations from a box underneath it. Erek never emerges from the cabin but Race climbs up onto the second wagon and begins discussing something animatedly with Lerris while he eats. * Modren asks Tyrrel if he can toss his pack in the wagon. Tyrrel: "I don't see why not. There should be some room. Go ahead and stow it." "Thanks" * Modren looks in for a suitable place for stowing his pack * Treladren prefers to carry his pack After some seeming agreements, Race hops down and addresses the entire wagon crew at once. "Ahm, it seems our dear friend Graff has come upon something of potential value afterall. I've been studying it all morning," he pauses to show around a small carving looking like a plant bulb sitting atop a square block, made entirely of black stone "and it appears to be a kind of magical compass. If I'm understanding it right, its pointing to something- -not far off our path. I'd like to go find out *what* exactly so we'll be making a detour when I feel we've gotten close enough to break off the main road for a bit. There's extra pay in it for you men, doubly so if it leads to what I'm hoping it does." **Knowledge Arcana roll? Sure. roll 1d20+2 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 and gets 15." You get the impression that the object holds some kind of Divination magic, but without closer study you won't be able to tell what spell exactly. DMCeldia said "If I'm understanding it right, its poi" what's the rest of it? "Hmm is there anything in that direction on the map? How far of a detour do you think we are talking about?" Ah. It doesnt show me the cut off "-it right, its pointing to something" thanks "I'm willing to go along with that, Tyrrel" "err....Race" Race stares at Modren for a long moment, a bewildered look on his face before blinking as if struck by an epiphany. "Ah! Right, the map! Krystal, give it here!" He all but sprints to stand beside her while she shifts around her lunch and gets out the map. * Modren rolls his eyes and smiles Race studies the map for a long....*long* moment before handing it back up to Krystal with a quiet 'thank you' and smiles brightly at the group as a whole. "I haven't the foggiest!" He says with a disturbing amount of cheer, "but I'm quite certain its not too far out of the way. Well then, finish up your lunches yes? And we'll be on our way by your command Tyrrel, yes? Good." "It's your coin. I am in" * Treladren nods approvingly Tyrrel sighs heavily at Race's antics. "Trust me, gentlemen...the pay is always worth his insanity. Let's be on." * Modren nods and continues * Treladren acknowledges Tyrrel's notion * Modren moves up to where Krystal is seated There really isn't room for that, Modren. then I don't =-) As day trails on into evening, Tyrrel pulls the wagons off the road. "We'll make camp here." He turns his head back, "Graff! Set up the tent. Alone. You others, make yourself comfortable while Graff shows you why we don't drink to excess." he says with more than a hint of satisfaction. He gets down from the bench and Krystal follows, assisting him out of his armor. * Treladren makes myself comfortable, taking my pack off my back Graff struggles with the rather sizeable tent, fumbling poles and canvas sheets, collapsing the whole thing when neaqr completion more than once, muttering the entire time. * Treladren pretends to pay no attention to Graff * Modren goes off to the side to do stretch and do some excersice Lerris pokes around for a while before coming back with a small pile of stones and builds up a fire with some wood he pulls out of a chest attached to the side of one of the wagons. He rummages around in the front wagon and pulls out a small cauldron he sets over the fire and begins some kind of culinary work. * Treladren eats food given away by Lerris this morning * Treladren asks Lerris if there is anything I can do to help, after eating * Modren comes over to the fire after working out for a bit to claim his share of the meal Soon after the smell of a simple stew fills the air, Graff has an 8-man tent set up, Tyrrel has hobbled the horses with some stakes and the merchants are sitting near the fire. Tyrrel addresses the group. "We've got plenty of eyes here. I'd like you all to pair off and pick a watch for tonight. We'll go in five two-hour watches." "Modren, care to share a watch?" Lerris happily accepts any help with the cooking, even if it is only a simple something. (+2 bonus to the Craft (Cooking) check for the evening) "Works for me Treladren" "Early morning, before dawn, appeasable with you? "Ideal for me since I usually like to be awake before dawn" Tyrrel nods to you both and sets up a watch schedule with the others. The stew ends up being much better than anything else you've managed to get your hands on in the last few days. It would seem Lerris is a skilled cook and Modren's help certainly didn't hurt any. Tyrrel alerts you all that he'll be on first watch with Graff and that you'll be woken up for your watch in turn so to try to get some rest. There's room enough in the tent for everyone and the merchants bunk in the wagon. "we should probably beddown thn shortly? Anything else before you hit the sack? nadda * Treladren silently takes exception to Modren's credit for the should be mine... nothing for me...I'm full Sorry Tre. My mistake. i'm just being pissy The lines start to blur together atthe top of my screen np.. hhe no had me looking You sleep easily enough and are awakened by Krystal shaking your shoulder lightly, first Modren then Treladren, her armor only making the faintest noise in the tent. You notice Lerris getting himself ready to go back to sleep during your watch. She speaks almost too quietly to be heard, "Its best to watch from the wagon tops. Go on now." * Treladren wakes up, tries to get up quietly "Thanks" * Modren smiles to rystal ?me gathers his weapon and armor and moves outside * Modren gathers his weapon and armor and moves outside * Treladren does the same, trying to be quiet * Treladren climbs onto the wagon tops * Treladren surveys the surroundings as best as I can You manage to exit the tent without disturbing the others and getting onto the wagons is easy enough. Spot and Listen checks. * Modren moves to the wagon top and lays prone facing the opposite direction as Treladren spot roll 1d20 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 and gets 15." listen roll 1d20 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 and gets 15." roll 1d20+5 spot * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+5 spot and gets 23." roll 1d20+4 listen * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+4 listen and gets 10." adding the roll after works...sweet is very nice, yes I will think of a way to break it later I am sure ;-) Nearing the end of your watch, almost dawn-time, you (both) spot a figure coming down the road from the West (the direction you were heading in). Its smallish, humanoid and alone. * Treladren gets down from wagon, looks for a spot near the road to watch this spot should be more than 50 feet from the camp * Modren attempts to catch Treladren's eye.......... Treladren, Spot to notice Modren roll 1d20+1 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+1 and gets 3." roll 1d20+1 silent * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+1 silent and gets 10." roll 1d20 spot modren * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot modren and gets 8." * Modren stays atop the wagon Assuming the first was the Hide roll. As you move down off the wagon, the figure down the road stops where he is and drops onto his belly in the road. You don't notice Modren trying to get your attention. yes, sorry how close to the intruder am I? He was about 400' down the road you'd estimate. If you're moving to a spot 50' from the camp, he's that much farther away. I'll keep an eye on him from a ninja Is htis a