Session Start: Sun Jan 06 18:08:19 2008 Session Ident: #fazedcampaign »»»» Now talking in #fazedcampaign. »»»» Join synced in 0.203 Seconds. »»»» Total: 4 Operators: 1«25% » Voices: 0«0% » « lackef » " /me " [6:08pm] yooooooooooooooooooo * Treladren kicks [6:08pm] * Modren bites « lackef » oww! «@ Treladren» hmmm...what was I doing differently earlier? «@ Treladren» howdy Modren! « lackef » back off guys I know Gnome Fu! * Treladren cries in corner [6:09pm] I may have some connection issues.......random disconnects actually bear with me «@ Treladren» those are fun [6:09pm] sup Treladren [6:09pm] Just started...... CeldiaBRB ( is now known as Celdia «@ Treladren» Celdia, do you want control of the room? « Celdia » No need. I haven't got anything I could run for you guys right now. « lackef » did we ever decide if we still got exp even if we were zombied? « Celdia » Add to that I'm doing like 4 things at once and I got a job this week so I won't be here all night again. « lackef » where did you get a job celdia? « Celdia » If Chapel ever made a ruling on that, I didn't hear about it. «@ Treladren» anyone talked to chap this week? « Celdia » Oh, nothing interesting. I'm just doing the register-jockey thing at a Shell station. [6:11pm] nadda. [6:11pm] jobs a job Celdia «@ Treladren» i gotta get a job sometime this month...maybe next month « lackef » very true morden and just think of all the fun you will have chasing down nopays Celdia! [6:12pm] Chaps holidays run longer than than ours I take it? like until June maybe? «@ Treladren» lol « lackef » that would be nice... « Celdia » Just gave Chapel a call, no answer. His voicemail doesn't have his name on it anymore, just a number now. Makes me wonder if he lost his phone service or somethin'. [6:14pm] uh oh « lackef » that doesnt bode well «@ Treladren» yeah... * Retrieving #fazedcampaign modes... [6:15pm] hmm [6:15pm] Looks like I can take off the wizard hat now «@ Treladren» so... « Celdia » Dunno what to tell you, gang. If I weren't as busy as I am I'd try to play you something off the cuff but I was just dropping in to say hi for the most part and let you guys know that if a game does happen to email me the session log so I can post it. «@ Treladren» i am quite disappointed...not at anyone in particular, just the event. «@ Treladren» I think we can handle that, Cel « lackef » *nods* ««Ë®®öR»» Unknown command: LAUNCH « lackef » I hope Chapel is ok [6:17pm] ./launch auto DM « Celdia » Sorry, Tre. I understand the sentiment though. Thnaks to my work schedule, I now have zero-gamign going on. [6:17pm] Life happens man «@ Treladren» yep... « lackef » I am sure it is something important and unexpected, cant imagine he would blow us off lightly « Celdia » Had to cancel both the game I run on Fridays and the one I play in on Saturdays...which is a pain because i just designed this twin-sword wielding death mahcine for the Sat game. Devastating in melle and useless at range. Its fun! «@ Treladren» hopefully he's ok...but you're probably right, something important or something. « Celdia » With him it usually is. « lackef » shall we give him another 15 - 20 minutes and then call it a bust? « Celdia » However, I'm willing to believe that 'still being drunk/hungover from New Years' would classify as important too. [6:18pm] haha «@ Treladren» no excuse for that, it's been nearly a week, lol [6:19pm] that would be an epic hangover « Celdia » If the party was good enough... « lackef » could be but in that case I am awarding us enough exp to rocket to level five «@ Treladren» f'n sweet «@ Treladren» xp is good « Celdia » ...y'know, the kind where you wake up in an ice-bath and your kidney is missing. [6:19pm] ./me makes log that gives al playerss level 10 « lackef » awesome « Celdia » Level 10....level 10....45,000xp? [6:19pm] sure why not « Celdia » I think that's right. «@ Treladren» not like we're not worth it «@ Treladren» at least we show up to play «@ Treladren» :) « Celdia » 1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45...yeah, 45k [6:20pm] I nominate me as group