Session Start: Sun Jan 13 18:50:20 2008 Session Ident: #fazedcampaign [6:50pm] * Now talking in #fazedcampaign »»»» Join synced in 0.156 Seconds. »»»» Total: 3 Operators: 1«33.33% » Voices: 0«0% » [6:50pm] that was my first impression of Iowa, minus the bums * Retrieving #fazedcampaign modes... [6:50pm] Howdy Modren [6:50pm] HELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6:50pm] I just had a chan up no morre than 2 mins ago [6:50pm] * Celdia echoes, Hello, hello, hello... [6:50pm] I ws losing faith [6:51pm] I remember the street lurkers in Boston would spit at you if you walked by them without giving them money. [6:51pm] Out here, whether you toss 'em change or not, its all 'Have a good day' or 'God bless' and they all smile. [6:51pm] * Modren starts his ManoWar playlist, dons his fake armoer and gets ready to play [6:51pm] very weird...I'm usually the one spitting [6:52pm] * Celdia shrugs. [6:52pm] For the most part I ignore them. [6:52pm] Boston.......I liked [6:52pm] I dont recall spitting bum though [6:52pm] I'd like Boston better without the rabid redsox fans [6:52pm] I could be thinking of Pittsburgh with the spitting [6:52pm] Protip: I've never been to Boston [6:53pm] * Celdia takes off his Red Sox cap and hides it. [6:53pm] hehe [6:53pm] Celdia is rabid..get him [6:53pm] I'm not a rabid fan..I don't actually own a cap. [6:53pm] I'm not against the redsox, just their fans. I hate the yankees and their fans, for perspective [6:53pm] close enough for pretended [6:53pm] But goddamnit if I didnt cheer when they broke the curse. [6:53pm] yeah, me too [6:53pm] Yeah that was a specail time [6:54pm] but enough is enough [6:54pm] hey, anyone used before? [6:54pm] Aye, time for another 86 years of pain...y'know, so the next generations can know what it feels like to be a TRUE Red Sox fan. [6:54pm] I don't...think so. [6:57pm] no to nulled [6:58pm] * Disconnected [6:59pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign [6:59pm] * Rejoined channel #fazedcampaign »»»» Join synced in 0.125 Seconds. »»»» Total: 3 Operators: 1«33.33% » Voices: 0«0% » [6:59pm] damn isp [6:59pm] today has been terrible.....constant disconnects [6:59pm] u on dialup? [7:00pm] no [7:00pm] Cable [7:00pm] wow...that is shitty [7:00pm] WOW is my ISP actually [7:00pm] =-P [7:00pm] lol [7:01pm] There's a World of Warcraft ISP now? [7:01pm] There's no trucks in WoW, but there's ISPs? [7:01pm] hehehe [7:01pm] Wide Open West [7:02pm] Today has been all tech crap........fixing other peoples pc's, dicking with my connection, trying to build my website [7:02pm] had enough [7:02pm] well, I hope it stays on for ya...that's quite annoying * Retrieving #fazedcampaign modes... [7:04pm] I am sure I will drop if/when Chap shows [7:04pm] * Modren looks at Celdia... [7:04pm] * Modren decides that Celdia just doesn't look right.... [7:04pm] * Modren grabs Celdia's pants and pulls them WAAAAY up and wraps them around his head... much better! [7:04pm] see what happens when i get bored............. CHAP!!!!!!!! [7:05pm] * Disconnected [7:08pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign [7:08pm] * Rejoined channel #fazedcampaign »»»» Join synced in 0.266 Seconds. »»»» Total: 3 Operators: 1«33.33% » Voices: 0«0% » [7:09pm] Well, technically...*technically*, I always have something ready to go in the back of my head. I've just never run it... [7:09pm] herro [7:10pm] wb [7:10pm] * Modren sighs [7:11pm] 2 more brews and dI think patience is going to run out and my pc turns into a lawn ornament [7:11pm] barbecue rack [7:11pm] Nice mod that would be [7:12pm] or bird feeder... [7:12pm] mmm LCD juices rally add to the flavor [7:12pm] I did a project last semester, it was "other uses for old computer parts" [7:12pm] oh boy [7:12pm] I explained how to turn a CRT monitor into an aquarium [7:12pm] nice [7:13pm] i have a 21 sitting here i cant even give away [7:13pm] got me an A, all I did was read from someone else's website [7:13pm] There ya go!!! Ready Made Aquarium [7:13pm] HAZ [7:13pm] HAX [7:13pm] actually, it's a lot of work [7:13pm] Yeah twice I have luggd that bastard to someones house and it takes up too much space or wont fit at all [7:13pm] not something I'd want to do... [7:14pm] Office space had a nice idea [7:14pm] ;-) [7:14pm] ha ha... [7:14pm] :D [7:14pm] PC LOAD LETTER [7:15pm] We havea tape library at work that is non functions and had been frustrating everyone for a year now, I almost have permission for office space [7:15pm] LOAD "MPATROL",8,1 * Retrieving #fazedcampaign modes... [7:15pm] <.