road we are on? Is he headed directly towards us Do we have a fire going? roll hide? * dicebot --> "Treladren Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" You're just off the road, which is really more of a beaten dirt path through rolling grasslands. The fire you had burning earlier is banked down to coals only now. He would have been coming directly down the road in your direction, yes. Sure, roll Hide. Also, Spot again, both of you. roll 1d20+1 hide * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+1 hide and gets 2." roll 1d20 spot * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 5." roll 1d20+5 spot * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+5 spot and gets 17." roll 1d20+4 listen * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+4 listen and gets 15." Treladren seems to think that standing upright in wasit-high grass is a great hiding technique. :D The figure rolls sideways off the road and into the grass. Treladren loses sight of him but Modren you can see the grass moving where he is. Its still approaching, albeit, slowly. * Modren whispers I still see him......and he sees us lol * Modren whispes we should rouse the others.......he is hiding for a rason I would assume * Treladren whispers back, I can't see him... * Treladren moves back towards camp role for silent? If you like, go ahead roll 1d20+1 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+1 and gets 18." I attempt to call out he forms position Call out what? the forms distance and relative location to Treladren Gotcha. You relay the information. Tre, make another Spot. * Modren pfftt toss me a small rock roll 1d20 spot * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 7." You still can't seem to find him out there. * Treladren tosses Modren a pebble Can I ready a spell? does it make it faster to cast? You can ready an action in response to someting you expect to happen or even a period of time passing. You'll react with your action when the states trigger happens. stated* How far is the form? distance* Nearly 300' away now. spot check? * Modren waits and observes for the time being Go ahead. roll 1d20 spot * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 14." You see the motion of the grass near where Modren direted you before, but closer now. directed*, I hate this keyboard. Modren, should I wake Lerris? "Yeah, it appears to be coming our way, and hiding......." * Treladren goes to tent to try to wake Lerris Lerris wakes and is swiftly alert, "What is it? What's the problem?" He seems calm. Modren, you notice the thing still advancing. * Treladren tells Lerris what's going on outside Lerris nods. "You were good to come to me with this. Let us see what else we can discover. Come." He darts out of the tent, silent and swift as the wind. A moment later he is atop the wagon beside Modren, peering into the darkness ahead. * Treladren follows * Treladren follows Lerris * Modren looks to where the shape came from then back to the shape. (looking for others) Lerris speaks quietly, "If there's more than one thing out there, I can't spot it. You two stay here incase more come along. I'll go see if I can incapacitate our guest." He smiles brightly and slips down the opposite side of the wagon and fades into the grasses. (Spot) roll 1d20 spot * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 4." dammit * DMCeldia snickers. roll 1d20+5 spot * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+5 spot and gets 8." jinkies You both lose track of the intruder and the elf. The moments pass silently, each one drawn out, your own heartbeat echoing in your skulls. * Treladren whispers, "I don't see anything" * Modren readies jumping down if and when he heers a struggle to bolt in that direction for aid "nor do I * Treladren sees Modren, and readies himself as well...cuz I'm a copycat and can't think of these things myself Suddenly there is a burst of rainbow colored light, almost blinding against the dim light of false dawn. (Spellcraft) Lerris stands up from the grass where the burst of light is and waves you over. * Treladren jumps down and goes towards Lerris "pretty rainbow" Making a Spellcraft check, Modren? sure roll 1d20+2 splcrft * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 splcrft and gets 19." * Modren bolts in that direction You make your way over to the wizard and find him standing over a very unconscious goblin, who is lightly armed and armored. "GILGAMESH!!"" * Modren ahem * Treladren eases stance, as it appears Modren knows this goblin Lerris grins a bit. "Seems to me we've found a scout. Or at least I hope so for his sake. Its not normal to see these fellows wandering about alone." "Rarely do these lot travel alone" * Modren looks around * Treladren looks around too... roll 1d20 spot * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 1." lol * Treladren hides you role crit? * zombieLackef is now known as lackef wb lackef "We should get him and ourselves back to capm" Lerris nods a bit. "Treladren, would you mind hauling this lump back to the camp, perhaps introducing him to some of our rope? He should be out of it for a bit longer yet. Modren, you seem to have keen eyes. Come with me." He heads up onto the road, obviously expecting his instructions to be followed. roll 1d20+4 * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+4 and gets 24." Lackef, you would be asleep currently. But welcome back, all the same. * Modren follows as silently as he can * lackef dreams he saw someone yo lackef * Treladren takes rope from pack, ties goblin up Spot checks, Tre spot and Use Rope checks roll 1d20 spot * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 14." roll 1d20+5 spot * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+5 spot and gets 7." roll 1d20+1 use rope * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+1 use rope and gets 5." * Modren shakes dicebot i'd like to kick him, lol * dicebot was kicked by DMCeldia (DMCeldia) * dicebot has joined #fazedcampaign lol ty cel Lerris and Modren scout about until the elf is satisfied there are no more intruders near the camp then return to the wagons. * Treladren picks up goblin, brings to camp After a short while the goblin comes around. He realizes his predicament and begins to struggle against his bonds. * Treladren smacks goblin one time against side of head The ropes hold. The goblin reels from the smack and begins jabbering at Treladren. It doesn't sound positive. * Treladren makes shhhh sound at goblin Is the goblin carrying anything? Lerris frowns. "Tyrrel speaks Goblin so far as I know but I wouldn't want to wake him for just this. If you two think you can keep him under control until night's end, I'll go back to bed for the duration." "We should be able to handle this" "thanks, Lerris. Sorry we had to wake you" "thanks" The goblin is wearing leather armor, has a crude morningstar for a weapon (currently removed from him) and a small pouch hangs from his belt. It jingled appreicably when you toted him to camp. ty dm "We should strip him Treladren" He nods and smiles. "Quite alright. You did your duty. The boss'll be pleased. Good luck." He quietly slips into the tent. "you can...ick" "he smells of elderberries" "can you understand this gibberish?" Ha! "no, i have no idea what it is saying" The goblin gibbers some more, bares its teeth, hisses and then spits in the dirt at your feet. "i'll climb back up top to continues watch.....should we tie him to the wheel or something?" * Treladren shows the goblin my fist in a threatening manner The goblin snaps at you Tre, like an angry dog, but doesn't get close enough to actually bite you. "you watch up there, I can't see anything tonight...I'll keep watch on this little guy * Treladren keeps watchful eye on stoopid goblin "Thump him will be quieter" "I don't want to anger him more...he may not talk if we beat