Sun Feb 17 18:02:38 2008 Session Ident: #fazedcampaign 03[18:02] * Now talking in #fazedcampaign 01[18:02] heya 03[18:03] * rachelrose ( has joined #fazedcampaign [18:03] <@Treladren> howdy all! 03[18:03] * rachelrose is now known as rr-kudzu [18:03] hiya 01[18:03] heya, kudzu [18:04] <@Treladren> I'm very much looking forward to tonight [18:04] rb should be coming too i think [18:04] i rushed the fuck home for this :P [18:05] <@Treladren> I'm sure it will be worth it. [18:05] <@Treladren> btw, love the new tagline, rr. [18:05] <@Treladren> Chaps, u want op? 01[18:08] uh, sure 01[18:08] still not sure what ops does, all in all 01[18:08] :D 03[18:08] * @Treladren ( has left #fazedcampaign 03[18:08] * Treladren ( has joined #fazedcampaign 02[18:08] * DMchapel: you're not channel operator [18:09] well, I thought that would give it to you, I dunno how to do it otherwise [18:09] oh also, i like this dicebot much more than rb's [18:09] :P [18:11] Chaps, is my XP correct? I have just 225 written down, but that wouldn't be enough for level 2 03[18:11] * Lackef ( has joined #fazedcampaign 01[18:11] 1225 would be 225 past the level 2 threshold [18:11] so, when did i get the extra 1000? :) [18:12] when he jumped us to level 2.. 01[18:12] when i miss read my notes a few weeks back, and for being such a nice guy 01[18:12] heya, lack [18:12] well, I'll take it then. Tanks! [18:13] Hey Chap [18:13] Heya Lackef! [18:13] Is Crunch playing tonight? 01[18:13] so far as i knew [18:13] hey Dyank [18:13] nice to see ya RR [18:13] :D 03[18:14] * rr-kudzu is now known as kudzu 01[18:14] and i was just used to thinking of you as "grr...kudzu" [18:15] lol 01[18:17] so i learned something nifty today (feel free to laugh at my discovery, but) when you have bookmarks store in a spereate folder in Mozilla, you can have them all autoload in tabs, by clicking the "open all in tabs" option oddly enough 01[18:18] that saves me, about 7 seconds when i load up my online tools for the game [18:18] ....fancy [18:18] hey, cool. A nomination for the IgNobel, coming right up! 01[18:18] IgNobel? [18:20] kinda a play on the Nobel prize, given to researchers who research the most useless facts... 01[18:20] ah [18:20] I shouldn't laugh, tho. [18:21] I didn't know you could do that bookmark thing...I just wanted to be a smartass 01[18:21] if i did not want to be laughed at, i would not point out my shortcomings :) [18:22] very well then. :) [18:22] well I did not know about it.. [18:22] not sure if I would ever use it but oh well [18:22] Hey, I got rid of that character sheet that the Char-Gen lite creator made up, and used one in Excel that Crunch sent me. It's pretty. [18:22] and it's automated 01[18:24] i have some sort of adobe based pdf thinger that is automated. not that i use it... [18:24] I tried one of those, but I thought it was a bit clunky for my antiquated laptop [18:24] The Excel file isn't much better, but it doesn't lock the computer up when it "calculates" 01[18:24] ah, this one works with just adobe reader, though! no smoke for me [18:24] ok all in favor of useing crunch as a meat shield rasise your hand 06[18:25] * Treladren raises hand 06[18:25] * kudzu raises hand [18:25] chaps, the one i used did as well...I've got about 10-15 different sheets he sent me, I thought this excel sheet worked best for my needs. 06[18:25] * DMchapel raises zombieCrunch's hand [18:25] ;D [18:26] I am just using a crude paper copy.. works well enough for now [18:26] i like my paper copy [18:26] what is this, paper, you speak of? [18:27] it's special not like it grows on trees [18:27] no wait it does.. [18:27] lol 01[18:27] shoot, i remember, back in MY day, we didn't even HAVE character sheets. you just wrote down the pertinents, weapon proficiencies, non-weapon proficiences, your thief skills were % and your str would go to 18/00 [18:27] and we liked it! [18:28] I thought I was the old guy here [18:28] and then you walked five miles barefoot in the snow to get to the dm's house [18:28] and the basement had no heat! [18:28] ah, i remember that! 01[18:28] heh i started using AD&D, did not know anybetter [18:28] and our belts came with onions on them, cuz that's how we liked it! [18:28] and the cheetoes were stale! and we had to we had to drink Mountain mist and Dr. Thunder [18:29] stale cheetoes are a crime against nature [18:29] AND CRYSTAL PEPSI [18:29] I started out with AdandD too [18:29] crystal pepsi...yum [18:29] lol [18:29] Crystal pepsi was for the rich kids [18:29] beat the crap out of New Coke, I promise ya [18:29] well [18:29] we just had to blow bubbles in tap water and pretend [18:29] LOL [18:29] lol 01[18:29] heh [18:30] the vision in my head keeps me giggling 01[18:30] a blue bendy straw [18:30] but they didn't have straws [18:30] motorboat 01[18:30] ha! [18:30] WHARRGARBL [18:30] [18:30] lol [18:30] oh god [18:31] can't-breathe 01[18:31] and rootbeer just came out my nose :( [18:31] you ok there kudz? [18:31] KUDZU, CANT BREATHE [18:31] man.... [18:31] OHHH NOOO [18:31] roll for hemlich check! 06[18:31] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" [18:31] [18:32] we ready to get started, chappy? [18:32] yar! 01[18:32] aye, was gonna give RB a chance to join, but he can just suffer [18:32] kudzu the pirate halfling! [18:32] hang on [18:32] i'll txt him 01[18:32] i hit him up via AIM, no dice [18:33] and I'll yell at him out my window, since that's how us old folks roll [18:33] lol [18:33] also [18:33] gotta feed the dog afk fast [18:36] back 01[18:37] okie dokie, so as off our last leaving off, we had just trounced four would be pirates, lost Francis (a brave and goodly badger), and found that the zombierogue has broken free of his/her/its coma. [18:37] gotta take care of the puppah [18:38] and we searched the bodies and didnt find much if I recall [18:38] Are we going upstairs, or shall we wait for them to come to us? [18:38] not upstairs....above deck 01[18:38] entirely up to you, but the battle does rage on above decks [18:38] We need to go above deck and do what we can [18:39] There are people in danger we must protect them [18:39] I agree, let's find our way there. 