< [7:15pm] >.> [7:15pm] PC Load leeter never gets old [7:15pm] ...don't mind me.. [7:16pm] I'm still trying to figure out what mpatrol,8,1 means...what is it? [7:16pm] I dunno [7:16pm] * Modren engages google fu [7:16pm] ENGAGE!!! [7:17pm] Well, if you were as long into computers as me, you'd recognize that as a program loading command for a Commodore 64, the 8 is a drive designation (in this case, 5.25" floppy) and the 1 is a sub designation we used because we had 2 drives. [7:17pm] erm polish memory checking app? [7:17pm] wtf [7:17pm] I knew I had seen it, just couldn't place it. [7:17pm] MPATROL was the filename for Moon Patrol, an epic, epic game back in the day. [7:17pm] I worked on a C64 in middle school....moon patrol [7:17pm] I miss my commodore........the games are still around, just no commodore [7:17pm] [7:18pm] Get an emulator. [7:18pm] That's what I do. [7:18pm] as soon as you said commodore, i thought moon patrol [7:18pm] :D [7:18pm] I did, it wasnt the same [7:18pm] BS quest for tires here [7:18pm] BC [7:18pm] not BS [7:18pm] emulators dont do it....I think if I had a joystick maybe [7:18pm] the emulators are never quite the same...I had emulators for Atari 2600 and NES for a while, never worked quite right [7:19pm] I was so happy when I snagged the emulator........then I played. bleh [7:19pm] I used to tweak them alot [7:20pm] brb [7:20pm] I remember the old "choose your path"type roleplaying games........text interface.........awsom-o [7:20pm] Of course, without the old controllers for NES/SNES etc its never quite the same, but I used to play a lot of old C64 stuff with the keyboard so that was never too bad [7:20pm] yeah i think the paddles and such have a lot to do with it [7:26pm] frickig phpbb3.......having a hard time finding any gallery support for it [7:27pm] * Disconnected [7:27pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign [7:27pm] * Rejoined channel #fazedcampaign »»»» Join synced in 0.234 Seconds. »»»» Total: 3 Operators: 1«33.33% » Voices: 0«0% » [7:28pm] * Celdia hugs his knees, rocks back and forth and chants to himself in a whisper. "It falls in the hole or else it gets the hose again..." [7:28pm] ha ha ha.. [7:28pm] my brother and I spent hours and hours on that game. [7:29pm] I know I beat it once. [7:30pm] I don't remember if we ever beat it...probably not [7:30pm] so many great games.... [7:30pm] * Treladren says ahh memories [7:31pm] I know I played a lot of Atari, but I was really a Nintendo brat more than anything [7:32pm] yeah, I played a lot of Nintendo too. [7:32pm] my dad sold our Atari at a yard sale after he bought us a NES... [7:32pm] not a good day, we had like 70 or so games for Atari [7:32pm] All gone for $30 [7:32pm] Ouch [7:32pm] * Treladren cries [7:34pm] commodore is listed under vintage products on ebay......i feel old now [7:34pm] the ice from my icemaker smells like garlic [7:34pm] Mine alays smelled musty. [7:34pm] After like being in there a week or so [7:35pm] like cristmas [7:35pm] wow [7:35pm] Oh, and on 'vintage'....had a friend who ran a 'We'll sell your stuff on eBay' website. They put the word Vintage on about 90%+ of what they sold because the word means nothing [7:35pm] yeah i am considering it now [7:36pm] if that box arrived tomorrow I would instantly turn intoa 10 year old [7:36pm] Either of you guys havea VIC-20? [7:36pm] my wife would be "wtf" [7:36pm] my daughter would tell me it sucked [7:36pm] nope [7:36pm] no, not me [7:37pm] * Modren ebays for an assload of 5 1/4 discs [7:39pm] Mrs. Modren just vetoed the C64 =-( [7:39pm] hater [7:39pm] ha ha ha [7:40pm] * Celdia laughs. [7:40pm] she said she had an odesee whatever that is [7:40pm] one sided convo, i was geeked......she stared blankly [7:40pm] odyssey? [7:40pm] prolly who knoes [7:40pm] knows [7:41pm] Wow. Haven't heard about the Odyessy in a very long time. [7:41pm] * Treladren does not remember it [7:41pm] t couldn't have been