him up" "Do as you wish.....just keep him quiet. Should we gag him?" * Modren returns to his original post and continues watch The rest of the evening passes uneventfully. Tyrrel has a few words with the goblin after daybreak while Krystal and Graff break down the camp. Lerris does something with a bit of magic and all signs of the firepit from the night before fade. After a while, the goblin is silent and Tyrrel unties him. The goblin hands the wagonmaster a wooden chit of some kind from the pouch at his hip. "where did this foul goblin come from?" Tyrrel makes a quick announcement. "This here is...Grr'th. He's given us a safe passage token for his tribe in trade for us letting him go free. Don't harm him." He gestures to the goblin and the road, says something else in goblin and the little beast nods and hurries on its way to the east. * lackef kneels and says his prayers to Gaerdal * Modren watches the goblin leave * Treladren is ready for breakfast " I care not for making deals with foul beasties such as that, but you are still our leader so I will abide." Tyrrel: "The tribe of the White Hand, according to him and this token. Not all goblins are bad...just most of them. You did good work last night. Keep it up and I'm sure the bonus will be worth it." * Modren nods "thank you, Tyrrel" * lackef readies his equipment "It was Lerris mostly." "this is true, I can't take credit for anything...I was lucky he wasn't more dangerous Lerris distributes some less-than-fresh rolls and more of the good cheese from the day prior for breakfast once camp is packed up. * Treladren eats heartil y * lackef offers up some his leftover dark loaf to the group as well Lerris: "It would have been worse had you two not seen him in the first place. We all do our best and we all profit, eh?" He smiles brightly and takes his seat on the rear wagon. I consume the other half of my loaf form the pevios day and stow the ne rations Krystal gladly partakes of the offered bread. Tyrrel: "Alright, let's go, gang. Race is more than a little excited over that trinket he's gotten now and wants to make some good time today. Yee-ah!" * Treladren is ready to go * Modren takes up his place beside the wagon "Sounds good , let's head out" The morning sky clouds up not long into the day, and by noon the rumbling of distant thunder foretells of rain yet to come. Lunch is eaten on the go today, and thankfully finished before it starts to drizzle on the wagons, muddying the road and slowing travel a bit. Near mid-afternoon, Krystal stands up on the bench, hand guarding her eyes from the rain, peering into the distance. "There are men ahead, on the bridge over the river. Many men." *** roll for a spot check? Go ahead. roll 1d20 spot * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 9." roll 1d20+5 spot * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+5 spot and gets 10." good thing i gots these glasses on roll 1d20+4 spot * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot and gets 23." Tre, Mod, you see nothing ahead. Lackef, you can see the bridge and you *think* you can make out at least a handful of bodies. "how many are there?" I think I can see a handful of bodies.. I can't make out much Krystal: "At least a handful, maybe a half-score. I can't be sure." "how many is a score?" Tyrrel: "I don't like this at all. There weren't guards on this bridge last time we crossed it. Ready your weapons, just in case." "hopefully there are White Hand, and our pass is valid A score is 20. "10 men? That's it?" "that's a lot..." * Treladren readies mace, checks armor * lackef casts bless on tyrrel I'd like to note that counting our zombie players and the NPCs, there are twn of you. ten* * Treladren stares at lackef in wonderment..."what are you doing?" we put them in front Lack, Bless is a burst from you, affecting any ally in the area. just getting a little help from Gaerdal my friend It could easily affect all your allies in one casting, but you think it would wear off before you got to the bridge. Noted. * Treladren wonders what all the hand motions and mumbling is about As you get closer to the bridge you can all count the bodies ahead. There are, in fact, ten men, all humans, and bearing no markings of any affiliation. Two men are at the far end of the bridge, crossbows held at the ready. The other eight stand shoulder to shoulder, two-deep, across the bridge at your end. One of them, better dressed than all but another who is similiarly outfitted steps forward. Tyrrel speaks quietly to you all. "Say nothing. Follow our lead." * Treladren stays silent * Modren allows himself to fall back step back toward the rear of the wagon * lackef stays quiet and observes * Modren looks to Tyrrel The bridge-leader speaks with an air of arrogance. "Well met, travellers. This bridge collects tolls from those that would pass over it, by order of the local law." Tyrrel and Krystal both leap down from the wagon, Tyrrel speaking, "Is that so? And what toll is called for passage if I may ask?" * Modren brandishes his mace The bridgeman grins widely. "Only a minor token. One hundred gold pieces. Else you can feel free to travel north around the river...should only add a week or two to your trip." Tyrrel spits on the ground, hand on the hilt of his sword, he lifts a shield from under the wagon bench and Krystal does the same. "And if we choose not to pay or go around?" * Modren mutters a prayer to Gilgamesh The crossbow men take aim and the bridgekeeper draws a short sword, as does his well-dressed partner. The others on the bridge brandish clubs. "Then we can beat the fee outta you." He gestures with his chin towards the wagons. "Git 'em, boys." (Roll Initiative) roll 1d20+1 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+1 and gets 17." init is + dex right? yes roll 1d20+1 init * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+1 init and gets 2." roll 1d20+6 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+6 and gets 15." Zombie-Fortrez tops the order. I like the zombie prefic lol prefeix For sanity's sake, I'm going to have him advance to the front of the wagon and ready an attack on anyone closing. The Wagon party goes next (consolidated to one Init for my ease) < sounds good to me> Graff fires his crossbow at one of the archers at the far end of the bridge but the show goes wide. Lerris leaps down and advances a bit, loosing a ball of acid from his fingertips at the other archer. It strikes true, catching the thug in the face, melting half his skull away in a single blast. "ewwww!!" Krystal and Tyrrel charge the well-dressed bandits, longsword and greatsword throwing droplets of water as they arc towards their targets. Krystal's blade lands well and incapacitates the mouthy one. Tyrrel's greatsword finds a weak point in the other's armor. He's injured but still up. Treladren, you're up. am I close enough to hit one of the enemies? without having to expend a move You would have to advance. If you were with the front wagon, you can move then attack. If you were with the rear wagon, the only way to close will be a charge attack. Or take a double move and don't attack this round. I was with the rear wagon...i will take a double move You can move to engage with Tyrrel's target or past them to engage with one of the club bearing thugs. advance me to a position where there is something blocking me from crossbow bolts, perhaps a wheel or chest You want to move to take cover and not into combat? I've got a lot of people going after me, if I can take cover and be in position to attack next round, I will do it. non-charge attack next round. Options: Move alongside the wagon, have half-cover. You can move to there and attempt to attack with your sling (if my sheet for you is correct) or you can move between the wagons for full cover. The half cover move, sling attack or no, will place you close enough to move and attack next round. half cover, no sling attack (it's not out or ready, it's in my pack) Noted. Zombie Kamuzu takes a half-cover position and casts Magic Missile (I have no spellbook for him so I'm faking it) at the other archer. The bolt of force strikes but does not kill. Modren, you're up. * Modren Casts Bless ****50' blast +1 attack and saves for all allies 1 minute duration***** All allies are affected by Bless for 1 minute. < can bless spells stack? > No. Same bonus type. Highest wins. Oh hell. I mixed up my characters. Kamuzu's not the caster, Waylon is. < that is ok Waylon casts the missle.