06[18:39] * kudzu grins, brandishing her daggers. [18:39] Stick them with the pointy ends! 06[18:39] * Lackef starts to work his way above deck 06[18:39] * Treladren is going above deck [18:40] I am keeping an eye out for any attackers [18:40] kudzu wants to ascend to the deck hidden and silently if you please 01[18:40] you make your way toward the ladder, there does not seem to be a nother living soul below deck, at least there is no fire. 06[18:40] * Treladren is watching for attackers [18:41] if modrenbot is available it might be good to heal tre and I while we work our way up 01[18:41] what is the marching order, remember can be two abreast [18:41] I can take the front [18:41] ooc rb said he'd be here soon, he's running campaign tonight irl [18:41] I could use a heal, I'm down 8 [18:41] I will take front too I guess [18:41] i'll slip out behind them hidden plz 01[18:42] anyone else need the healer's loving touch? [18:42] i have no idea what hp i'm at [18:42] I am down 6 [18:42] not sure if you even got hit last week kudz 01[18:42] kudzu was untouched as i remember [18:42] thats what i thought [18:43] ooc you were just to good for them to hit 01[18:43] Tre, Lack, done and done [18:43] fully healed? 01[18:43] ayep [18:43] ok tre and I are heading above deck with the young halflink skulking behind in the shadows 01[18:44] sure thing, except that there is already a halfling coming down the ladder. spot checks please [18:44] roll 1d20 spot 06[18:44] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 8." [18:44] roll 1d20+4 spotty 06[18:44] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spotty and gets 9." [18:44] roll 1d20+3 06[18:44] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d20+3 and gets 22." [18:45] are the pirates wearing uniforms, so we can tell them apart from the crew? 01[18:45] kudzu, there is an elf with the halfling and neither are crew members 01[18:45] no, no uniforms [18:45] ooc look for the eyepatches and peglegs! [18:45] lol [18:46] Two of them stinkers ahead. I can smells them from here! 01[18:46] the halfling and the elf are joined by a human, none of whom you remember as part of the crew [18:46] Three! [18:47] YAY! [18:47] "I'll take the big one" 06[18:47] * Treladren prepares sword for slashin' [18:47] do i need rollin love for hide/move silent 01[18:47] initiatives please 01[18:47] then with the sneaky [18:47] roll 1d20+4 06[18:47] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d20+4 and gets 18." [18:47] roll 1d20+5 init 06[18:47] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+5 init and gets 14." [18:48] roll 1d20+1 initi 06[18:48] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+1 initi and gets 6." [18:48] D'oh! 01[18:50] kudzu make with the sneaky hide +13, MS +11 [18:50] d20? 01[18:50] ayep [18:50] roll 1d20+13 06[18:50] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d20+13 and gets 27." [18:50] roll 1d20+11 06[18:50] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d20+11 and gets 26." [18:51] nice 01[18:51] you are sure footed and sneaky, ducking back into the shadows [18:51] oy She is invisible she is! 01[18:51] what shall you do now that you are hidden? [18:52] spider pig, spider pig... [18:52] tie a string on either side of the corridor so they trip! [18:52] ./kidding [18:53] move past them and position for stabby stab behidn teh elf please 01[18:53] sure thing. the elf and the halfling are moving side by side with the human hanging slightly back, but behind the elf. you may have some difficulty getting between the elf and the human [18:54] ok 01[18:54] want to give it a go anyhow? [18:54] then behind the human 01[18:54] that works as well. you are behind the human (no worries, he is oblivious... he may actually be mildly retarded) stab away [18:55] derr... [18:55] methinks he may not be a mage then 01[18:56] (yeah, only reason his spot was not negative is because the game wont let me) [18:56] *laughs* [18:56] ooc was ordering chinese [18:56] ok, is there extra hit cause i'm sneaky [18:56] and he's a mongoloid? 01[18:56] not hit, just damage [18:57] so it's +3 01[18:57] mhmm [18:57] i'm a noob i'm sorrrry [18:57] roll 1d20+3 06[18:57] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d20+3 and gets 18." 01[18:57] hit [18:57] ooc mmm general tso's chiken and hout and sour soup [18:57] ooc xtra spicy! [18:57] ooc actually i got jappo food, this place sucks for china but has great teriyaki 01[18:58] damage is 1d3+1 and then 1d6 sneak [18:58] ooc Ah so [18:58] roll 1d30+1 06[18:58] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d30+1 and gets 21." [18:58] LOL [18:58] 1d3+1 [18:58] roll 1d3+1 06[18:58] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d3+1 and gets 4." [18:58] roll 1d6 06[18:58] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d6 and gets 2." [18:58] 0_0 01[18:59] a nice shot to the soft spot below his ribs (that first number must have been a kidney shot) 01[18:59] he grunts in pain and clutches his back 01[19:00] he turns and swings with his club 01[19:00] but you easily dodge aside as he swings clumsily 06[19:00] * kudzu giggles as she withdraws her blade and jumps lightly aside. 06[19:01] * kudzu wrinkles her nose. [19:01] Stinky clumsy PIRATE! [19:01] r 01[19:01] the halfling tells the elf to "take care of that one" and then steps toward Tre and Lack [19:02] are we on the ladder/steps, or below decks? 