Session Start: Sun Jan 20 17:48:46 2008 Session Ident: #fazedcampaign [5:48pm] * Now talking in #fazedcampaign »»»» Join synced in 0.14 Seconds. »»»» Total: 1 Operators: 1«100% » Voices: 0«0% » * Retrieving #fazedcampaign modes... [5:49pm] * Modren changes topic to 'Where players come to kill tings and take their stuff' [5:57pm] * Modren changes topic to 'Where players come to kill things and take their stuff' [6:06pm] howdy! [6:07pm] who's the new guy? [6:07pm] sorry folks, couldn't find the damned doorknob [6:08pm] welcome, there Chappy! [6:08pm] know if i can just get the silly dicebot [6:08pm] yooooo [6:09pm] sorry ordering za [6:09pm] ja get one for me? [6:09pm] * Modren sets mode: +oo chapel Treladren [6:09pm] ha! [6:09pm] come and get it man......though I am running low on brew [6:09pm] say hey, if i am not on the FAZED server and i join the same room name, i wont end up here will i? [6:09pm] no [6:09pm] i dont think you will [6:09pm] it's like rooms in a house [6:10pm] howdy Sas! [6:10pm] * sasquatch is now known as Lackef [6:10pm] shh he's here [6:10pm] who's here, Sas just left [6:10pm] o.0 [6:10pm] * Modren thinks on it [6:10pm] hey guys [6:11pm] * chapel is now known as DMchapel [6:11pm] nice to see you back Chapel [6:11pm] my dicebot will not connect to :( [6:11pm] I'll roll [6:11pm] bad dice bot bad! [6:11pm] lol I was gonna offer to modren [6:11pm] "Why do I keep getting 1s? Stupid dice!!!" [6:11pm] we'll share ;-) [6:12pm] amazing, that attacking dragon rolled a critical miss again! [6:12pm] lol [6:13pm] Its tail attack brings down a rock on his own head for 10 d6 damage [6:13pm] bear with me technical difficulties [6:13pm] brb [6:13pm] no prob, we've waited 3 weeks, what's another few minutes? :D [6:13pm] WOW [6:14pm] I wanna play NOW! [6:14pm] my ex-wife says I'm not sensitive enough, but that bitch is stoopid [6:15pm] awesome, dicebot is MIA [6:15pm] back 45 more mins for [6:16pm] I'll be all kinds of bagged up by then [6:16pm] wheee!!! [6:16pm] Can I just take pics of my rolls and email them to you DMchapel? [6:16pm] *laughs* [6:17pm] I used to be a boy me [6:17pm] * Modren winks [6:17pm] I can do the same..(loads up pic of 20, 6, 18, 10 [6:17pm] Why won't it connect DMchapel? any specific reason? [6:17pm] throw in a few 16s and 17s so he doesnt get suspicious [6:17pm] unable to resolve server [6:17pm] I have no experience with the dice bot [6:17pm] Dumb question but.........typed correctly? [6:17pm] its just some scripts loaded into a mirc [6:18pm] [6:18pm] oh.. [6:18pm] where'd ya get it? [6:18pm] celdia [6:19pm] he's got the cheapest stuff in town. [6:19pm] lolz [6:19pm] I wonder if it's because I made the room.........I have no permissions set. [6:19pm] lemme leave [6:20pm] maybe if you are founder it would work [6:20pm] no worries, its not you [6:20pm] it wont even join a server, not just this room [6:20pm] it's not you it's me...........heard this before ;-) [6:20pm] it's not you it's my bot.........even better [6:21pm] maybe one of us could load on up [6:21pm] * Disconnected [6:24pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign [6:24pm] * Rejoined channel #fazedcampaign [6:24pm] * Topic is 'Where players come to kill things and take their stuff' [6:24pm] * Set by Modren on Sun Jan 20 17:57:52 »»»» Join synced in 0.25 Seconds. »»»» Total: 4 Operators: 2«50% » Voices: 0«0% » [6:24pm] honor rolls is fine [6:24pm] can i have 1 min to try [6:24pm] hmmm ok.. I need to go get my bottle of dice [6:24pm] absolutely [6:24pm] "I've never rolled so high so many times before!!!" [6:25pm] i am pretty sure the problem is just on my end (i keep getting some IP error popping up in windows) [6:25pm] i actually dont have any dice........they were lost in the war =-( [6:25pm] brb [6:25pm] if any of you can run the dicebot, by all means (just make sure to brive it a little, no one likes 1's) [6:26pm] * Treladren readies bribing fists [6:28pm] back [6:28pm] ok, so no one kick