> Oh well, details. Zombie Waylon casts that magic missile now. Kamuzu whipped a sling stone at the archer, beaning him but not downing him yet. He's beat, bad. The thugs go next. The archer shoots Lerris and hits, wounding him. The thugs advance to swarm Krystal and Tyrrel. While the sword-fighter's attack is deflected by Tyrrel's shield, two of the thug land solid hits on him. He's hurt, but still more than capable of fighting on. Krystal defends herself against three attackers with a practiced ease. Lackef, you're low man on the totem pole. Have at. Am I close enough to use an action to ready my sling and attack? Were you with the rear of front wagon? or* not a clue I was zombiefied roll 1d2 * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d2 and gets 1." Front then ok If you attack one of the ones in melee there are penalties and a chance to hit your allies. If you attack the man across the bridge I think you'll be at a range penalty. I would like to aim for the one that got missled and beaned Alright, if I'm reading your sheet right, you've got +2 to hit with that, +1 from Bless and -2 for range, so attack at d20+1 ok roll 1d20+1 attack * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+1 attack and gets 13." That hits, roll damage. stone is 1d4 or 6? nm 1d3 roll 1d3 * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d3 and gets 1." *plink* i thought it was 1d4... 1d3 for little people like myself The sling stone hurtles across the open water and strikes with a wicked >thwack< and the archer reels a bit and topples over. k...nm Zombie Fortrez takes a step up and goes crazy monk on the thugs. His flurry attack misses with the first strike but connects on the second, cold-cocking the club-wielding bastard. He drops. " 3 down friends, Gaerdal will see us through yet!" " 4 down , Well Done Fortez" Lerris lunges forward towards the battle. splays his fingers, hand over hand and screams out an arcane verse. A burst of flames leaps out from his fingertips and engulfs two of the thugs attacking his sister. One dodges aside, only singed but the other burns from head to toe and the smell of cooked flesh fills the air. Graff reloads his crossbow and takes another shot at the ones around Tyrrel. The shot grazes the wagonmaster's plate mail. "Watch where you're aiming that damned thing, Graff!" Tyrrel screams. Tyrrel's sword comes around in a brutal arc, lopping the head from the remaining sword-fighter and the blow carries through into another thug, rending him asunder at the midsection, his innards spilling out onto the muddy roadway. 0.0 Krystal brings her longsword up and back, thrusting it forward and ending the burning man's anguished cries with one stroke. Treladren, 3 Bandits remain, 1 attacking Tyrrel, 2 attacking Krystal. i will attack the closest of the 3 bandits remaining... roll 1d20+5 mace attack * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+5 mace attack and gets 14." The one attack Tyrrel. You get a bonus for flanking the enemy, +2 to hit. This stacks with Bless. i didn't include the bonus flanking or +2 You hit, roll damage. is there any bonuses??? Not to damage. roll 1d8 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d8 and gets 7." wasn't sure, been a while Tyrrel's distractions give you the opening you need and you bring your mace down on the thug's head. Hard. The back of his skull splits a bit and he collapses into a heap without even a sound. Zombie Kamuzu draws a dagger and moves to flank one of the remaining bandits. Modren, you're on. 2 Bandits are on Krystal, one is flanked between Krystal and Zombie Kamuzu * Modren charges forward to close the distance between himself and the closets enemy closest* Roll to attack at +2 for charge and +1 for Bless. * dicebot --> "DMCeldia Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" Shut up, bot. hhehehe +1 for my once a day bonus for str as well roll 1d20+4 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+4 and gets 13." So be it. That will hit. Roll damage. (Damn skippy. I think a 12 would have missed) lol charge does what to damage? Nothing to damage. Its a bonus to hit and a penalty to AC for the round. roll 1d6+5 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d6+5 and gets 10." +4 str +1 bless Bless only adds to hit, not damage. aww 9 But still, you rush the singed thug and lunge at him with your last step, bringing the mace around in a vicious strike across his temple, crushing in the one side of his skull and distending the opposite side around the temple. He falls down, dead. The Zombie Waylon holds his spells for the round, thinking the remaining thug not worth burning more magic on. The last thug looks around at his fallen comrades, throws down his weapon and begs for mercy. * Treladren goes to back of back wagon, covers myself with my robe Krystal kicks the man's club away and Tyrrel stomps once on the man's back, pinning him. "Strip the bodies of their gear, and take this one's as well. Someone, bind his hands while I decide what do to with him." * lackef offers healing for Tyrell and Lerris Lerris waves off Lackef's treatment for preference of his sister but Tyrrel gladly accepts. * Modren sees to the stripping and binding of the enemies * lackef casts cure light wounds on Tyrell Roll me a Use Rope, Modren. * dicebot --> "DMCeldia Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" * Treladren kneels at back of rear wagon, trying to be unseen roll 1d8+1 * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d8+1 and gets 6." roll 1d20+2 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 and gets 16." ^-----use rope brb Okay. roll 32d6 * dicebot --> "DMCeldia rolls 32d6 and gets 97." roll 8d4 * dicebot --> "DMCeldia rolls 8d4 and gets 23." " Krystal , my apologies do you you need healing as well? I didnt see them lay a finger on you" You collect 97 copper pieces, and 23 silver pieces. Also, two light crossbows, two short swords, two suits of studded leather armor and seven useable sets of padded armor. The clubs are worthless but they're available. Krystal: "Nae, I don't, but thank you." She smiles briefly and tends to her brother's wounds. Tyrrel: "Modren, how much did you pull off of them?" They are in the underwear He wants to know about the coin amount. Do you tell him the truth? YEs back, sry Tyrrel: Divvy it out, 2 silver and 9 copper each, I'll take the remainder." Tyrell :do you need more healing? Do * Treladren adds money to moneybag * Modren looks for those that are injured after I am finished with my tasks of securing enemies Tyrrel flexes his sword arm at the shoulder some. "I'll be alright, save your treatment for now." * lackef nods Experience AwardL 75 each Sweet level 3!!!!!!!!!! Lol oh wait well thanks DMCeldia < wow the exp reqs have dropped alot since 2nd ed :) > lol I send him pronz he sends me xp =-) Does anyone want any of the armor or the crossbows? Otherwise it'll get put in with the wagon cargo for sale later. not me.......just community treasure. I'm deciding... Should we post it in the forums and have anyone claim what they want? That way we have a week to fight...I mean decide who gets what I'll be giving the game log tonight to Chapel to decide on extra details like that later, and for posting to teh