secratary......the logs shall flow forth « lackef » and montyhaulesque weapons. /me hefts his +5 Hammer of electricity «@ Treladren» Monty Hall??? Make Me A Deal Monty Hall? « Celdia » Well if you're going to level then of COURSE you'd have to get the right gear for the level.... [6:21pm] Monty haul = insanely powerful characters? [6:21pm] or characters rule the game? « Celdia » +5 Shocking Greathammer would run about 72,000gp..give or take a few hundred for material costs. « lackef » it is an old tem.. yes like Monty Hall.. insanely powerful weapons and lots of trasure « lackef » treasure «@ Treladren» +5 Adamantium Full Body Armor, with dex bonus * Celdia blinks. « Celdia » «@ Treladren» There's no trucks in world of warcraft!!! « lackef » lol [6:22pm] hehehe * lackef raises his wand of wishing and makes it happen * Celdia ducks. [6:22pm] I guess I could use this time to puruse 4th edition type stuff * Celdia winces at the mention of 4th ed. « Celdia » I still don't know what to think about 4th. «@ Treladren» I will be wishing for the Chargers to find their way into the end zone [6:23pm] yeah i did that with 3.0 and 3.5 being rolled i like them. of course i had limited time with them « Celdia » Haha...GO PATS! *hides* [6:23pm] Lions anyone....anyone? [6:24pm] sucks living in the D [6:24pm] =-'( * Treladren is an Eagles fan, and is therefore a poor sport * Celdia laughs [6:24pm] I am a Lions fan, therefore a born loser with suicidal tendencies «@ Treladren» that's a difficult thing to go through life with... « Celdia » Well, I get to ride high for the time being, since I'm a native New Englander. But I'm living in Seahawk Country now and the sports fervor out here is something to just stare at and be in awe. Reminds me of my stay with eO and se7ev in Pitt. Steelers fans are scary. «@ Treladren» have you sought therapy, Modren? « Celdia » Or perhaps moving out of state? « lackef » yes yes they are « lackef » dont feel bad mod :I am a bucs fan «@ Treladren» my dad's a steelers fan...he was a little upset last night « Celdia » THe Bucs are still around? :P « lackef » not after today no :) [6:26pm] Moving out is an option.......perhaps to PAT's country « Celdia » Ouch. «@ Treladren» AND THE BUCS LAID A DAMN EGG TODAY!!! freakin bucs....dammit « Celdia » Ahh, well. I'm not really the sports-fan type anyways. I just like to wave the flag when the home team is doing well. ...anda perfect season is pretty damn well. « lackef » I am always surprised when they win.. dungy had but a fine team for them a few years ago «@ Treladren» I'd rather see the bucs try to beat the cowpokes than the giants....there's no one to root for in that game now. « lackef » true Tre [6:27pm] with ya Celdia...except when it comes to hockey. « lackef » giants were looking pretty good though... Manning is a decent QB « Celdia » Much love for ice-rink beatings, eh? «@ Treladren» I have no positive comments for any NY Giant or Dallas Cowboy «@ Treladren» I couldn't even trick my fingers into typing them. [6:28pm] yup yup =-) player / watcer [6:28pm] nice Treladren [6:29pm] So pats are like lvl 20 team [6:29pm] ? «@ Treladren» they are good...two speedbumps left... « Celdia » There's a hockey rink of some kind around the corner from my house. Not sure what level of league it is that plays there but the local team is called the Silvertips. I think they're to hockey what AAA is to MLB for baseball...but I don't know. « Celdia » Farm team don't they call it? « Celdia » Or does hockey not do that kind of schtick? «@ Treladren» minor league hockey is awesome...I'm fortunate in that I've got two farm teams in Des Moines (about 1 hr away) «@ Treladren» and 1 in Waterloo (about 1 hr the other way)....and another in Cedar Rapids (30 minutes past Waterloo) «@ Treladren» sadly, no pro teams. « Celdia » Can't have everything. « Celdia » HOw's it go? [6:31pm] nah it's ranked in leags. A AA AAA are under ECHL, UHL and CHL who are under nhl « Celdia » Be thankful for what you have, not despondant over what you don't? «@ Treladren» oh, I'm thankful...wish I could go to more