him [6:29pm] in fact...brb [6:29pm] darnit I just dug out my dice and blew the dust off of them [6:29pm] shit, sorry folks, dicebot decided to come play [6:29pm] roll 1d20 dicebot suckage [6:29pm] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20 dicebot suckage and gets 10." [6:29pm] coolio [6:29pm] roll 1d3 [6:29pm] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d3 and gets 2." [6:30pm] roll 1d20+2 [6:30pm] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+2 and gets 7." [6:30pm] allrighty now...Go Pack Go [6:30pm] roll 1d20+2 [6:30pm] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+2 and gets 13." [6:30pm] roll 1d20+2 [6:30pm] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+2 and gets 8." [6:30pm] roll 1d20+2 [6:30pm] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+2 and gets 14." [6:30pm] roll 1d20+2 [6:30pm] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+2 and gets 19." [6:30pm] stop, you'll break it!!!! [6:30pm] just the three of us is it? [6:30pm] and the dm of course [6:31pm] dunno, i'm looking around for the other two (we did lose the orc, right?) [6:31pm] yeh [6:31pm] chunder I think droped yeah [6:31pm] would be nice to keep him as a zombie though [6:32pm] one more damage dealer couldnt hurt [6:32pm] yay! meat shield! [6:32pm] so we are missing 18double00 [6:32pm] has he played at all? [6:32pm] and Kamizuzu [6:32pm] i think Kamuzu = chunder [6:32pm] not when I have been here.. [6:33pm] we are missing Kamuzu and Waylon [6:33pm] thought chunder was the halforc monk who talked in a british/cockney accent [6:33pm] waylon did play once I think « Treladren » i can't remember...i think this is our core group, tho « Lackef » yep «@ DMchapel» well, i have good news « Treladren » saved a bunch of money on your car insurance? « Lackef » you saved a lot of money by switiching to Geico? « Treladren » gmta « Lackef » Get Outta my Head Charles! «@ DMchapel» uhm, no « Treladren » what is that from...i know i've seen it on a lolcat [6:36pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign »»»» Now talking in #fazedcampaign. »»»» Topic is 'Where players come to kill things and take their stuff' »»»» Set by Modren on Sunday, January 20th, 2008 at 5:57pm »»»» Total: 5 Operators: 1«20% » Voices: 0«0% » «@ DMchapel» you guys do need to level up to 2 though [6:36pm] Tre: Juggernaut said it to Mr Xavier [6:36pm] Wooo Level two! [6:36pm] xmen or something? [6:37pm] I am an uber gnome now unstoppable! [6:37pm] tre :yes Xmen [6:37pm] k..back on topic....don't we get more hp too? [6:37pm] aye, a hit dice determined by your class [6:37pm] yep [6:37pm] if unsure, ask [6:37pm] * Treladren asks [6:37pm] back...... [6:38pm] <--fighter [6:38pm] Tre, d10 [6:38pm] roll d10 [6:38pm] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls a d10 and gets 2." [6:38pm] plus your CON mod [6:38pm] roll 1d8 [6:38pm] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d8 and gets 3." [6:38pm] * Treladren can has reroll? [6:38pm] that sucked [6:38pm] you guys leveling? [6:38pm] add your con modifier [6:39pm] i would get biggie [6:39pm] aye, Modren, all are now level 2 [6:39pm] still disappointed, tho [6:39pm] [6:39pm] but I'll take it. [6:39pm] d8 clerics correct? [6:39pm] yes [6:39pm] roll 1d8+2 [6:39pm] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d8+2 and gets 4." [6:39pm] yikes [6:40pm] roll 1d4+10 [6:40pm] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d4+10 and gets 12." [6:40pm] lol [6:40pm] nice con mod [6:41pm] ok I got 7 with my con bonus [6:41pm] i'm beefy [6:41pm] roll 1d8+4 [6:41pm] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d8+4 and gets 8." [6:41pm] but I like dicebot better this time [6:41pm] oh well 7 it was [6:42pm] you all have access to the leveling information, yes? [6:42pm] yeah [6:42pm] no [6:43pm] no worries, Tre, i'll send ya the pertinents [6:44pm] try resending, didn't connect [6:46pm] it's not connecting, but Chaps has me on the right