as cool as the c64 [7:41pm] "Look, you control that little dot!!" [7:41pm] "Where's his football helmet?" [7:42pm] HAHAHAH [7:42pm] "That's the top of the dot!" [7:42pm] [7:42pm] i just did that lol [7:43pm] * Modren adds note "sucked compared to c64" [7:43pm] :D [7:44pm] So....shall we start taking bets on when Chapel is actually going to show? [7:44pm] heh..I'm taking 715 central time [7:45pm] hmm I dont know hte chap that well......would he just say fuck after this long? [7:45pm] I'm giving 2:1 on 5pm, 3:2.5 on 6pm, 5:1 on 7pm and 11:1.8 on 8pm [7:45pm] It's 7:45 [7:45pm] He'd show up to say he made it, I think. [7:45pm] you aren't EST are you Celdia [7:45pm] PST times there. [7:46pm] gotcha [7:46pm] is he as well? [7:46pm] Haven't been EST in over a year. We had that discussion before you got here, Mod. [7:46pm] he's EST [7:46pm] damn disconnects.........messing up my online bnerd life [7:47pm] you're still an offline nerd, so no worries. [7:47pm] ;) [7:47pm] Thanks man I needed that [7:47pm] anything I can do to help, :) [7:47pm] does Celdia posses a character? [7:48pm] Even if Chap does show it's still only 2 players [7:48pm] brb [7:49pm] I have no character. Or class. Or style. [7:49pm] freakin Giants are gonna win...GAWWWWWWW-----Dammit [7:50pm] as much as I hate the Cowboys, I really wanted them to win... [7:50pm] just so they could get their ass handed to them by New England [7:50pm] :D [7:51pm] I wanted the Seahawks to make it. Thought it would be amusing to see out here. [7:52pm] I couldn't see the hawks goin anywhere this year...running game sucks, not lucky enough [7:52pm] Yeah, I know. [7:53pm] hallo Sas! [7:53pm] good i didnt miss the game! [7:53pm] Heyla Sas. Now if Chappy'd just show up, y'all'd have a game. [7:53pm] Go Lions...oh wait [7:53pm] * Celdia snickers at Mod. [7:53pm] sup there sasquatch [7:53pm] * Modren cries [7:53pm] Actually the giants are looking like they are gonna win it [7:53pm] they did...they won't beat green bay [7:54pm] has there ever been a wild carder to make it to the super bowl? [7:54pm] yep...lots [7:54pm] ok let me rephrase that.. win the superbowl [7:54pm] steelers a couple years ago [7:54pm] cowher's last season [7:54pm] two #1s last year [7:54pm] I am not up on my nfl trivia [7:54pm] didnt know the steelers were wild [7:55pm] * Celdia wanders off to find breakfast. [7:55pm] * Celdia is now known as CeldiaAFK [7:55pm] hard enough to keep up with what uis going oin with one team [7:55pm] i hear ya [7:55pm] this is an ok place to show your nerdness and lack of nfl knowledge sasquatch [7:56pm] I have an NFL Trivia game on's a few years old, but you can have it if you want it * Retrieving #fazedcampaign modes... [7:57pm] * CeldiaAFK is now known as Celdia [7:57pm] Forget we had frosted flakes. Woot! [7:57pm] shh he's back [7:57pm] * Treladren snickers [7:59pm] lol its ok tre [8:00pm] I have actually been to a game in person, so I dont have to give up my man card quite yer [8:00pm] yet [8:00pm] Its not giving up the man card. You just get it stamped with 'GEEK' [8:01pm] If I get 10 geek stamps do I get a free sub or something? [8:02pm] no, that program has been halted due to abuse [8:03pm] hahahaa] [8:03pm] * Celdia looks at the pile of sub wrappers beside his books. "Yeah...major abuse..." [8:04pm] we've got a pizza buffet chain here called "Pizza Ranch"...not great pizza, but it's what we've got...they do the little 10 buffet's, 11th's free thing with cards... [8:04pm] or, they more cards, stopping the program in the coming months because of abuse [8:04pm] I think someone stole their little stampy thing [8:05pm] lol [8:05pm] Haha, that's great. [8:05pm] I love the places that use special hole punches [8:05pm] alright, I've gotta get something to eat...back in a few [8:05pm] that you can buy the same hole puncher anywhere [8:06pm] Exacto knife replica? [8:06pm] Oh, that doesn't sound very special. [8:06pm] we had a book club "reading rainbow" when I was in grade school free pizza for book reports.....I owned [8:06pm] eating was why I was late I fixed Rosemary chicken in Galic Cream sauce [8:06pm] Had that where I lived too. PIzza Hut did it,. [8:06pm] Levar Burton (geordie laforge) sponsered [8:06pm] yeah the hut [8:07pm] pizza hut used to be the best [8:07pm] ignore spelling, not correcting things tonight =-P [8:07pm] * Celdia twitches, trying not to out-geek the room by going Trekkie on Modren. [8:07pm] they always had the cocktail table version ofg digdug or pacman [8:07pm] hhee Celdia [8:07pm] Mine had Galaga, Sas. [8:08pm] I wasted so many dollars in that game. [8:08pm] wasnt gordee Lefourge the one that wore those Gary Numan newwave sunglasses? ;) [8:08pm] da [8:08pm] banan clip for women on his face [8:09pm] what was your out geeking Celdia [8:09pm] ? [8:09pm] Spelling correction. [8:09pm] yeah well...... [8:09pm] fatfingers tonghit in case you haven't noticed =-P [8:10pm] I know I watched it a few times .. justy wanted to see how badly I( could misspell Gourdo LeFLuigo enough to prompt Celdia over to the geek side [8:10pm] temporary condition though [8:10pm] i was waiting [8:10pm] That or a fun fact I had never heard before [8:11pm] Well, usually I'm a spelling Nazi. I used to be a whole lot worse but I've toned it down over the years...mostly because I kept pissing people off by pointing out their mistakes. [8:11pm] Like that the actor that got to play tuvok in Voyager was originally slated to play LaForge [8:12pm] Remember my spell script install.........turned me into a stutteriing retard [8:12pm] lol [8:12pm] I can't type and I am ok with that [8:13pm] of course everything was spelled correctly....just twice [8:13pm] yes it was [8:13pm] yes it was [8:13pm] =-D [8:13pm] hopefully Mr.Chapel will kmake it tonight [8:13pm] I think it's the script I use......doesn't play nice with others [8:14pm] if I get quiet it is cause I am installing turbotax [8:14pm] Is there a summoning ritual we ae supposed to do? [8:14pm] * Modren gets a live chicken ready [8:14pm] make sure its free range or it will spoil the ritual [8:14pm] * Celdia looks around for a virgin to sacrifice. Ties up Modren. [8:15pm] * Modren always suspected Celdia wanted to tie him up [8:15pm] roll 1d20+5 for arousal check [8:15pm] 0.0 [8:15pm] * Celdia thinks Mod is a sick fucj for having always suspecting that. Pervert. [8:16pm] you guys want to try to talk chapel into using open rpg if the monday nioght group gets it to work? [8:16pm] you are always sending me pics and leering at me Celdia, wtf am i supposed to think [8:16pm] zomg I had a carnal knowledge of DnD book......had way too much stuff like that in it sas [8:16pm] I tried to use OpenRPG once. That is a scary fucking mess. [8:17pm] The 3.5 book is called the Book of Erotic Fantasy [8:17pm] oh.. never mind then :) [8:17pm] I had a text file that was for 2nd Ed [8:17pm] But what bothers me is the 3.5 version is being sold at Borders now [8:17pm] yeah i thin mine was text too [8:17pm] ffs [8:17pm] I may still have the old one. I tend to save everything. [8:18pm] And I *know* I have the 3.5 PDF file [8:18pm] are really that inteested in making with the band of ogresses they encounter? [8:18pm] Yes. [8:18pm] reminds me of that DnD Dead alewives watchtower when the DM and the princess get a little to into it [8:18pm] princess....player..........whatever [8:19pm] I cast Rod of infinate hardness [8:19pm] I love how they put it all under the header of 'this was put together because people thought that this aspect of their characters lives was always being glossed over and its really such an important thing in a person's life" or some shit [8:20pm] Don't joke, Sas. That's probably a spell in there. [8:20pm] I bet [8:20pm] Who'm I probably about it. [8:20pm] *laughs* [8:20pm] k...i'm back... [8:20pm] They prolly have stats for using it as a weapon as well [8:20pm] * Celdia shudders. [8:20pm] had to make my own dinner, cuz the wife won't get off her ass and make it... [8:20pm] CLub [8:20pm] I'm cuttin her off tonight [8:20pm] would it be a light blunt weapon, or a projectile weapon? [8:20pm] good luck there Treladren [8:21pm] combo sas [8:21pm] The entire thing was written for the nerds that put a succubus encounter into every game session. [8:21pm] starts as blunt then you gain levels and poj [8:21pm] does the projectile act as a first level web spell? or does it blind your opponent if you get a headshot? [8:22pm] ...I think the people that live upstairs are listening