forum no, i do not I really cant carry much more.. I will snag a crossbow. Okay. wait I can't even use that........I will think on it There were a collected 11 bolts on them You dont have simple weapons? You should. I do...I was thinki cross was martial Nope, Shortbow and longbow are. i ned to get out the books......... then one is sold to Modren Light and Heavy Xbow are simple no it is simple looking at book now Reload is a move action crits on 19-20 for x2 1d8 dmg....80ft range? I will pick up a crossbow too Okay. clerics arm up!!! You might want to split some of that ammo between you. 5 and 6 on the bolts modren? sure you take 6 ok thanks Krystal and Lerris take the remaining bandit aside. Krystal knocks him to his knees while Lerris chants a bit. She speaks in harsh tones, "You're a criminal in the eyes of the law and the gods. Corellion's mark of justice upon you. Walk now to the village a day and a half east and turn yourself in." Lerris gestures and a glowing red rune appears on the thug's forehead. His hands bound before his, Krystal puts a half-loaf of bread in his hands and pushes him on his way. He looks back once but trudges east as far as you care to watch. She calls after him, "Atone, criminal, and be forgiven. In time." * lackef nods in approval at the tough but fair justice meted upon the bandit Tyrrel takes his post again. "Everyone alive? Good. Everyone ready?" His eyes scan the group. "Close enough. Let's move. There's still daylight behind this rain." He cracks the reins. * lackef loads back onto the first wagon and rides out * Treladren trails behind last wagon * Modren resumes his trot The rain doesn't relent for the rest of the day and you are all thouroughly soaked by the time you reach the crossroads. A small inn is situated here and Tyrrel says you'll be staying the night there. He talks to the stableman while Krystal heads inside to bargain for some rooms. "Awarm bed and a full glass of ale is a welcome site" "Aye I could go for a cup of mead myself" * Treladren eagerly awaits a warm room..and remembers to type me this time "Perhaps has been awhile" The first thing about the common room you notice is the smell of sheep. Its not unpleasant but its noticable. A glance around reveals the room to be empty of patrons other than Krystal. She waves you over to the bar where she talks with an older woman. "Looks like we've got the place to ourselves for the night. I've arranged rooms for us all. We'll have to share though. There are only 4 chambers upstairs." "I'll share with whomever wants, I'm not picky" " It matters not to me either, I am small and take up no room" The older woman smiles. "Ah ken set y'up some racks fer yer clothes by the fire if'n y'like, gents. We even have some old bedshirts if'n y'need a change of garb. They're shabby but clean." "Room is a room at this point "I'll take you up on your offer, madam" * Treladren takes off wet robe * lackef smiles "Thank you good madam for your generous offer. I am soaked through more than a cat in a waterspout" She nods and continues. "Dinner'll be mutton stew. S'all we have I'm 'fraid. Oh, and bread. Its good bread, mind. You boys go on ahead and dinner'll be along soon. Ahll send th'boy up with shirts inna moment." * Treladren minds his mammy "Clean shirts and a warm meal, I can hardly wait Krystal agrees and is first to head up the stairs, Lerris stepping inside a moment later and following her up without a sound. A few minutes later, Tyrrel's heavy steps can be heard entering and you assume Graff with him (unless you're there, then you see him). * Modren heads upstairs eager to get out of his wet clothes * lackef readies himself for dinner * Treladren goes upstairs, unsure of where he is sleeping * Modren peers inside the rooms and takes the first room that isn't occupied by 2 people already A young man with a club foot and a serious limp brings you shirts as promised. He speaks not at all and simply knocks at the doors as he passes down the hall. When you return to the common room the fire is stoked and wooden racks are set a safe distance away, Krystal's and Lerris' things already draped over them. "Modren, wanna split?" * Treladren puts on clean shirt "Sure" * Treladren turns into Spongebob: "YAY!!" The two elves, similarly clad now and hair hanging free look very much the same from the shoulders up, but from there down, one could not possibly mistake Krystal as anything but a woman. You are even taken slightly aback at what a leather bodice and metal breastplate can conceal. This is not to say that Lerris doesn't still look like a flat chested girl. Elves. Go figure. HAHAHAHA * lackef notices her figure and quickly looks at anything else in the room, it doesn't matter ANYTHING "I had no idea elves were this...this..." * lackef says a silent prarer for forgiveness to gaerdal * Modren nods to each member of the party in turn and proceeds downstairs in his clean dry clothes He waves you over and smiles as he speaks. " 'Granny' Belle says there's ale or water to drink. Thanks to the rain, the water's even fresh. The stew and bread will be out-" and as if on cue, the limping boy and Granny Belle come out with several bowls on a tray and a basket of steaming bread. "-now." "Looks fantastic, I'll hav an ale when you have the chance madam Belle" * lackef opts for water and waits for the others to dig in before he joins them Tyrrel and Graff come down a bit later. Graff informs Granny that the merchants would like their meals upstairs and slips her a coin. She smiles and nods before returning to the kitchen. Her voice calls from the back, "Boy, get their drinks!" Her call is not unkindly though. * Treladren goes for the water, begins eating his bread and stew * Modren eats heartily * lackef smiles at Granny Belle , "It is very good ma'am Thank you" The boy mutely takes the drink requests and does a rather quick job of returning from the kitchen with them. Tyrrel , the only one of you not wearing one of the extra shirts but an outfit of grey linens, pulls what looks like Krystal's map out of a pocket and sets it on the table. "The bosses had some more time to look over things today." He gestures to a point northwest of the crossroads. "They think the thing is pointing out here somewhere." ***How late are we playing guys**** Tyrrel: "I want to leave Lerris, Graff and Krystal here with the wagons while the rest of us head out there on foot to check it out. If this map is accurate," He glances to Krystal who nods meaningfully, "this area is a bit hilly, so we might be doing a bit of climbing. We're planning on a full day off the trail for this. So get a good night's rest tonight." (Until you guys want to stop or you get to Valorn, the port city. (I don't have anything past arrival in the city) I'm good either way "Aye, Sounds Alright to me Tyrrel" (We all want to keep on going?) keep going I can stay for another hour Modren? sure I am in i have a fe more brews ;-) Alright. Quick bio break, and we'll move on from here. i had an orange...i wish i had a beer...stupid weight loss program I am so far off of my diet right now spring is going to be a mother Alright, I'm back. Ready? ready * lackef nods The meal concludes uneventfully, and more drinks come as ordered. If anyone orders more than three ales though, Granny informs you that your tab is only paid for three and extra will be 2 copper per mug. no ales for me, I'm driving * Modren staps at the 3 ale limit Graff whispers something to Lerris and the elf nods, smiling and excuses himself from the table for a quick moment, stepping outside. He returns with a small metal case and hands it to Graff. The rogueish one (who you'll note has been drinking water all night) removes a flute from the case. ***graff is the rogueish one?