track...thanks [6:46pm] coolio [7:16pm] * Disconnected [7:17pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign [7:17pm] * Rejoined channel #fazedcampaign [7:17pm] * Topic is 'Where players come to kill things and take their stuff' [7:17pm] * Set by Modren on Sun Jan 20 17:57:52 »»»» Join synced in 0.235 Seconds. »»»» Total: 5 Operators: 1«20% » Voices: 0«0% » [7:17pm] i wonder what the players drink when it's so cold out (green bay) it gatorade, or warm gatorade? [7:17pm] welcome back, Modren!!!! [7:17pm] omg [7:17pm] wtf [7:18pm] something wrong? [7:18pm] connection is fine all day........then RP time and BAM screwed [7:18pm] stop using it all up in the beginning of the day!! [7:18pm] ahhh maybe [7:19pm] wbmodren [7:20pm] heya [7:20pm] Modren, I am just finishing up leveling the ZombieOrc and ZombieSorc, i'll get your changes in a moment :) [7:21pm] oh, thanks [7:21pm] I am not sure what went through thats all [7:22pm] * Disconnected [7:24pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign [7:24pm] * Rejoined channel #fazedcampaign [7:24pm] * Topic is 'Where players come to kill things and take their stuff' [7:24pm] * Set by Modren on Sun Jan 20 17:57:52 »»»» Join synced in 0.219 Seconds. »»»» Total: 5 Operators: 1«20% » Voices: 0«0% » [7:25pm] soooo i have pizza now but no interwebs [7:25pm] i'll have some pork ina minute or two...wish it was pizza...diets are the debil!!!! [7:26pm] If this happens during the session just put Modren on auto pilot - he humps the nearst thing, ally or enemy [7:26pm] ...i had beef ramen, an apple, a croissant, and a Harp lager [7:26pm] duly noted, hump nearest [7:27pm] I hate is terrible for the diet [7:27pm] ;-) DMchapel [7:27pm] i could live on pizza, if only it were a little healthy. [7:27pm] i eat too much of it, that's my problem' [7:27pm] it can be very healthy [7:27pm] i can't live with just one or two pieces [7:28pm] true Treladren [7:28pm] it is healty.. tomatoes, dairy, meat presevatives.. bread [7:28pm] good stuff [7:28pm] bah almost forgot ZombieRogue [7:28pm] i go to the buffet in town, and i'm downing 8-12 pieces, plus soda [7:28pm] and if you get muc\shrooms and black oilives. that is two more servings of veggies [7:29pm] roll d8 [7:29pm] * DMdicebot --> "DMchapel rolls a d8 and gets 8." [7:29pm] fucking rogue [7:29pm] of the veggies for pizza, those are probably two of the most unhealthy [7:29pm] but yummiest [7:29pm] roll d6 [7:29pm] * DMdicebot --> "DMchapel rolls a d6 and gets 2." [7:29pm] i could go for some buffalo chicken pizza, or a slice of pep/mush/extra cheese [7:29pm] by slice, I mean half a large pizza [7:30pm] i wish i could roll d20 [7:31pm] didn't know if that would work [7:31pm] roll d20 [7:31pm] * DMdicebot --> "DMchapel rolls a d20 and gets 10." [7:31pm] you can go healthy.. there is a pubish place with a wood grill that makes a killer pizza with sun dried tomatoes, banana pepperrs and other veggies.. [7:31pm] tasty nwith a dead guy [7:31pm] mmm [7:32pm] i can't stop, that's my problem....i even eat big salads. Which I imagine are pizzas. [7:35pm] roll d4 [7:35pm] * DMdicebot --> "DMchapel rolls a d4 and gets 1." [7:35pm] 92 yd touchdown pass Favre to Driver [7:36pm] mhmm [7:39pm] almost done [7:40pm] okie dokie, ready all? [7:41pm] ya know, i really dont feel like playing [7:44pm] Hold on let me start my man o war playlist over [7:44pm] * Disconnected [7:45pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign [7:45pm] * Rejoined channel #fazedcampaign [7:45pm] * Topic is 'Where players come to kill things and take their stuff' [7:45pm] * Set by Modren on Sun Jan 20 17:57:52 »»»» Join synced in 0.234 Seconds. »»»» Total: 5 Operators: 1«20% » Voices: 0«0% » [7:45pm] can you get Modren off my leg? [7:45pm] *kicks Modren* [7:45pm] you awaken the next morning to the same miserable weather you left. the hopes that it might break shattered as they dark dawn approaches and Graff knocks to rouse you [7:46pm] * Lackef