to 'Amazing Grace' [8:22pm] Oh, check the psionic power 'entangling ectoplasm' [8:22pm] It does that [8:22pm] sing along really loud...maybe they'll get the hint...if you keep singing after the song ends [8:23pm] Oh, its not annoying or anything...I just hear the bass of it. [8:23pm] i didn't know there was bass in Amazing grace [8:23pm] This one is all vocals. [8:24pm] Or at least, I can't hear any instruments [8:24pm] word [8:24pm] spoken word [8:24pm] typed word [8:24pm] Shatner? [8:24pm] makes me think of the family guy thing with Stewie [8:26pm] That is my favorite episode [8:26pm] Just for that scene [8:26pm] my friend tells me I have to watch the Star Wars Family guy...can't find it, tho [8:27pm] it will be out on video soon [8:27pm] blue harvest [8:27pm] is the name of the episode [8:27pm] i shall be watching for it. [8:28pm] btw, my time for chapel has passed, so I didn't win [8:29pm] ALL HAIL THE HYPNO-TOAD! [8:30pm] i like the sound effect...sounds like a didgeridoo [8:33pm] * sasquatch drools [8:34pm] * Celdia catches it in a vial for the summoning ritual. [8:34pm] ick [8:34pm] Black magic is never pretty... [8:36pm] well, once you use magic, you never go back [8:37pm] * Celdia coughs. [8:37pm] COME ON, CHAPEL!!!! I'M ITCHING TO PLAY!!! [8:38pm] * Modren itches Treladren with a 10 foot pole [8:38pm] better? [8:38pm] a little to the left [8:38pm] Chhhhaaaaaapelllll cooome out to plaaaayyyyyeee [8:41pm] This season's Amazing Race is just not as exciting as past seasons. [8:45pm] kinda like this DnD session [8:48pm] HAH! [8:49pm] we started off so promisingly too [8:50pm] Well now we may be batting .500, which is fine for baseball players but bad for just about everything else in life [8:50pm] many players have we actually lost from the original roster? [8:50pm] 2? [8:50pm] dyank .. kamizu [8:51pm] Chunderbot [8:51pm] yes the monkish orc [8:51pm] did Dyank quit? [8:51pm] think he said he couldnt play this week [8:51pm] dont think he quit [8:51pm] That sounds right [8:51pm] I think someone quit before the first session ever happened though. [8:52pm] Could be wrong [8:52pm] SUNDAY: [8:52pm] DM: Chapel [8:52pm] Players: [8:52pm] dyank69 [8:52pm] ChunderBot [8:52pm] Crunch [8:52pm] Sasquatch [8:52pm] TomTom [8:52pm] Last roster post [8:52pm] * Celdia goes thru his files on the game. [8:52pm] tomtom never played i dont think [8:52pm] Anyoen drop from the monday night games? [8:53pm] I don't have a char sheet for TomTom unless he's under another name. [8:53pm] I've got Chunder, Sas, Dyank, Crunch, McGroin and 18/00STR [8:53pm] I'm dyank [8:54pm] oh bad [8:54pm] quiet you Dyank isnt here ;) [8:54pm] sas is Lackef [8:54pm] k...back quiet [8:54pm] 18double00 is Kamuzu [8:54pm] I need to make a card or somethin] [8:54pm] chunder had to quit, i think [8:54pm] crunch is modren [8:55pm] nah he is an imposter [8:55pm] I am modrne [8:55pm] Modren [8:55pm] I think you are right about chunder [8:56pm] lets all crash tommorow nights game [8:57pm] I don't think McGroin ever made it to game [8:57pm] :D [8:57pm] they cant handle the cleric haeavy party we have [8:57pm] lol [8:58pm] we will smite them! and then laugh as they cannot heal their wounds [8:58pm] so evil [8:58pm] I'm in [8:59pm] * sasquatch shakes his tiny gnome fist in a threatening manor [8:59pm] to arms broters [9:00pm] and borthers as well [9:00pm] and brothers [9:00pm] bloody ell [9:00pm] oh, bother [9:00pm] di you watch that 4th ed spoof on gnomes in the fazed dnd forum sasquatch? [9:00pm] I did and I get a lair [9:00pm] and a minion! [9:00pm] I will name mine Cuddles [9:01pm] that was good [9:01pm] and treasure to "give" to adventurers [9:01pm] who wants a treat bag? [9:01pm] Mom I am a monster..rawr [9:02pm] comanche moon is a bit bloody for 2 minutes into the show [9:02pm] chapel better give me my minion when he gets here [9:03pm] actually I am a bit hurt.. players can have fun with gnomes [9:04pm] Especially with the Throw Ally feat [9:05pm] hey Now! [9:05pm] :D [9:05pm] No, I kid. I mean, gnomes have their uses... [9:05pm] ...they make great chimney sweeps. [9:05pm] dont make me talk to a marmot with my talk to burrowing animals feat , I will have him take up residence in your tighty whities [9:06pm] * Celdia