*** (Aye, rogue through and through. They keep his expensive gear, like tools and the flute in the wagons due to his propensity for losing everything while gambling and getting rolled when passed out in an alleyway) Graff tries his hand at a few dancing tunes that come out more than a little strained, but not too harsh on the ears. He moves onto a slower piece of music and seems to have found his rhythm, performing it with great skill. After another song or two, to which the serving boy and Granny clap a beat for a more energetic one and the elves even have a go at a dance with it, he packs up the instrument and gives it to Lerris to return to the wagon (because they hide these things from him. For his own good, you understand.) They group pretty much breaks up after that, retiring to their rooms mostly. The zombies hang around downstairs for a bit longer than the rest before stumbling upstairs. * Treladren finds his way upstairs and passes out in the room he shares with Modren I follow Treladrenwhen he goes * lackef nods to everyone and retires for the night Alright. The night passes quietly, but the morning is more than a little boisterous. Race is obvious raring to go come first light. Tyrrel argues him down to waiting until after breakfast has been served. * Treladren goes downstairs, feeling refreshed...looks for food * lackef readies his armor, weapons and supplies and then bows his head for his prayers Breakfast, also paid for already, is a porridge-like dish, sweetened with honey and served with mutton chops and small dark bread loaves. Tyrrel: "Eat up, gang. As soon as you're done, gear up and we head out." * Treladren eats...then gathers his stuff * Treladren is ready when the rest are * Modren wakes up early, does his prayers and some exercise then heads down for a meal to avoid confusion, my stuff includes my robe. Tyrrel heads outside with his armor as soon as he finishes his meal and gives you all a meaningful look they conveys the thought 'Dont dally, but don't rush." * lackef heads out behind Tyrrel * Modren eats and gathers his gear in a timley fashion then heads out Outside, in the rear yard of to the inn is a large pen full of sheep, baa-ing quietly at each other. Beside it, Lerris is assisting Tyrrel with the last of his armor straps while Krystal and Graff are having a sparring match from the look of things. Race is sitting atop the fence, his outlandish robes gaudy in the morning sun. Race: "Well! We're ready to go, yes? Good good! Let us be off then." " I am ready " "yes, lettuce" Tyrrel assigns a loose marching formation with him at the front and the rest of you around Race in a general sort of circle as you move. * Treladren follows Tyrrel's orders Following Race's directions, which seem fairly consistent although he does occasionally pause and just contemplate everything for a few minutes at a time, spinning in a slow circle before continuing on the same route as before he paused. * Modren follows and keeps his eyes open * lackef watches ahead of the group * Treladren watches his step The rolling fields recede into rocky hills after a few hours and while the going gets a bit rougher, its nothing that needs any special gear to traverse. By midday you feel fairly lost into the wilderness (Survival check to shake this feeling). roll 1d20+5 survival * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+5 survival and gets 9." roll 1d20+4 survival * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+4 survival and gets 20." rolls 1d20 survival * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 survival and gets 9." Lackef, you shake the feeling but Modren and Tre, you feel completely lost. "I feel lost" " Don't worry I think I know where we are still" The sun starts to descend and Race pauses to check his bearings again and turns back the way you came. "Oh...I do believe we've gone right past it. Uhm, let us turn back, yes? Good.." His voice holds an edge of worry. * Treladren is a little worried "are you sure you know how to use that thing? Tyrrel sighs heavily and calls for a full-about, pausing to let Race recheck his bearing more often now. After another half hour or so of walking, the bearing turns aside again. Race begins to scramble about with the widget until he seems rather convinced whatever you're looking for is under a specific outcropping of rock. "What are we looking for?" "Ahhhh of course a cave" * lackef looks intently at the outcropping looking for signs of anything unusual Tyrrel looks at Treladren and shrugs. Race doesn't even look up from the rocks he's now climbing over, "I'm not sure but when I find it I'll know it!" Lackef, give me a Search check. roll 1d20+1 search * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+1 search and gets 16." Lackef, you're quite certain that just behind one of the boulders of the rockpile is a cave of some sort. " I think I have found a cave just there behind that boulder" "are you quite certain?" :D Race: "Excellent! See, I told you!" * DMCeldia glares at Treladren. :D < is the boulder blocking the entrance? > Yes. "Should we move this boulder? " if anyone has a staff perhaps we might be able to get some leverage on the boulder" Tyrrel sets down his shield. "Sounds like a plan. There's enough of us, let's give it a go." * Modren leverage * Modren puts his back into it * Treladren pushes against the boulder roll 1d20+9 * dicebot --> "DMCeldia rolls 1d20+9 and gets 15." * lackef strains pushing agianst the boulder his little legs pushing for all they are worth hehe The boulder starts to give some, rocks back and then tumbles on out of the way, tipping onto a flat side and lying there, out of the way now. There is definately a cave inside. (Spot checks) roll 1d20 spot * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 11." roll 1d20+5 spot * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+5 spot and gets 18." roll 1d20+4 spot * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot and gets 20." < I am awful observant tonight > Treladren, I'm afraid you don't notice anything inside. Modren, Lackef, you both spot two things of note. First, the scattered skeletal remains of some kind of creatures (Knowledge (nature) checks please) and you also notice that at the back of the cave the floor descends into the darkness beyond. "Hey, what's in here?" * Treladren walks inside cave Tre, you roll like my roommate. Every character he makes has Spot and Listen checks of 10 or less, always. * Modren grabs Treladren Modren, if you want to stop him, make a touch attack. "Hold for a bit Treladren" Forcibly that is. "Hold off tre.. looks like some skeletal remains, could be someones lunch" touch attack it is "who would eat a skeleton?" * Treladren waits to enter roll 1d20 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20 and gets 13." " The remains of lunch" no str bonus for that? I have no Nature Knowledge nor I Modren grabs your arm in an attempt to stop you. Since you declared a stop, the grapple check will be unneccesary. Afraid not. Knowledges are Trained Only Lemme check the Zombies Hey zombies!!!! Get over here No good. Alright, in this case, I'll allow a Heal check, which is just Wisdom if you don't have ranks. roll 1d20+6 heal * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+6 heal and gets 16." roll 1d20+4 heal * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+4 heal and gets 16." < hoorah I healed the skeletons! > lol bad lackef bad I'll give it to you. You think they were human remains,or humanoid at the bare minimum. Spot again, everyone. roll 1d20 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 and gets 11." roll 1d20+5 spot * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+5 spot and gets 16." YAY!!!! roll 1d20+4 spot * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot and gets 12." Modren, you notice what looks like a sword of some kind under some of the bones in the far corner. * Modren picks up a stick and casts light on it Okay. "What the....!!!!" * Modren holds it inside the opening With the cave lit, you can all see the light glinting off the battered blade in the distance and the descending back-end of the cave. "I assume that we are going in here Tyrrel? * Treladren tries to copy Modren's movements prior to the stick being magical * Modren waves the stick at Treladren Tyrrel: "That's what the boss wants. You boys ready?" "GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!!!" * Modren mutters a prayer to Gilgamesh * Modren steps though the opening 1 step * Treladren gathers his composure... * lackef nods solemly and draws his hammer * Treladren readies mace "There is a sword down there......I can see the glint in the light" "where? * Treladren moves closer "Steady Treladren........ * Treladren stays at teh front of the group "Stick with the group..........or you could be a skeleton on the floor as well Modren, as you step inside, the magical forces at work in this place becomes active. The skeletal remains being to tremble and rise up from the ground, animating of their own will and coming together, whole again. The undead are among you. (Roll Initiative) nm roll 1d20+1 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+1 and gets 19." BAM! roll 1d20+6 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+6 and gets 19." wait are we rolling init? yeha roll 1d20+1 * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+1 and gets 10." < crap> Modren, fittingly, you lead the count. * Modren turns undead Get Back you cursed beings Note: The cave entrance is only 10' wide but inside its nearly 30' across, circular in general shape. Where it descends at the back is only 10' wide again. Alright, make a turning check\ roll 1d20+2 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 and gets 16." Good god. Alright, now roll 2d6+1+your Cha mod. roll 2d6+3 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 2d6+3 and gets 7." The Holy Power of Gilgamesh fills you and is expelled in a burst of golden light. All six of the skeletons are wrapped in the divine power. Tre, you're up. um...attack the closest skeleton with my mace roll 1d20+5 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+5 and gets 12." Alright. You'll have to move in to attack any of them. You gain +2 from the effects of the turning which brigns your attack to a 14, which hits. * Treladren does not know what magic spells do besides magic missle roll 1d8 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d8 and gets 3." "Take that!" You bring your mace across the break away a few bones from the monster's ribcage, sending the spilintered bits off to the edge of the cave. Tyrrel recognizes the turning effect and charges one of the skeletons. While his attack looks like it should have dealt significant damage, the edge of his sword slides right off the bones. Zombie Waylon sticks with the old standby of Magic Missile and takes the head off of one of the skeletons. This doesn't seem to slow it down any though. Lackef, your turn. I move in and attack Tres target if I can with my hammer You can. roll 1d20+4 (+2 for str and +2 for turn) * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+4 (+2 for str and +2 for turn) and gets 7." Aye that. The Zombie Fortez moves in and strikes but fails to deal any damage. The skeletons all turn tail and flee in terror. They rush down the back of the cave and a loud rumbling and crashing sound can be heard from below, the ground beneath your feet shaking. Yes he should. That attack should have been 4 points of damage higher, Tre. At the very least. * lackef steadies himself as the ground shakes Tre, do you swing that beast of a mace in only one hand or do you use two? i might as well use two, i have no shield Then you get +6 damage for using two hands due to your Strength bonus. That attack did 9 points, which would have vaproized the poor skelly. word So consider him toast. Zombie Kamuzu moves up into the cave but doesn't follow for fear of the big noise. that is why I missed him he was no longer there * Treladren considers vaporized skeleton toast, decides he is not hungry Modren, you're up again. Do remember, if you get within 10' of the skeletons, they'll attack you despite the turning. yeah * Modren just picks up a large rocks and heaves it It clacks loudly against the cave walls. Tre, you're on. "ATTACK!!!" roll 1d20+5 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+5 and gets 14." They've all run away down the hall beyond the front chamber. And technically into the dark. i probably don't want to do that.... I'll hold my action Tyrrel steps up to Modren, "Let me have that light of yours." * Modren hands it to him "That sword may be bait * Modren searches around the area Tyrrel takes it to the back of the room and looks down the cave hall. "They're still cowering and they've caused a cave-in. Come on and let's finish them!" Is anyone going? Zombie Waylon advances and cast another Magic Missile into ....the not darkness anymore. You can't see the effect but he seems pleased. Lackef, you're next. If so I will go but I bring up the rear of the group NOted. I will attack...what's the worst that can happen? I move forward and attack one of the skeletons that looks hurt roll 1d20+4 attack * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+4 attack and gets 13." Tre's held action goes in time with Lack. Roll your attacks. roll 1d20+5 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+5 and gets 22." 0_0 Lack, is that with the +2 from the turning? Tre, you hit. yes ... roll 1d8+6 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d8+6 and gets 10." Sorry, 13 is too low. do I get a chance to parry? Tre, you destroy another one, and make note that the deadfall seems to have taken on out as well. so that's 3 I've gone smashy-smashy on? Modren, youre on. The Zombie twins both missed. Only two so far this fight. If I can find a large enough rock to throw at them that will do damage I will do that Make an attack roll, 1d20+dex-2 roll 1d20 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20 and gets 12." miss =-\ Miss. Tre! yes? may I attack another one? Go go go! roll 1d20+5 * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+5 and gets 10." No hit. well, i scared em at least * lackef feels the missed blow whizz over his head Tyrrel swings with his greatsword and takes a small chunk out of one of them. It still 'lives'. Zombie Waylon swings with his quarterstaff and knocks a piece off of the same one. Lackef, go. I attack roll 1d20+4 * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+4 and gets 13." No hit. Zombie Fortrez steps up and just fuckstomps one with his fists. Its nothing but powder. atta-boy Fortrez!!! Zombie Kamuzu can't reach them past everyone else. Modren, you're on. roll 1d20 rock attack * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20 rock attack and gets 16." " rock on Modren" 1d6 damage, plus Str mods. roll 1d6+3 * dicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d6+3 and gets 6." The stone hits the last skeleton's spine and it flies apart like a professional bowler throwing a strike (same sound effects, too). sweet Experience Award: 100 each clinkety-clink fuckstomp was probably the best though impressive, i agree nods You are now confronted with a minor issue. * lackef says a prayer of thanks to Gaerdal what's that? The stone that fell is blocking the cave. Race is determined to get beyond it though. then race can move it * lackef searches around the area for anohter way though Thats' what he pays you all for. Does anyone have something in the realm of a shovel perhaps? * Modren looks at the pile of rocks........we can move will take time though I have one in my pack "I don't, but I can use my hands" That'll speed it up. "at least it wasn't any of us under there" * lackef tosses his shovel to Tre Aye, but best you can tell, the