wakes up and readies his stuff after saying his morning prayers to Geadral [7:46pm] * Treladren wakes up, gets ready to move on out [7:46pm] "Up and out 'em, boys! Tyrrel is ready to leave" [7:47pm] *Gaerdal [7:47pm] * Treladren moves down to the rest of the party [7:48pm] back hehe [7:48pm] * Modren shakes the sleep from his head and begins gathering his pack and supplies together [7:49pm] * Modren greets the others with a pleasant "good morning" as he pass them [7:50pm] as you form up by the wagons Tyrrel steps down from the driver's seat of the front wagon, "Horrible weather, this, and terrible mud on the roads. Erek wants to press on, afraid to lose any time, so get your gear in the wagons, grab some food, and let's get rolling." [7:50pm] * Treladren does as Tyrrel asks [7:50pm] * Modren stows his pack in the back of one of the wagons as he had done before [7:50pm] * Lackef loads into the front wagon [7:55pm] "So, any ideas about what we can expect aound these parts?" [7:55pm] directed towards the crew [7:55pm] * Disconnected [7:56pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign [7:56pm] * Rejoined channel #fazedcampaign [7:56pm] * Topic is 'Where players come to kill things and take their stuff' [7:56pm] * Set by Modren on Sun Jan 20 17:57:52 »»»» Join synced in 0.265 Seconds. »»»» Total: 5 Operators: 1«20% » Voices: 0«0% » [7:57pm] Krystal and Lerris make a pass through the party handing out some hardtack and apples for lunch near midday when the wagons stop to rest the horses [7:58pm] * Modren acceepts the meal with thanks [7:58pm] * Lackef eats [7:58pm] * Treladren eats, and thanks the wonderful people that made it [7:59pm] * Modren takes the oppotunity to step off to the side an pray to Gilgamesh since he wasn't able to this morning. [7:59pm] As you eat Race pops out from one of the tents to say that at the current speed it make take a few extra days to get to port, "But never fear, we will find you passage aboard one vessel... or another." [8:00pm] "I trust your judgement, Race" [8:02pm] Gilgamesh will guide us [8:03pm] * Disconnected [8:03pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fazedcampaign [8:03pm] * Rejoined channel #fazedcampaign [8:03pm] * Topic is 'Where players come to kill things and take their stuff' [8:03pm] * Set by Modren on Sun Jan 20 17:57:52 »»»» Join synced in 0.312 Seconds. »»»» Total: 5 Operators: 1«20% » Voices: 0«0% » [8:04pm] * Treladren gets ready to go [8:04pm] * Lackef gets ready as well [8:05pm] * Modren readies up. [8:06pm] * Modren looks up at the cloudy sky and says "what a wonderful day for a stroll" with wink and a smile to his companions * Retrieving #fazedcampaign modes... Quits: DMchapel ( (Ping timeout) [8:08pm] * Modren humps DMdicebot ? « Treladren » hah « Treladren » bow chicka bow bow « Lackef » no chapel is humping the dicebot Quits: DMdicebot ( (Ping timeout) [8:08pm] aww i scurd him Joins: DMchapel ( «4 users » « Lackef » he's back! « DMchapel » sorry about that, forgot to plug in the laptop « DMchapel » anyways « Lackef » lets all leave and come back so he can have ops « DMchapel » no need ««Ë®®öR»» You're not channel operator: #fazedcampaign ««Ë®®öR»» You're not channel operator: #fazedcampaign « DMchapel » Tyrrel and Lerris check to the readiness of the horses and the wagon start back out, still beset by rain and mud Joins: DMdicebot ( Clone: DMchapel «5 users » « DMchapel » as dusk approaches it becomes apparent that there will be no rest at a nice cozy inn tonight, the weather has slowed the pace to the point that it would be well into dark before an inn is reached, and the decicion is made to camp by the side of the road rather than risk the horses to the mud in the dark « Treladren » goody, camping!!! [8:13pm] A fine way to travel under the open sky, fresh air. [8:13pm] * Modren offers his assistance to make ready camp to whomever needs it * Lackef pitches in as well * Treladren doesn't want to be left out « DMchapel » finally the weather does break and the rain lets up as the sun sets. there are no dry places to sleep on the ground near the road, so try and find a good a spot as you can near the wagons * Treladren looks for a tree « DMchapel » no trees here, it's mostly grassland * Lackef sleeps curled up on the agon bench « DMchapel » thats where Graff is [8:15pm] Perhaps under the wagons........ « Treladren » put me somewhere, chaps...I don't mind the wetspot [8:15pm] or ontop « DMchapel » ... « Lackef » Tre: that's what she said « Treladren » no she's said the opposite...that's the problem. « DMchapel » well, make camp as you wish. the elves are in the rear wagon, Race and Erek are sleeping in the lead wagon. Graff and Tyrrel are stretching out on the benches « DMchapel » should probably figure out who will stand what watch, as well « Treladren » i can take first watch « Lackef » I can take first watch [8:17pm] I'll take first « Treladren » jinx « Lackef » ok I will take second « Treladren » (nothing ever happens on the first watch, hee hee) [8:18pm] haha « DMchapel » ZombieOrc and ZombieRogue will take third and fourth, so two hours each « Lackef » ok « DMchapel » Treladren, make a spot and listen check « DMchapel » wait... who has second watch? « Lackef » moi « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 12." « Treladren » roll 1d20 listen * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 listen and gets 18." « Treladren » no bonus « DMchapel » no bonus for either? « Treladren » correct « Treladren » both are wisdom, right? « DMchapel » should take first watch or no watch « DMchapel » right, both WIS « Treladren » i took 1st « Lackef » he did « DMchapel » Lackef, same, please « DMchapel » aye, i meant forever « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot and gets 19." « Lackef » roll 1d20+6 listen * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+6 listen and gets 23." « Lackef » if only that were an attack roll... « DMchapel » you hear some rustling out in the distance, the scream of a dying rabbit, but nothing else « DMchapel » Modren gets the night off, somehow « Treladren » the scream of a dying « Lackef » mmm rabbit « DMchapel » coyote, probably [8:24pm] hey i volunteered for 1st and got booted « Treladren » i beat you « DMchapel » the night passes uneventfully « Lackef » doesnt matter quiet night anyhow « Treladren » <---fast fingers of fury « DMchapel » Kamuzu wakes the group just before first light « Lackef » "what is it boy?" « Treladren » ha! « DMchapel » "Get up, lazybones" [8:25pm] * Modren set about breaking up camp [8:26pm] OOC - still carppy weather? * Treladren wakes, shakes, bakes [8:26pm] crappy* * Lackef says a prayer to Gaerdal and helps break up camp « DMchapel » rain stopped, still a little cold and damp. mud is the only trouble today « Treladren » if mud were money, we'd be filthy rich [8:27pm] Haha « DMchapel » this is a larger trade road and upkept, no real trouble in the daytime to avoid the washouts « DMchapel » Tyrrel readies the horses, "We start shortly, need to try and make up some of that time from yesterday." * Lackef loads into the front wagon again [8:29pm] "Hopefully the weather holds" « Treladren » "I'm willing to help push, if necessary" * Treladren loads stuff in wagon « DMchapel » "Roads should be better today, but pushing might help at times." « DMchapel » it is still not yet dawn when the wagons start out, but the sky looks promising today birds can be heard among the grass « DMchapel » travelling is easier today, and the horses are making good time. « DMchapel » spot checks please [8:32pm] * Modren sings a songs to Gilgamesh quietly, one praising the travel aspect of his domain « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 4." « Treladren » blind as a bat [8:32pm] roll 1d20+4 spot * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+4 spot and gets 11." [8:32pm] look,mud « Treladren » lol « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot and gets 9." [8:33pm] MORE MUD!!! « DMchapel » thank you « DMchapel » lol « DMchapel » okay, so the rider is almost upon the wagons when you first notice him. he appears unarmed, but his heavy wool cloak makes that hard to be certain of. he stops a little ways ahead when he sees you approach and moves off to the left of the road « Treladren » "Hey, look up ahead" * Lackef keeps his eyes peeled for other people scanning the horizon [8:36pm] OOC - dirty like us or clean>? « DMchapel » "Look sharp, but walk easy," says Tyrrel, "he looks harmless. But looks can be deceiving." * Treladren watches as i walk « DMchapel » the rider looks like has has been on the road for a few days at least. his horse has been brushed before starting out this morning, but it still has some mud on its flanks [8:38pm] * Modren walks and nods as he passes the rider and sizes him up once he gets closer * Lackef fiddles with his ring as we pass , mumbling a prayer to Gaerdal « DMchapel » as you approach the rider greets you, "Good day! Miserable weather this is, but the roads are better back the way as the ground rises." * Treladren acknowledges the riders presence, but says nothing and keeps his face hidden « Lackef » "Thank you for the information sir, where are you headed?" « DMchapel » "Just headed down the road aways, would have been to my brother's already if it weren't for the rain." * Lackef gives the traveller some of his leftover bread « Lackef » "well met I am Lackef, servanty of Gaerdal. And who might you be? [8:45pm] "May your travels be swift" « DMchapel » "I be Cliff. And if you are heading down the road much further, be alert, I passed some rough looking folk setting up a few tents off to the side of the road a few hours down the way." « Lackef » "Did they give you any trouble as you passed?" * Treladren continues to keep my face hidden « DMchapel » "Ha! No, they never even saw me, Father taught me better than that. But wagons are harder to hide than one trapper and his horse." [8:48pm] "Thanks for the information, hopefully we can put it to use" [8:48pm] * Modren looks to Ravce [8:49pm] *Race « DMchapel » "Hopefully you won't need to, " the rider watches from the side of the road as you pass, obviously curious as to what would be in such heavily guarded wagons but knowing better than to try and find out. « Lackef » "Thanks for the warning Cliff, May the Shield of Gaerdal watch over you on your journey" « DMchapel » he rides back on to the road after you pass a fair distance and heads on his way « DMchapel » Race looks to Modren, "Yes, I too think this camp might be trouble. We had best keep a sharp eye." [8:53pm] "You have maps of this area correct?" « DMchapel » Krystal ducks into the wagon to retrieve Graff's crossbow and bolts, and Tyrrel checks to ensure his sword is loose in it's scabbard [8:53pm] "Any way to avoid this without detouring to far?" « DMchapel » "Maps, sure, right, we have maps of this area... in one of the chests." « Treladren » "What, are you scared of a little combat?" * Lackef checks his sling and bullets « DMchapel » "Avoid, them? This is the only real road through the area, and with all the rain, there is no way the wagons could cut crosscountry" * Lackef makes sure his hammer is ready as well [8:54pm] " Just cautious about ruffians camping a road ahead of us is all" * Treladren oils his mace, so the blood doesn't stick too much [8:55pm] "I am sure that if they mean ill they will meet the same fate as the last group at the bridge........whom they may actually be." « Treladren » "I'm not worried...what will happen will happen" [8:57pm] "Let us make our preparations and move on then" « DMchapel » The hours pass, but now with the threat of some unknown group up ahead the group is alive with eyes watching and ears listening. Still, there is no sign of danger as you roll along. Tyrrel decides to stop earlier than usual, to pull the wagons farther