is now known as DMCeldia [9:06pm] * DMCeldia casts Vengeful Gaze of God on the marmot. [9:06pm] roll 316d6 [9:06pm] * DMCeldia is now known as Celdia [9:06pm] CUDDLES!!!! Nooooooooooo [9:06pm] you bastard! [9:06pm] you you you... killed Cuddles [9:07pm] * sasquatch Sobs [9:07pm] Not so much killed as vaproized [9:07pm] vaporized* [9:07pm] Just watched it again.....i love it [9:08pm] * sasquatch scatters Cuddles over Celdias Frosted Flakes [9:09pm] lol [9:09pm] * Celdia looks at the long-empty bowl, now fills with ashes. Shrugs, pours the milk. [9:09pm] They're GRR-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-EAT! [9:10pm] :D [9:12pm] they just dropped the n-word on comanche moon...lols [9:13pm] I have about 3 mins then I am gonna boogie [9:13pm] woman picks up a whip...says it's not for her horses, it's for her n-s.....didn't expect that, CBS [9:13pm] Celdia take over Modren if Chap shoes [9:13pm] shows even [9:14pm] Uhhh.... [9:14pm] wouldn't you rather have a zombie? [9:14pm] Whats the worst that could happen........ [9:14pm] Modren could die. [9:14pm] ;-) [9:14pm] why would he want a Zombo? [9:15pm] I think the flaoting rule on zombies is no-kill. [9:15pm] I dont like zomob [9:15pm] Yeah. [9:15pm] I get dibs on his gold! [9:15pm] woah sasquatch....... Modren wil live i have faith in Celdia [9:15pm] no kill? awwwwwww [9:16pm] that's some strong faith... [9:16pm] Actually, Mod's got one of the best stat sets I think out of the group and has solid gear. With the healing spells on top of that, he'd be unkillable compared to the rest of you. [9:16pm] unkillable......for a first level. [9:16pm] ummmmmmmmmm [9:17pm] no one is unkillable [9:17pm] Hey I am doing pretty good for a gnome! [9:17pm] I dont even have a lair [9:17pm] You can have that cave that had all the undead in it. [9:17pm] but it is collapsed... [9:18pm] and smells funny [9:18pm] Only the back part [9:18pm] Get some of your burrowing friends to dig it out [9:18pm] lol [9:18pm] lol [9:18pm] ok we will dig it out and look for the secret stuff I know we missed [9:18pm] Mod, you need to get yourself a big-ass shield. [9:18pm] I got nothing but time tonight [9:19pm] [9:19pm] Then get your holy symbol engraved into it so it counts as holding your divine focus all the time [9:19pm] took me too long to find that [9:20pm] Yah I couldn't afford the shield [9:20pm] it is on the list thought [9:22pm] how about, when Chap finally does show, we tell him we're all tuckered out from all the gaming we've been doing since 5 [9:22pm] :D [9:22pm] He might think I'm stealing his game though if we did that. [9:22pm] I for one am exhuasted [9:22pm] my fingers hurt from all the typing and dice rolling [9:23pm] i believe i am getting arthritis [9:23pm] good thinkg we have clerics Treladren [9:24pm] more clerics than any party should have [9:24pm] Which is really odd. [9:24pm] Usually no one wants to be the cleric. [9:24pm] They are fun [9:24pm] perhaps I should switch classes...and become a cleric [9:24pm] heh [9:24pm] Fricking Holy War campaign [9:24pm] no worries on plot hooks.......just make it a commandment [9:24pm] then we could be all,"heal this, bitch" and they would be all, "nuh-uh, you heal it" [9:25pm] Heal this bitch, lol [9:25pm] nuh-uh, you heal it [9:25pm] no We need a smasher [9:25pm] oh no you di-nt [9:25pm] hell a tief would be nice too [9:25pm] We should be able to buff [9:26pm] and a wizard to come back [9:26pm] 3 clerics in one party of different faiths that get along would be tits [9:26pm] MUNCHKIN PARTY [9:26pm] Gaerdal doesn't care as long as none of the clerics are EVIL [9:27pm] Even at level 1, that would be bad ass [9:27pm] right, as long as none of the clerics were opposed faiths.......... [9:27pm] and if we were from San Diego, we could be the Padres!!! [9:27pm] never done that but I bet it would be sweet [9:27pm] * Celdia weeps. [9:27pm] *laughs* [9:27pm] * Celdia penalizes Tre 5000xp. [9:28pm] it's the cold medicine...sorry [9:28pm] You better be sorry. [9:28pm] That was *terrible* [9:28pm] on that note I should be going [9:28pm] I thought it was clever. [9:29pm] I dont think chapel is gonna show tonight [9:29pm] I hope we get to play next week [9:29pm] Even if he did, there wouldn't be