games, really «@ Treladren» tix are cheap, especially front row seats [6:33pm] Then of course there is what I play and we affectionately call "beer league" «@ Treladren» i used to play beer league softball...I should get off my ass so I can play this spring « Celdia » GO to drink? Or the players aredrunk? Irish league!! « lackef » we used to have a team like that here in town ECHL, games were a blast «@ Treladren» ECHL is a good league, AHL too...I haven't been to a CHL game yet «@ Treladren» Houston Aeros was a lot of fun...I think they're AHL [6:34pm] Hehe I play in B level, but yeah beers every night after sometimes before «@ Treladren» that's the way to celebrate, win or least there's beer!!! [6:35pm] They killed are UHL team the Mechanics here, sucks * Celdia makes a face. [6:35pm] during the stirke there were 3 red wings that played on the team [6:35pm] you got it Treladren « Celdia » I have tried maybe a double handful of beers in my time and I can't find a single one worth trying again. Except maybe doesn't taste quite like anything else I've ever had. [6:36pm] you [6:36pm] =-P «@ Treladren» guiness is different...tastes different overseas than it does here in the states...and that's not just cuz they serve it warm overseas «@ Treladren» lol mod « Celdia » I've heard that. [6:36pm] Yeah it's not really a beer either « lackef » stouts are too beers! [6:37pm] Black and tans a fav of mine though « lackef » good beers at that «@ Treladren» just don't be mistaken by "bier" [6:37pm] I likes they, but I consider them in a class of their own « Celdia » And if it helps any, Mod, while I claim that I'm not a drinker (I have my reasons and they are sound, so don't judge me. :P ) when I do go out with people who are drinking and they insist on me having *something*, I stick to Jack or Jim, and if its mixed, it s with Coke. Little else. «@ Treladren» CHARGERS TOUCHDOWN!!!!!! [6:39pm] I am just harassing ya Celdia. During running season I typically switch to NA beer myself. [6:39pm] * Modren looks around « Celdia » :D [6:39pm] dont tell anyone « Celdia » Mum's the word. * Celdia makes a post on Fazed. «@ Treladren» nothin wrong with not drinking...unless of course... « Celdia » Unless? [6:39pm] ? «@ Treladren» I didn't have anything, I was just sitting here, waiting for someone to ask. [6:40pm] nice « Celdia » Heh. «@ Treladren» sorry « Celdia » Reminds me of that one joke. [6:40pm] -5 levels for you Treladren «@ Treladren» :( « Celdia » You can have a plant in the room to set it up but sometimes...sometimes it just works. «@ Treladren» I was going for teh funnay, but my mind wasn't coming up with the punchline. «@ Treladren» gears clicking, but nothins turning [6:42pm] happens........damn near daily in fact « Celdia » So...I've decided I'm going to be the next Hitler. I'm going to kill a million Jews and one clown. «@ Treladren» I'll bite...why the clown? « Celdia » See? Nobody cares about the Jews. [6:43pm] ;-) « Celdia » And thank you Tre. « Celdia » The first time I heard that, and it was Chapel telling it, I said *exactly* that, verbatem. «@ Treladren» I thought I'd jump on that grenade for ya's... [6:44pm] Tre is just trying to get his levels back =-P «@ Treladren» I think I saw that in the thread «@ Treladren» made me laugh then too « lackef » well.. I think it might be safe to call this one on account of lack of DM « Celdia » The room had been quiet a good 10 seconds with everyone staring at him and I pipe up...I couldn't stop laughing for about 5 minutes. I may have hyperventilated some. [6:44pm] That one is in the script I am using now, Excursion [6:44pm] so yeah it is an IRC classic « Celdia » Yeah, its in Bash «@ Treladren» still funny tho [6:45pm] * Modren says to Celdia Things Not to Say During Sex #86. I hope I didn't forget to turn the gas oven off. Do you have a light? «@ Treladren» I find that when I tell jokes I find on the internet to people in person, they aren't as funny [6:45pm] * Modren says to lackef Yo mama's so ugly, she has 7 years bad luck just trying to look at herself in the mirror. « Celdia » Well, either