sword is under there now. * Treladren starts shoveling... * Treladren shovels some more Is anyone going to assist with bare hands, moving what can be moved? * Treladren continues to shovel * Modren Modren lends his back to the efforts if there is room * Treladren tries not to hit Modren with shovel as he shovels * lackef assists as well moving the smaller rocks * Treladren is humming a song Alright. It takes a little less than an hour to clear a hole big enough for the gnome to get through easily and the humans can squeeze through. * DMCeldia sings "Y'load 16 tons...whaddya get...another day older and deeper in debt..." Digging for the sword will take MUCH longer. (Po' Lazarus maybe?) (Opening song from O' Brother Where Art Thou) Who wants to go thru and who wants to dig or stat behind? "Check your compass again please" "come on guys lets go I am not sure that sword was worth it" Race rechecks and is certain its down there, whatever it is. "You're the boss..." I will go thru take the torch stick (Great movie, good song. Check out Hard Time Killing Floor Blues while you're at it. Excellent song) My light is gone now long time ago "um, no...somoene else take the torch stick" I think it runs for an hour. encounter plus an hour dig............... Tre, you crawl through without too much effort. Race is fast behind you. it's like I'm being born again Ha! * Modren follows * lackef casts dancing lights on the head of tre's mace * lackef follows behind "SONOFA....." Dancing Lights actually makes little globes of light you can make fly around independent of an object. * Treladren drops mace Just as a note. You can make it float around his weapon if you like. thought they might give him a bit of light :) I do that not as good as a toch but it will give me enough to see by at least quit spooking me with that!!! * Treladren picks up mace carefully The chamber beyond the deadfall is only about 20' across the long end of an ovoid, 10' across the short end. At the far end of the room from you is a small metal chest. "Race....let me guess" Race: "That's it! That's it! It must be! Someone open it!" * Modren readies mace.......looks around the cave "if it will get us out of this cave, I'll be happy to" * Treladren gets ready to open chest Tyrrel calls through the hole, "The hell is it??" (I don't like this) * Treladren pulls on latch * Treladren lifts lid The chest is locked. * Treladren tries again to lift lid * Treladren tries to lift chest " I would suggest my gnomish rogue friend check for traps and perhaps open it Race relays the info about the chest and Zombie Kamuzu scurries through the opening. Yeah "Come now, who would trap a chest hidden in a cave?" Zombie Kamuzu: "Unnngg....mmmnngg....graaahhh!! ....brainz..." "The same person that left skeletons to guard it" Translation: Stand back, I'll give it the once over. * lackef shakes his head at Tre" More people than you would think tre, now stand clear" "I thought you made them come alive with your hocus-pocus stuff" roll 1d20+5 * dicebot --> "DMCeldia rolls 1d20+5 and gets 12." Kamuzu, finding nothing, proceeded to pick the lock. 1d20+8 roll 1d20+8 * dicebot --> "DMCeldia rolls 1d20+8 and gets 13." As he fiddles with the lock a quiet >twang< can be heard. Further investigation shows a needle covered with a greenish liquid extended from near the lock. Kamuzu seems none the worse for wear and keeps working on the lock. 1d20+8 damnit roll 1d20+8 * dicebot --> "DMCeldia rolls 1d20+8 and gets 25." >Click!< The rogue flips the lid and Race lunges forward to inspect the contents for a long, gleeful moment before the expression on his face falls, obviously dissapointed. "what does the chest hold?" A large pile of silver coins, a golden bracelet and a scroll of some kind. "May I look at the scroll?" Certainly. * Treladren yells back, "It's just some treasure" "not what you expected Race? What did you have in mind?" Tyrrel calls in, "Gather it up and lets get going then." Race continues to inspect his trinket but it seems to not be doing anything anymore. * lackef looks over the scroll Race, now looking terribly despondent, mopes his way back to the hole. "Oh...nothing. Just forget it. Tyrrel, divvy up the loot for the men. I'll be outside." Lackef, make a Spellcraft check to attempt to decipher the scroll, or you can cast Read Magic if you have it. I cast Read Magic * Treladren backs away from Lackef because he's mumbling and incanting again Its a Scroll of Bull's Strength, Divine type. * lackef nods and puts the scroll back in with the loot tobe divied "the scroll is one of bull's strength my brothers, it should come in handy" You gather it all up and head out? "aye" I'm going through the hole Taking the chest itself or unloading it all into your packs? * lackef helps gather up the loot and drag it out who ya helping, lackef? :) * Modren assists as well "tre come help, we should bring the chest" * Treladren forces his way back through the hole, grabs the chest, and helps to lug it back through The chest with everything in it weighs about 30 pounds and will easily fit through the hole. "I have heard sotries of gnomish tinkeres and all manner of false bottoms and compartments, Race's prize may be here yet" * lackef does a search of the chest looking for such a device or contrivance Are you going to search the room, Lack or head out once the chest is removed? If you want to look over the chest you can *technically* do that on the way back. I was just going to seach the chest but the room isnt a bad idea Give it a roll. let me do a quick look around roll 1d20 +1 * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20 +1 and gets 2." good show You find your feet. no space too dark to see much roll 1d20+1 * dicebot --> "lackef rolls 1d20+1 and gets 3." he typed that wrong........ lol Alright. Quick summary since we ran well longer than the hour someone claimed. lol Fitting reroll. yeah that helped just saying lol wanna borrow the glasses I was using on the lookout? might need em You return without too much effort. A combined working of Survival checks would put you back at the Inn maybe an hour after sunset. roll 1d20 survival check * dicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 survival check and gets 4." kicks dicebot except for Tre who is hopelessly wandering the hills Tyrrel takes the time to go over the chest's contents back at the Inn, pays for rooms and meals from it and counts out the remainder at 700 silver pieces. Race is taking the bracelet to sell with his cargo and he gives up the scroll to any of the clerics that would claim it for use. * dicebot was kicked by DMCeldia (DMCeldia) it is yours if you wish it Modren He divvies out 100sp to you each. I would love to hold onto that actually, lackef Be my guest "thank you, tyrrel Good. Well, we'll conclude here for the night. You all will pickup next week, hopefully with Chapel at the helm. I'm sure I'll be here to run my NPCs or some such bullshit. I intend to be here as an observer at the bare minumum. I hope you all enjoyed the game tonight. :) Great job tonight, Cel...really enjoyed it Thanks for diong it DMCeldia doing* Yes thanks, been years since I have played Thank you. I try. I enjoy running a game for a good group and you gents definately qualify. thanks for being patient weith those of us unsure of the rules gnite all, see ya next week night gnight Tre I promised Chapel I'd try not to make him look too shabby by over doing it tonight but...well..*shrugs* I guess we'll see...yes? Good! Good! thanks again Celdia i have work in a few hours so I am off * Treladren has quit IRC (Quit: ) G'night guys. See you next week. * Modren has quit IRC (Quit: 14« 1414Ë14×Çü®§îöñ 14» 14Info14«14v9.514» 14Released14«14October 27, 200314») * lackef has quit IRC (Quit: Light travels faster then sound, which is why some people appear bright, until you hear them speak)