01[19:02] the elf steps next to the human and stabs at kudzu with her sword 01[19:02] still below decks, they came down before you came up [19:02] k [19:03] Watch out Kudzu! 01[19:03] the female elf drives home her blade, you manage to turn the blade just enough to stop a killing blow, kudzu 01[19:03] 7 points [19:03] yow 06[19:04] * kudzu grunts, all playfulness leaving her as she slumps to the ground. [19:04] wiat [19:04] do i slump [19:04] no 01[19:04] no slump 01[19:04] just pain [19:04] as she clutches her wound :P [19:04] ooc dammit i wanted to go all dramatic swoon 01[19:05] the halfling male, obviously the leader of this small group, steps forward and takes a crack at Treladren, "You can have the big one!" [19:05] he says, unzipping [19:05] lol [19:05] "Sorry, I only fight females" [19:06] who's up? [19:06] ooc still lolling 01[19:07] he makes good contact with his warhammer, 7 points [19:07] "Oh no he di'nt" 01[19:07] it's on Tre, now [19:07] slash the halfling with bastard sword [19:07] roll 1d20+6 attack 06[19:07] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+6 attack and gets 22." 01[19:08] a darn good hit [19:08] roll 1d10+6 damage 06[19:08] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d10+6 damage and gets 15." [19:08] ooc And the bastard sword went Snicker-snack [19:08] "I want my mommy" 01[19:08] a darn good hit! [19:09] glad I got healed beforehand 01[19:09] Lackef, your go [19:09] how hurt does the halfling look? 01[19:09] which one? 01[19:09] mr big stuff? or she be stabby? [19:09] the enemy 01[19:09] ah [19:10] STABBY STAB 01[19:10] he is hurt, and quite hurt at that, but he is still steady on his feet [19:10] "Take him out, Lackef!" [19:10] can I get around him without provoking an attock of opportunity and hit the elf? 01[19:10] no, you would have a chance at you 01[19:10] erm, he would at you that is [19:11] ok I take a swing at the little braggart then [19:11] smashy end [19:11] roll 1d20+3 to hit 06[19:11] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+3 to hit and gets 4." [19:11] GAH! [19:11] ick 01[19:11] and again, to see how bad it is [19:11] is the bless spell still in play btw ? 01[19:12] ...yes, it would be [19:12] ok so that would have been a 5 then 01[19:12] still a crit fail [19:12] roll 1d20+4 to see how bad 06[19:12] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 to see how bad and gets 12." 01[19:12] heh okay, you only miss, calamity averted 01[19:13] kudzu, your go 01[19:13] you have the elf and the wounded human in front of you [19:13] human again [19:13] roll 1d20+1 06[19:13] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d20+1 and gets 12." [19:13] gah 01[19:13] that should be +4 [19:13] dont forget the +! for bless [19:13] oh good [19:13] so 15 01[19:14] so a 15 total. that hits [19:14] durr [19:14] roll 1d3+1 06[19:14] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d3+1 and gets 4." 01[19:14] and he is down [19:14] nice stab! [19:14] yay! 01[19:15] the elf screams in rage and swings again 01[19:15] she misses wide 01[19:15] the halfling takes another crack at Tre [19:16] Do i need to tell you that I'm trying to dodge attacks, or do you assume so? 01[19:16] but his hand slips on the hilt of his hammer, the blood that has been freely flowing interferes with his grip. he has lost his warhammer 01[19:17] you trying not to get hit is included in your ac 06[19:17] * Lackef laughs 01[19:17] it's that first 10 you get [19:17] that's what I thought, i just wanted to be sure 06[19:17] * Lackef tries to stifle a giggle 01[19:17] Treladren, he is wounded, unarmed, and it is your go [19:17] taking him out, knockout blow, non-lethal damage [19:17] roll 1d20+6 06[19:18] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+6 and gets 24." 01[19:18] non-lethal is at a -4, still a hit 01[19:18] damage [19:18] roll 1d10+6 06[19:18] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d10+6 and gets 7." [19:18] jeez 01[19:18] he is rocked back on his heels, but is still up 01[19:19] Lackef 03[19:19] * redboxer ( has joined #fazedcampaign 01[19:19] heya [19:19] howdy rb [19:19] FINALLY 06[19:19] * redboxer bows [19:19] sheeeeeeet [19:19] He is dazed and hurting so I am going to slip past him to hit the elf with my hammer [19:19] hey Rb, how the hell are ya? 03[19:20] * redboxer is now known as Waylon_Dekker 01[19:20] he has no weapon to hand, he can not make an attack of opprotunity, go and get that elf [19:20] ooc tre is trying to subdue the halfling (the leader) kudzu is being attacked by the elf with the sword [19:20] ooc: was I doing anything? [19:20] ooc but i'm a tricksy hobbitses 01[19:20] drooling [19:21] roll 1d20+4 smashy smashy 06[19:21] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 smashy smashy and gets 11." [19:21] and +2 for flanking right? [19:21] so a 13 [19:21] ooc: aye drooling 01[19:21] heh that is a hit [19:21] roll 1d6+2 damamges 06[19:21] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d6+2 damamges and gets 6." 01[19:22] a hard knock, but she is still concious [19:22] MY TURN STABBITY?? [19:22] Hi there friend care to pick on another little person? 01[19:23] yes, you may commence the stabby 06[19:23] * kudzu does a little happy-stab dance. [19:23] roll 1d20+4 06[19:23] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d20+4 and gets 18." 01[19:23] a hit [19:23] Careful kudzu you are spurting a bit of blood [19:23] roll 1d3+1 06[19:23] * DMdicebot --> "kudzu rolls 1d3+1 and gets 2." 