time to do much of anything [9:29pm] he said he would...I'm sticking around to see what happened....besides, I have no life [9:29pm] at this rate it will be 2009 before we make 2nd level [9:30pm] i agree...and that is sad [9:30pm] I don't think it'll be that bad. [9:30pm] We should get XP just for showing........5 xp per 10 mins [9:30pm] whee! I'm rich! [9:31pm] Depending on what my work schedule ends up looking like in hte next few weeks, maybe I'll do the guest DM bit more often for nights like this. [9:31pm] But he still has to run the camp as is [9:31pm] yep [9:31pm] I'm good with go ahead and steal his group, he's not using it [9:32pm] I have a feeling it was just the 2 times, thats the way he made it sound anyway [9:32pm] nice Treladren [9:32pm] alright , night guys [9:32pm] see you next week [9:32pm] see ya! [9:32pm] Later Sas [9:32pm] I am posting that.......I wanna see what happens to your character lol [9:32pm] later sasquatch [9:33pm] i would hope that is taken as the sarcastic joke I meant it to be, lol [9:33pm] * Modren edits Treladren last line out of the log [9:33pm] lol [9:33pm] =-D [9:33pm] * Celdia puts it back in. [9:33pm] awww [9:33pm] * Celdia edits it to be worse. [9:33pm] zoinks [9:34pm] * Celdia looks at this work. " I AM A GIANT FLAMING FAGGOT! just though you should know" [9:34pm] Better. [9:34pm] I told the wife I was gonna start saying Zoinks as an interjection...i don't think she was impressed [9:34pm] dammit. [9:34pm] I use it damn near daily [9:35pm] only once usually, maybe twice [9:35pm] words can't hurt me, neener neener boo boo [9:35pm] * Celdia is now known as DMCeldia [9:35pm] How about now? [9:35pm] besides she is the wife.........the time for impressing is over ;-) [9:35pm] that is true... [9:35pm] :D [9:35pm] * DMCeldia is now known as Celdia [9:36pm] * Treladren thinks celdia is cheating [9:36pm] I always tell Mrs. Modren " I already have you" jokingly of course [9:36pm] Of course I am! [9:36pm] lol [9:36pm] Remember, poeple who like to play fair like to lose half the time. [9:36pm] "I'll cut you off!" [9:36pm] * Modren is now known as Modren_ultimate [9:36pm] "You don't know where I get it" [9:36pm] * Modren_ultimate is now known as Modren_ultimate_DM [9:36pm] more betterest [9:37pm] Actually, to be fair, Tre has all the power right now. He's OP. [9:37pm] you wake up.......... [9:37pm] nien [9:37pm] who to kick...who to kick [9:37pm] you wake up.......... [9:37pm] you have no clothes [9:37pm] it's dark [9:37pm] go [9:37pm] OPEN EYES [9:37pm] =-D [9:37pm] I've run these kinds of games before, too. [9:38pm] yeah when we were younger [9:38pm] sorry, watching tv... [9:38pm] No, I mean recently. [9:38pm] it's dark and they have no clothes on either [9:38pm] ahh [9:38pm] you LARP? [9:38pm] aaaaaand...commercial [9:38pm] =-P [9:38pm] I acted as the 'computer' and someone else gave commands like they were playing an old text adventure gam [9:38pm] game* [9:38pm] * Modren_ultimate_DM is now known as Modren [9:38pm] nice [9:39pm] you have died of dysentery [9:39pm] Of course, I was a fiar bit slower than a computer game, but I could think and change the game as it went along. [9:39pm] interesting concept though [9:39pm] Hello Dave [9:39pm] We've got an Oregon Trail CD around here somewhere [9:39pm] I remember I had something like "I don't understand that." ready to paste anytime the player said something too complex. [9:40pm] hehe [9:40pm] that would be kinda fun... [9:40pm] Its not the worst kind of game but it is a bit tough to keep adlibbing the game, especially when the player isn't going where you expect. [9:40pm] One of the old C64 text games responses was "that's kinda cheesey isn't it?" [9:41pm] I had a game that if you cussed too much the gods smote you [9:41pm] i wish I could remember the name of the one I played all the time in school on the Apple II [9:41pm] you need a clue bat for that Celdia [9:42pm] [9:42pm] I love that one [9:43pm] I don't get the agro related ones since I don't play wow I guess but the rest of that dir is good stuff [9:43pm] Aggro is pretty simple [9:43pm] Piss off an enemy, get aggro [9:43pm] More aggro, more it wants to eat your face insteadof someone else [9:43pm] agreession? [9:44pm] Yep [9:44pm] yep, [9:44pm] gotcha [9:44pm] hey i learned stuff tonight [9:44pm] no mater how much i tried not to [9:44pm] Heh. [9:44pm] and learning, is half the battle [9:45pm] GI JOE [9:45pm] * Celdia plays a fanfare. [9:45pm] honestly, this is almost as much fun as DND [9:45pm] * Modren says to Celdia Things Not to Say During Sex #25. Got any penicillin? [9:45pm] weak [9:46pm] I just had an idea for a multiplayer psuedo-text adventure [9:46pm] hald a tux.....never work, you couldn't get in anywhere [9:47pm] wut? [9:47pm] idea? [9:48pm] wtf is DPS? [9:48pm] I'd need to work out more than the basic premise and I've got like no ideas of where to go with it. [9:48pm] Damage Per Second [9:48pm] ahhh [9:48pm] A DPS character pretty much is the guy that lays down the fireballs [9:49pm] coninual damage.....i like [9:49pm] t in there somewhere [9:50pm] The idea was having two (or more I suppose) players running the same adventure. Their characters are chained together. ...I think there was a movie about escaped convicts that had the same problem. [9:51pm] like siamese twins? [9:51pm] The chain makes it so they are always in the same 'room' as the other one, either from working together or dragging each other around [9:51pm] I have seen the preview [9:51pm] i have not [9:51pm] but in DnD you could alter the chain to be any restriction [9:52pm] same xxx' radius [9:52pm] same line of sight [9:53pm] or even a time restriction would be interesting [9:54pm] time apart* [9:54pm] PLayed in a game like that once [9:54pm] Super overpowered game [9:54pm] but forced you to think? [9:55pm] more* [9:55pm] The party, completely volitile random mishmash of characters came under the same curse all at once [9:55pm] Being a mile apart from the majority of the rest of the group, killed you instantly. [9:56pm] that would make for an interesting facet [9:56pm] I would do a poison effect......minutes = hp loss. Then set up obstacles that forced you to seperate.......multiple solutions but some resulted in death [9:56pm] Every week, a specific stat of yours (usually the key one, Int for Wizards, Cha for Sorcerers, Wis for Cleric, etc etc) would go up by 1d4+2, and another random stat would drop by 1d6 [9:57pm] * Treladren is now known as Chapel [9:57pm] hey everyone!!! [9:57pm] -.- [9:57pm] Wow, man. Just wow. [9:57pm] * Chapel is now known as Treladren [9:57pm] You know, that would have been an epic gag if you really were Chapel and had been here all damned night. [9:57pm] Also the kind of thing I would do [9:57pm] i know, right... [9:58pm] i'm gonna hack up a lung.... [9:58pm] Anyways, what with the stat-fucking curse, we had to work together to either find a 'cure' or all die. [9:58pm] lol nice [9:58pm] Oh, if at anytime there is only one man left, he dies. [9:58pm] So killing the others was automatically out. [9:59pm] Its an interesting motivation. [9:59pm] that seems like a menacing challenge... [9:59pm] sounds interesting [9:59pm] I was playing a CG Psion (Kineticist, I think). Once my Int got over 30, I could kill everyone and everything within about a 1/4 mile radius [10:00pm] you'd have to get some people that aren't out to screw stuff up [10:01pm] I played my character as obsessive about being liked though. I was always using a detect thoughts power to make sure the others were happy with me. Also I had like +15 in Profession (Cooking). I made a gourmet meal out of an umber hulk one night. [10:01pm] Which was followed by the detect thoughts to make sure everyone liked the meal. [10:01pm] It was one of the biggest running jokes out of all my characters. [10:02pm] We killed everything. I cooked anything. [10:02pm] lol [10:02pm] lol [10:04pm] alright, I'm tired of looking at the computer. I think I'm going to say goodnight. [10:04pm] Shall we call it then? [10:04pm] * Celdia checks watch. [10:04pm] Time of death... [10:04pm] I'm calling it. [10:04pm] ok, u call it [10:05pm] 7:04pm, PST. [10:05pm] BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP [10:05pm] Mod, log it, send it, I'll post it. [10:05pm] G'night boys. [10:05pm] and don't mess with my lines, lol [10:05pm] aight i am off like a prom dress [10:05pm] l8r [10:05pm] cya later [10:06pm] * Disconnected Session Close: Sun Jan 13 22:06:05 2008