you're telling them wrong or you're telling the wrong people. * Celdia thinks Modren has a weird script. [6:46pm] * Modren says to Treladren You might be a redneck if - Your biggest ambition in live is to "git that big ole coon. The one what hangs 'round over yonder, back'ah Bubba's barn..." « Celdia » Redneck «@ Treladren» wrong people...I attract people who don't seem to have a sense of humor « Celdia » My favorite redneck line [6:46pm] This thing has tons of USELESS crap in it «@ Treladren» I am a I'm not. [6:46pm] and a few useful bits « Celdia » "If you use your belt buckle as a form of might be a redneck." «@ Treladren» I live near a bunch of rednecks [6:47pm] * Modren throws CONFETTI & BALLOONS in the air for, Treladren `;~'O~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~*`; .'O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~*`;.'`~`O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'`~O~~ ~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`O~~~~*`;.'O~~~~* Now sweep it up!~!~! «@ Treladren» lollercats «@ Treladren» that's funny * Treladren lights it on fire [6:47pm] .............................................\..¸(°)¸..... Hungry...Celdia? [6:47pm] ........................................\æ@(^}}}.... How about a [6:47pm] ..___............................(%(æ_æ@))). Still Sizzling, [6:47pm] c............((^^^^^^^))..............((^^^)).... With All the Trimmings, [6:47pm] y.......(¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤)¸...........\\..//..... Flame-Broiled Burger... [6:47pm] f.......~~~æ@¤¤~~¤'~.........)) ((..... and an Icy-Cold, frosty [6:47pm] o...(æææææææææ)....//__\\..... Strawberry Milkshake? [6:47pm] see how usefull that is « lackef » Woudl you like Fries with that ? «@ Treladren» all out of alignment for me [6:48pm] sorry man «@ Treladren» but it looks «@ Treladren» :) [6:48pm] yeah ancient stuff [6:49pm] this log is going to be teh best DND log EVAR!!!!111!! [6:50pm] roll 3d10 damage [6:50pm] oh, dicebots not her [6:50pm] *here [6:50pm] or here even [6:50pm] damn you beat me [6:50pm] quick fingers [6:50pm] fatfinger [6:50pm] s [6:50pm] typing champ in highschoolo [6:50pm] [6:51pm] kidding... [6:51pm] lol [6:51pm] Wow, guys. I turn my head away for 2 minutes and you go all ANSI on me. [6:51pm] and you play dnd imagine that l ol [6:51pm] remote is off now mores [6:51pm] i know...instead of fighting the nerd inside, I'm embracing him. [6:51pm] queen latifah is fat. [6:51pm] better in the long run Treladren [6:51pm] S'okay. I didn't mind. Took me back to my BBS days. [6:51pm] and I don't mean phat. I mean fat. [6:52pm] someone probably put butter on those rolls [6:52pm] she's big like Aretha [6:53pm] well, i'm gonna go eat. [6:53pm] Arr-eeef-rah?! [6:53pm] Ooh, food. [6:53pm] lol [6:53pm] I haven't eaten in like...24 hours. Its amazing I stay so fat. [6:53pm] no aretha for me, thanks. [6:53pm] I'm off to have burgers and b-day cake [6:54pm] I have to eat every 4 or I gets cranky [6:54pm] not necessarily in that order [6:54pm] happy birthday to you then [6:54pm] later Treladren [6:54pm] ty....see ya! [6:54pm] it was his bday? [6:54pm] * Celdia shrugs. [6:54pm] Cake sounds good though. [6:54pm] I vote that we give him 1 xp then [6:54pm] Here here! [6:55pm] All in favor? [6:55pm] just for surviving a year you should get something [6:55pm] aye [6:55pm] ...opposed? [6:56pm] Ayea [6:56pm] Majority rules! 1 xp it is! [6:56pm] Ah, we do finally hear from Lackefstan. [6:56pm] finally [6:56pm] sorry was quelling an internal rebellion [6:56pm] And yet he beat us to the happy birthday wishes. [6:57pm] Alright. Mod, you said you were logging this mess? [6:58pm] yeah it's on by default [6:58pm] Chap will be sooooo proud [6:58pm] lol [6:59pm] Alright, drop the log in my email ( and I'll post it sometime this week. Should be amusing. :D Later gang. [6:59pm] We should post it to the Monday nighters and see what happens [6:59pm] * Modren drops the log hehehe [6:59pm] Well I guess that's it lackef [6:59pm] I am off as well [7:00pm] * Disconnected Session Close: Sun Jan 06 19:00:12 2008