01[19:24] she cries out in pain, her eyes start to unfocus, but she keeps her footing 01[19:25] The elf, seeing she is surrounded, swings at the obstacle in her path to the stairs. that would be you, kudzu [19:25] ooc: am I up for an action at some point? [19:26] (zombies don't talk) 01[19:26] but misses wide. she makes a break for the ladder. an attack of opprotunity from both, please 01[19:26] (if there is anything left, you would join action this round) [19:26] ooc: thanks... [19:26] roll 1d20+6 Aoo 06[19:26] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+6 Aoo and gets 25." 01[19:26] a hit [19:27] roll 1d6+2 Smash 06[19:27] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d6+2 Smash and gets 5." 01[19:27] and she goes down in a heap [19:27] "nice job, Lackef!" 01[19:28] the halfling takes a step back from Treladren and draws a dagger, "Come on, you oaf!" 01[19:28] Tre, you are up [19:28] attack again with bastard sword [19:28] roll 1d20+6 attack 06[19:28] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+6 attack and gets 20." 01[19:28] a hit [19:28] was that subdual? [19:29] not anymore...he drew a dagger, my life is in danger 01[19:29] ha! [19:29] roll 1d10+6 damage 06[19:29] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d10+6 damage and gets 13." [19:29] ahh ok :) 01[19:29] he too, is felled [19:29] meat [19:29] Modren : tend to Kudzu my friend 01[19:30] (and a little secret about subdual damage, if you even deal one point of it, the combatant is not usually dead when he falls to the ground. good way to get a prisoner) [19:30] Do you need healing Treladren? [19:30] a little, I'm down 7 [19:30] do me last, if you can [19:30] sloppy seconds? [19:30] Waylon check on the halfling and tie him up if he is still breathing 01[19:30] modrenbot groans and shuffles to kudzu [19:30] :D [19:31] Modren should have enough to heal up the halfling [19:31] roll 1d8+2 healing 06[19:31] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d8+2 healing and gets 6." [19:31] I cast cure light on tre 03[19:31] * Modren ( has joined #fazedcampaign [19:31] Sorry I was at a buddies house brwing beer……had some ber…….now I am late. I suck. Please continue [19:31] and cure minor for +1 01[19:31] kudzu, you can have back 10 01[19:31] YAY! 01[19:31] no more modrenbot [19:31] its ok we used all your 1st level spells [19:31] sorry sorry sorry [19:32] wasn't i only missing 7?? lol [19:32] howdy, modren [19:32] sup peeps [19:32] you are beyond healed! [19:32] good to see you crunch 01[19:32] you are full up healed then [19:32] ./off Modrenbot [19:33] I search the bodies and stabilize the halfling after Waylon ties him up [19:33] full house tonight 01[19:33] they dont carry much, the elf and the human are not even wearing armor more substantial than rags [19:34] what kind of armor does the halfling have? [19:34] ooc: Ah... rag armor I'll take it! :D [19:34] lol 01[19:34] halfling has... lemme check [19:34] ooc: the blood washes right out! [19:34] ooc and it is sooo stylish! 01[19:35] the halfling had leather [19:35] better than mine? 01[19:35] no 01[19:35] you have a chain shirt 01[19:36] (+4 compared to +2) [19:36] ooc do not want! [19:36] do not want! [19:36] what kind of condition is the warhammer that was used to clunk me on the melon? [19:36] lets strip the halfling anyway and throw his armor back down the hallway 01[19:37] it is usable, but undersized for you [19:37] nice looking, or battle-tested? [19:37] We will leave him here tied, until we see what is happening above deck 01[19:37] quality assured [19:37] pass...don't need it anyways...although... [19:38] seems like something I could sling around......... [19:38] just take the darn thing.. There are people who need our help! [19:38] i want to go back, grab the short sword that one of the pirates was using in our battle last week. I'd like to use it as a throw weapon towards any other pirates on board. 01[19:39] the warhammer is halfling sized. Tre or Modren could use it, but at a penalty, kudzu and lackef could use it fine 01[19:39] heh, sling a short sword? [19:39] I am good thanks. 01[19:39] okay, the elf has one here [19:39] stab stab [19:39] if no one in our party wants the hammer, I'll throw that too. [19:39] lol [19:40] you could stab with a short sword too kudzu 01[19:40] so the only surviving baddy has been stripped and trussed [19:41] Any objection to leaving him here till we figure out what is happening above deck? [19:41] no one wants the short sword or warhammer? They shall become projectiles. [19:41] pass and pass [19:41] "Fine with me, Lackef...just make sure he's tied up real good 06[19:42] * Lackef checks the ropes [19:42] Good job Waylon [19:42] Thanks... hopefully he won't wake up. [19:42] Lets go friends 01[19:42] above deck? [19:42] I feel like Rambo [19:42] Aye [19:43] above deck [19:43] vamonos! [19:43] above deck!!! [19:43] halflings speak espanol [19:43] ooc: me too, kudzu...:P [19:44] ooc: sneaky sneaky [19:44] !Que? [19:44] Donde es la Discoteque? [19:44] Es en la piazza! 01[19:44] the ship's crew have just about finished off the pirates that were above decks, it did not look like a large attack, nor by sailors anywhere near as skilled as those of the Breeze [19:44] que bobo [19:45] "Aw, nuts." 06[19:45] * Treladren throws hammer and sword into water [19:45] short sword, not bastard sword [19:45] "Hm. Well that is good. What about their ship?" [19:45] Tre can you go get our friend from below decks ? [19:45] "Will do!" [19:46] I think we should have a word with him 01[19:46] the raiders came on small launches 06[19:46] * Treladren goes back below and fetches our prisoner, fireman-carries him back up above [19:46] From where? I look around the ship, and ask some sailors 01[19:47] you find out that a ship had been spotted earlier in the day, but that it has not been seen tonight 01[19:47] can't be too far off, as these launches would not do well for long on their own [19:47] "Ah. Tricksy bastards, they do be." 06[19:47] * Lackef brings out the dragon's claw amulet and slips it around his neck 06[19:48] * Lackef makes sure it is visible [19:48] the claw!!!!! [19:48] Shall we wake our loquacious halfling up? 06[19:49] * Lackef splashes some water on the halfling 06[19:49] * Waylon_Dekker watches over 01[19:49] "Bah Glarg!" sputter [19:50] Where is your ship? [19:50] Do you know who you have attacked?! [19:50] ooc let me know if Ineed to do any rolls DM 01[19:50] "Of I do, we have attacked the Breeze." 01[19:51] (will do) [19:51] ooc going for the bad cleric/good cleric thing since it worked so well with the orc [19:51] Where is your ship? I know these launches didnt make their own way here accross the sea 01[19:52] "Our ships has left, left us here to intercept." [19:52] Why! [19:52] and why the breeze [19:52] "Its a lie, lemme rough him up!!!!" [19:53] I really dont want to clean the blood up when my friend is done.. [19:53] So hard to get out of wood you know 01[19:53] "Because the Breeze carries supplies for the enemy, contraband, we are part of the Blockade." [19:53] I suggest you tell us what we want to know 06[19:53] * Treladren cracks knuckles [19:54] Who's blockade? [19:54] ooc i'm paying attn but eating 06[19:54] * DMchapel is jealous 06[19:54] * Modren looks on silently [19:54] ooc that is ok cause stabby stabby is our next threat if Tre does not intimidate [19:54] Who do you work for, then? 06[19:55] * Modren looks menacing towards prisonr [19:55] OOC: I can probably intimidate nicely 06[19:55] * kudzu cleans her daggers next to the halfling, looking up to grin as evilly as a little thing like her can. [19:55] Now now I am sure this halfling is intellegent enough to be reasonable [19:56] It would be foolish not to tell us everything.. [19:56] Who's blockade, who do you work for [19:57] Chaps, the human and elf/half-elf we fought earlier tonight, they are dead, correct? 01[19:57] "I am a Crusader of the Holy States of Raas." 01[19:57] aye, that they are 06[19:57] * Treladren goes below decks to bring up dead human... [19:58] ooc can I do a history check.. so I have a clue what Raas is? 01[19:58] sure [19:58] roll 1d20+2 history 06[19:58] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+2 history and gets 3." [19:58] nope no clue [19:58] ick 01[19:59] you are pretty sure they are a caravan of mimes and nuns [19:59] do I need to check to bring up the dead weight? [19:59] lol [19:59] History over here? 01[19:59] no, no check 06[19:59] * Treladren brings dead human over to prisoner's view 06[19:59] * Treladren plays with him like a marionette [19:59] roll d20+1 06[19:59] * DMdicebot --> "Waylon_Dekker rolls a d20+1 and gets 6." 06[20:00] * Lackef puts the dragonclaw right in the halflings face to see his reaction to it 01[20:00] he spits in your face 01[20:00] "You think I care if you work for those foul beasts!" 06[20:01] * kudzu growls and sticks the point of her dagger at his throat. [20:01] You be nice! Mean pirate! 01[20:01] "That just means we were correct in our assuming this was a contraband ship" [20:01] "You think I care if you work for those foul beasts!" [20:01] So the ones who wear this mark are not your employers? 06[20:02] * Lackef motions for the others to back up 01[20:02] " you think to try and threaten me with a mark you do not even know? You truly are a fool." 06[20:02] * Treladren positions dead humans hands to express a look of shock on his own face, ala Macauley Caulkin [20:03] Raas, is that state dedicated to that cruel Lord of Malignance, Fire and Destruction. The Evil Gods are the true masters of that land. 06[20:03] * Modren removes the dead from Treladren 06[20:03] * Modren shakes his head unapprovingly at Treladren 06[20:03] * Treladren looks at Modren disapprovingly 06[20:04] * Treladren cleans blood off of bastard sword 01[20:04] "Evil? To be purified by His flame is a test of worth, we live in his Light." 01[20:06] the crew of the sip goes about the business of removing the dead from the decks, tending the wounded, and seeing that the ship is kept on course. some, not busy at the moment, linger close to hear what is happening [20:07] What contraband are you looking for? 01[20:07] Any supplies that are brought to the aid of the enemy, that is the contraband." [20:07] I am sure any of thse stout men would love to have you thrown in the sea. I am sure your god will see no glory in that [20:07] "How would you like the Lord of the Deep to fill your lungs with His black black waters? Where will your light and fire be there, child of the Destroyer?" [20:07] Who then is your enemy? 01[20:08] "We do not fear death, death is far less a fate than to shirk my responsibility and duties to Him." [20:08] "I say we tow him behind us for a day. Where is the captain?" [20:08] "You will be lost to him forever! Away in the cold and the dark!" 01[20:08] one of the crew hears this threat, grins, and runs off to find the Captain [20:08] roll d20+4 intimidate 06[20:08] * DMdicebot --> "Waylon_Dekker rolls a d20+4 intimidate and gets 13." 01[20:09] intimidate to what ends? [20:10] To convince him that he will be lost to his god... unless he talks? :D [20:10] or should i call that a bluf? [20:10] f 01[20:11] well, i'm pretty sure he knows what you say is true, but what does threatening him with eternal damnation get you? what is the intent [20:11] Damn you and your intent! ...uhm [20:12] (what were we trying to figure out guys?) 01[20:12] hey, the intent might just be to make him wet his pants. i just needed to know what the why was :D [20:12] "If you cooperate... we will be leniant on you." [20:12] ooc: we know he's here to stop the contraband...this ship is full of "contraband"...what more do we need to know? [20:13] Oh... nm then [20:13] ooc who they are trying to keep the contraband from getting too 01[20:13] (the elves of Halest, the people you are sailing to help) [20:14] "I say pitch him overboard. Let's be done with him, unless the captain sees a reason to keep him around." [20:14] I think we got all the info we can out of him...let's throw him below decks and put him to work [20:14] ooc ok so the dragoncult are after them and the Hass flamebiters. wow.. they are boned 01[20:14] "I think I like your idea, actually." [20:14] throwing him to the sea will solve nothing [20:14] "Let him work to atone" 01[20:14] the captain approaches followed by the grinning crewman [20:15] I think we should leave his fate up too the captain 01[20:15] "And do what? Poison our water? Burn our ships?" [20:15] Modran :he is too dangerous to let loose [20:15] ooc new here ;-) [20:15] no reguard for his life our ours.. his god is an evil one 01[20:15] "There is no work that he could do that would not be putting us all at risk, out here on the seas. Sorry, priest, but it is him or us. And me, I like us better." [20:16] we can guard him, have him work to the Captain's intent [20:16] Its not like we'll be busy otherwise [20:16] I'm sure there's a bilge he can clean [20:16] or a deck to swab [20:17] or, it could be his turn in the barrel [20:17] He's a mouth to feed, and a drinker of water too... [20:17] we're a day or two from shore, we don't have to feed him. [20:17] Tre :I think the only redemption for him at this point may be death and final judgement [20:18] I can't agree with that, Lackef. Even though he tried with his men to kill us, I cannot accept death as an acceptable punishment [20:18] He has failed his god and will have died dishonarably.. I pity his soul and the torment it will endure [20:18] we'll let the captain decide, it's his ship. 06[20:19] * Treladren steps aside, disappointed 01[20:19] "Then we shall not kill him. We can return him to his 'ship' and let him sail back to the warm embrace of his god. Men, set him adrift." The Captain turns about, "and the rest of you, make sure we are ready for anythign else like this." [20:20] "Thanks captain, I shall rest easier tonight 01[20:20] (it is hard to sound commaning and such with typos :() 06[20:21] * Lackef sighs [20:21] My apologies Tre.. I am perhaps becoming jaded with all these battles [20:22] no worries friend, I know you meant well and were thinking for the best [20:22] You are right the halfling was of no real danger to us trussed and naked 01[20:22] he was nekkid? [20:22] without armor anyways 01[20:22] oh [20:22] ooc and nekkid in my mind woot! 01[20:23] well, he is set back in his launch, given a small supply of water, and cut adrift [20:23] "Let's do what we can to help clean up the ship, it's starting to smell of death." [20:24] Captain : Since we are up anyways, can we spend a bit of time above deck and help with the crew 01[20:24] the crew seems to have things well in hand, but there are some wounded, so a hand or two would be appreciated 06[20:25] * Treladren is willing to help however he can [20:25] brb, bio [20:25] I can assist with the wounded 06[20:25] * Lackef sets about healing where he can 01[20:25] nothing grevious, a bandage here and a stitch there puts most to rights 06[20:26] * Modren prays aloud to Gilgamesh for save travel and favor in battle 01[20:27] as for cleaning the blood, there are deck brushes and buckets to scrub the decks [20:27] ooc experience? 01[20:28] lemme just double check my notes :) 01[20:31] 600xp each. should be 1825 now i tink 06[20:31] * Treladren back, scrubbing [20:31] yay 06[20:31] * kudzu uses her hairy calloused feet to scrub the deck. [20:31] lol [20:31] 22k is level 3 right? [20:31] i mean 2k 01[20:31] aye [20:31] woot! [20:31] hawt [20:32] ooc level two spells here we come [20:33] excitement! [20:33] Rapture! 01[20:35] so besides scrubbing and watching, any plans for the night? [20:36] praying, atonement, orgy with the female elf body, just a quiet night all in all [20:36] praying....combat training [20:36] just get some rest for spells 01[20:36] remember, rape and pillage BEFORE you burn [20:37] word [20:37] ...resting, nursing my mind [20:37] rape the bushes! Burn the women! [20:38] Maybe talk to some sailors, or gamble a little? 01[20:39] the night is quiet after the attack, though uneasy [20:39] We rode the women and raped the horses El Guapo! [20:39] ^win 01[20:40] it is now the morning of day four of the journey, and as good as promised you should reach landfall just before evening [20:41] Good. [20:41] huzzah [20:42] I am tired of being on this boat looking forawrd to being out in the sun [20:42] I couldn't agree with you more, Lackef 01[20:42] by midday you can make out a hilly forested island and not far beyond the shores of the mainland [20:43] I keep watch on the horizons for any more "visitors" 01[20:44] nothing doing, the horizon is clear [20:47] hows the fishin? [20:47] dont see any jumping yet. . [20:47] ooc bio break continue on without me 01[20:51] the monotony of travel sets in again. 01[20:51] for a few hours anyway [20:51] so it appears [20:51] we're not doing this in real time, are we? [20:51] :) 01[20:51] heh 01[20:52] no sorry, was trying to convince my roommate that Ladysmith Black Mambazo IS good music for playing Halo3, and that he really DOES want to go get me a steak and cheese [20:52] lol [20:52] accepted 01[20:53] as evening approaches, the Breeze tucks in behind the small island and drops anchor in a protected cove [20:54] it's time to de-ship! [20:54] Oh? 01[20:54] "We will wait here the night," says one of the mates peering of to the wooded shore, "They shan't be long. They saw us long before we even saw the shore." 06[20:54] * Modren thanks Gilgamesh for watching over us on our sea journey" 01[20:55] "When the elves come to take the cargo, we will leave the ship. It is not wise to be in their lands without their consent [20:55] "They?" 01[20:55] "The rangers of Halest" [20:56] ah 01[20:56] he lets you know you can rest easy tonight, the ship will be safe, and in the morning the cargo will be unlaoded 06[20:56] * Waylon_Dekker shivers in the chill ocean air and goes below deck 01[20:58] nothing doing for the night? [20:58] I don't think so? [20:58] i'm fine with waiting...though, i will try to sleep [20:59] I hang out on deck in the evening practicing with my mace 01[21:00] okay, then you all wake in the morning (which is always a good start). when you leave you cabin you find the ship is already in a frenzy. cargo is being carried off by sailors and handed over to elves who are loading it on wagons [21:00] Who are we supposed to meet here? 01[21:02] they are here, the elves you see below have come to gather the cargo and the help that has come from across the sea [21:02] Once we are given leave to disemabark I go down and introduce myself to our elvish friends 01[21:04] The leader introduces himself as Ivellion, and welcomes you to the forests. [21:04] Thanks, I only hope we can be of assistance [21:05] Greetinga Ivellion I am Lackef , humble servant of Gaerdral Ironhand. We have come to help if you will allow us [21:05] "So you are under siege?" 01[21:07] "Yes, we are beset by evils on all sides. Barbarians from the Hordelands, those bastards from the Raas State, we are well in the middle of trouble." 06[21:07] * kudzu rolls out from where she was napping on board, yawning and stretching, and meanders down to join the conversation. [21:08] We have met up with a band of Raaslanders, they attacked the ship to get at our cargo and prevent it from reaching you [21:09] We also found something unusual on one of the ruffians who attacked us to keep us from getting here we have as yet been able to fully identify 06[21:10] * Lackef produces the odd tailsman and shows it to Ivellion. [21:11] The Raaslander didnt know anything about it so it may constitute another threat [21:11] can't we call them Raascals? [21:11] or Raasholes? [21:12] "I guess it's clear what side you are on Treladren" [21:12] "We're the good guys, right? [21:13] "Yes, yes we are" [21:13] "I thought so" 06[21:13] * Treladren thinks I'm so smart 06[21:15] * Modren smiles and nods 01[21:15] Ivellion looks at the pendant, deep in thought, "Hmm, I am not sure I recognise it. But if it was from one who tried to stop you from reaching us, then they would constitute a threat." 06[21:15] * Lackef pockets the pendant again [21:16] Anyway we are at your service sir . Just tell us what you would have us do [21:17] ARR! 01[21:17] for now, just help with the loading of the wagons, I suppose, you can ask my brother, Ivelliust, how you may be of help [21:17] where do you want the pointy end! 01[21:17] he points off to another ranger, overseeing the cargo [21:17] "Perhaps you could you tell us more of your situation here when we are finished?" 06[21:17] * Treladren whispers to Kudzu, they're with us 06[21:17] * kudzu grumbles 01[21:18] "I am sure you will know more than you wish, when this is all done." 06[21:19] * Modren moves toward Ivelliust 06[21:19] * Treladren goes off to talk to Ivelliust 06[21:19] * kudzu goes to nap under the wagon. 01[21:20] "Heya! Come to help have you? Then lend a hand and grab some of these medicines," he points to crates the sailors have just left [21:20] "where to?" 06[21:20] * Modren drops his pack 06[21:20] * Lackef grabs a crate as well 06[21:21] * Treladren grabs a crate or two 01[21:21] "Just to the wagons, we will let the animals do the rest from there." 06[21:21] * Modren moves the crates as directed 06[21:21] * Treladren puts crates on wagons upside down 01[21:21] they are not heavy, but you think it may be best to carry the fragile cases carefully [21:22] huh? 06[21:22] * Lackef continues to help hefting the crates to the waiting pack animals 01[21:22] "This medicine has been hard for us to come by, of late. Trade has broken down with the nearby lands." 06[21:23] * Waylon_Dekker tries to help with what he can, but isn't ripped or anything 06[21:23] * Treladren continues to put crates on wagon without regard to their orientation [21:24] Dolt! 06[21:24] * kudzu snores lightly in the dust under the wagon, shifting so the drool begins to form a puddle on the ground. [21:24] Right side up. 01[21:24] There not as many weapons being loaded as you would expect, it seems that Race and Erek were more of the humanitarian than arms dealer. on this run anyway. it is all medicine and foodstuffs, bandages, and supplies [21:24] "Sorry, didn't realize there was a right side to go up" 01[21:25] "The mark is usually the indicator." 06[21:25] * Waylon_Dekker shakes his head [21:25] oh, the mark....didn't see it, sorry. [21:26] "I hope I didn't break anything, I didn't do it on purpose" 01[21:26] the elves wagons are not as large as the wagons you travelled with last time, and are soon loaded. 01[21:27] Ivelliust crouches down under the wagon, "it is time to be going, little one. I would hate for you to be trampled when the wagons leave." 06[21:28] * Modren collects his things 06[21:28] * Modren shakes his head at kudzu 06[21:28] * Lackef gets his stuff together as well . [21:28] So Ivelliust , where are we headed friend? 06[21:28] * Treladren gets my stuff, gets ready to hoof it 06[21:29] * kudzu opens one eye, and exhales, blowing hair out of her face. She crawls out from under the wagon and shakes the dust off. 01[21:29] "We have an outpost by the border to the Hordeland. That is where most of this will be going." 06[21:29] * Waylon_Dekker hops up into the back of the wagon and hooks his pack with his staff [21:30] We are at your service for as long as you need us 06[21:31] * Modren falls in and marches beside the wagons 06[21:31] * kudzu scrambles up next to Waylaon 06[21:31] * Waylon_Dekker helps her up 01[21:32] the rangers take the reins or take up guard positions around the wagons as the caravan starts out, not long before midday. 01[21:34] you are told it will take about a week to reach your destination [21:35] "Aww, man..." [21:35] "I wish we could just blink and we'd be there" [21:35] "In time Treladren..." 01[21:35] ...but whatabout all the random encounters [21:36] Let's have 'em! [21:36] Aye 06[21:36] * Lackef scans the horizons for fun and adventure 01[21:37] you see trees 01[21:37] fun seems to be hiding, but adventure may be around [21:37] yes but are they fun and adventerous trees?! [21:38] do you mean, are they poplar? [21:38] We'll probably find enough adventure near the Hordelands. 01[21:38] if decidious trees get you off, then yes [21:38] I'll take this respite 06[21:38] * Waylon_Dekker enjoys the journey through the ancient forest [21:38] mmmmm oakieness... drop your leaves for me [21:40] you can cedar panties!!! [21:40] *groans* [21:40] maple you'll get lucky [21:40] take it to the pun thread, boys 01[21:41] the elves are alert and quiet as the wagons roll through the wooded paths, it is a new experience, to travel in trees such as these. after the rolling grasslands of Beresund and then the endless horizons of the sea, to be surrounded by trees is, not disquieting, but comforting. like protective arms [21:41] sorry, was going out on a limb [21:41] dont make me use the pointy end of my hammer on you [21:41] lol 01[21:42] "Been travelling together long, have you?" [21:42] "Aye, for a bit" [21:42] *nods* 01[21:43] "That is good, you need to be able to know that the one with you can be counted on to watch your back." 01[21:45] the elves stop not too long before nightfall and pull the wagons off the road. [21:45] "Need help setting up camp? 06[21:46] * Lackef offers to help set up camp as well 06[21:46] * Waylon_Dekker helps with what he can and does his best not to get in the way of the rangers 01[21:47] "We can use the help. Linna and Aralian will go out to find us some game, we should have a fire ready for the meat when they come back." 06[21:48] * Modren assists where needed 01[21:48] two of the rangers run off into the woods and soon dissappear in the greenery [21:49] "I've never been around elves in the forest before...there aren't any elves where I'm from" 01[21:49] "There aren't many men where I come from, least of all men like you." 01[21:50] you are sure he is not insulting you, just curious to see an albino [21:50] I took it as such [21:51] I for one am glad to be here in the forest. Not quite the same as the rocky craigs where I come from, but much more welcoming than that blasted sea. 06[21:51] * Treladren is doing camp duties as needed [21:51] A gnome feels most welcome here indeed 01[21:51] setting camp is pretty much just making sure the tarps over the wagons are tight and setting up the small two-man tents the elves have [21:54] "I could eat a horse" 01[21:54] the two hunters return after a short while, the fire is ready and so are the rabbits they have caught. with camp made and food cooking, the elves in camp are much lively. talking and singing, even an instrument or two to be found 06[21:55] * Treladren watches intently, tries to make conversation 06[21:55] * Lackef smiles and casts a cantrip on the fire causing the embers to dance merrily 06[21:56] * Modren follows Treladren and makes small talk with the elves as well 06[21:58] * Waylon_Dekker sits and chats quietly with the elves [21:58] Are they all rangers? 01[21:59] you learn that Ivellion heads up this band, you have already met his brother Ivelliust. also with you are Quarivol, Quarior, Qillasiqui, two brothers and a sister, and Linna and Aralian. 01[21:59] aye, all rangers 06[22:00] * Waylon_Dekker nods and thanks them all 01[22:00] thanking them? [22:00] one can never be too gracious [22:00] or appreciative 01[22:01] well, no i suppose not [22:01] They're welcoming us to their lands. And feeding us. [22:01] ooc guys, i'm gonna bail out for tonight, i gotta take care of some stuff around teh apt and doglet... i'll leave it up but gonna go zombie :P 01[22:01] okie dokie [22:01] see ya rr [22:02] later [22:02] later RR [22:02] (how much longer will we be playing?) 01[22:02] up to you guys i guess 01[22:03] we are in camp and bedding down for the night. [22:03] ooc: I don't really want to go much later. [22:03] I'm good with whatever, really [22:03] me too [22:04] I am ok with what ever 01[22:04] heh okay, well if it is all the same, i'd like to wrap here, as i need to eat something, and that entails leaving the house sadly. [22:04] That works for me. :) [22:04] okie dokie, we're in camp, and camping. With elves. [22:04] Good midway point to stop 01[22:05] remember to heal then rest, who ever needs to [22:05] I think we're all healed up 01[22:05] okay then. same channel, same time next week? 01[22:06] Modren, you have the log? [22:06] see ya next week! [22:06] for what I was here for [22:06] yup! 06[22:06] * Waylon_Dekker waves g'bye 01[22:06] ah, nvm i'll get the log [22:06] thank you chaps :) [22:06] aight [22:06] later guys 01[22:06] thank you, drop in anytime 02[22:06] * Modren ( Quit (Quit: 14« 14Ë×14Ç14ü®§îöñ 14» 14Info14«14v9.514» 14Released14«14October 27, 200314») 03[22:06] * Treladren ( has left #fazedcampaign 03[22:06] * kudzu is now known as rachelrose [22:06] night all 02[22:06] * rachelrose ( Quit (Quit: ) 03[22:07] * Waylon_Dekker ( has left #fazedcampaign 02[22:07] * Lackef ( Quit (Quit: Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.) 01[22:10] hmm