back from the road up on a slight hillock. * Lackef readies for camp « Lackef » I will take second watch again [8:58pm] "Perhaps 2 per watch is in order tonight?" [8:58pm] I will take which ever is needed « DMchapel » "I want you to spilt up in to groups and do some quick scouting before it gets to dark. And yes, double the watches." « Lackef » ok Tre , you and me? « Treladren » sounds good...let's go [8:59pm] I'll head up along the road a bit. « Lackef » we will scout around the camp hill « Treladren » hillock « DMchapel » okay, so Modren on the road with ZombieOrc. Lackef and Tre in the grasslands « Treladren » how tall is the grass? « DMchapel » Lack, Tre, three spots and a survival check please. Modren, just three spots « Lackef » do I need to ride on tres shoulders? « DMchapel » the grass is 2'~3' :-D « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot #1 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" « DMchapel » you don't quite dissapear « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot1 * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot1 and gets 7." « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot1 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot1 and gets 18." « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot2 * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot2 and gets 7." « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot2 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot2 and gets 9." « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot3 * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot3 and gets 14." « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot3 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot3 and gets 16." « Treladren » roll 1d20 survival * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 survival and gets 9." « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 survival * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 survival and gets 11." « Lackef » By Gaerdal's Shield i can't see anything over this blasted Grass! [9:02pm] roll 1d20+6 spot * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+6 spot and gets 8." [9:02pm] roll 1d20+6 spot * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+6 spot and gets 24." [9:02pm] roll 1d20+6 spot * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+6 spot and gets 22." [9:02pm] roll 1d20+6 spot * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+6 spot and gets 21." [9:02pm] ignore the last one.......arrow happy « DMchapel » Tre, you notice that there has been some recent activity in the grasses a little way off from the hillock on the sam6e side of the road you have camped on, most likely no more than ten persons. Lackef, you don't really notice the activity, but you do lead Tre back to camp so he doesn't get lost * Treladren relays above info to Lackef « DMchapel » Modren, walking along the road you spot the track from the rider earlier where then first enter the road from the right. You surmise this is where he came back on from circling the "rough-looking" fellows. you do not see any other traffic on the road « DMchapel » following the road, you have no difficulty making your way back to camp [9:05pm] * Modren returns to camp and reports his findings [9:07pm] Before hitting the sack Modren goes about a series of excersices with some available logs and stones, prays to Gilgamesh then head off to sleep « DMchapel » Race, Graff, Tyrrel, and Krystal are sitting around a small fire with some stew heating in a pot when the groups return just before sunset. the fire is curious, as everything is wet. the food smells wonderful * Treladren relays the information to the rest of camp « DMchapel » "Reports, then food." Tyrrel commands [9:08pm] *before dinner not sack ;-) « DMchapel » heh yeah, a hot meal after walking all day in the cold mud sounds heavenly « Lackef » "we should be extra cautious tonight" * Lackef thanks race (he's the cook i think) for the stew « DMchapel » "So there *is* someone out hear, and we are on the same side of the road, if those tracks from the rider you found are of any indication, Modren." [9:10pm] "Well I saw where Cliff circled around them.......but no sigh of them" [9:10pm] sign* « DMchapel » OOC yes, Race is the cook, Erek wouldn't know a stew from a bar of soap [9:10pm] "perhaps during the day with his tracking eyes he saw more than I did at night" [9:11pm] OOC - How large is this fire? [9:11pm] OOC - Are we giant targets? « DMchapel » Krystal smiles at Modren, "Don't be so hard, you found the clue we needed, something that not many would" « Treladren » Lackef isn't « DMchapel » the fire is small and shielded from the road by the wagons, the wagons themselves would make for nice targets. that is whay you have pulled so far from the road « Lackef » Hey now! * Treladren thanks Race for the stew, eats, and readies for first watch [9:12pm] "thanks Krystal" [9:12pm] * Modren smiles « Lackef » "Tre , you said you were on second with me" « Treladren » that's what I meant « Treladren » .... « DMchapel » As everyone finishes and Lerris hides the fire, Tyrrel assigns the nights duties "Double watches in camp. Graff take first roving watch, I'll take second roving watch, Krystal will take last roving watch." * Lackef nods and settles down to catch a bit of sleep [9:15pm] * Modren beds down under one of hte wagons in a dry spot if he can find it « Treladren » "Wake me if you need help" * Treladren settles down for the night [9:15pm] OOC I am on 3rd? « DMchapel » well we will have someone out in the grasses keeping an eye out, who will be the two in camp up for the four watches « Lackef » OOC Tre and I are 2nd « Treladren » I can take either 1st or second, doesn't matter to me « DMchapel » so Lackef and Tre on 2nd [9:17pm] OOC 3rd would good for me. I don't think you guys are doubling NPC and one PC « DMchapel » Modren, which would you like « DMchapel » you can run them however you want [9:17pm] I am confuzzled - I am sticking with 3rd « DMchapel » 3rd it is [9:18pm] perhaps after a bit of rest my head will be clearer, night all « DMchapel » so first watch will be Kamuzu and Fortrez, second will be Lackef and Tre, third will be Modren and Waylon Lerris and Tyrrel will take fourth camp watch « Treladren » excellent « DMchapel », i just realised that Tyrrel is taking three watches. « Lackef » he will be tired in the morning * Treladren is not smart enough to notice [9:20pm] * Modren is sleeping « DMchapel » well Tyrrel sacks out to get his two hours of sleep, Graff heads out into the dark, and ZombieRogue and ZombieOrc climb atop the wagons « DMchapel » Graff comes into camp to wake Tyrrel, and send Lackef and Treladren to relieve the zombies « DMchapel » "Try not to use any torches, if you can lads. Not point in drawing attention," Tyrrel says as he heads out into the darkness * Treladren relieves a zombie « DMchapel » four spots each, please « Lackef » ooc is there any moonlight? « DMchapel » and four listens as well « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot1 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot1 and gets 1." « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot2 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot2 and gets 14." « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot3 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot3 and gets 11." « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot4 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot4 and gets 18." « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot1 * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot1 and gets 22." « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot2 * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot2 and gets 7." « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot3 * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot3 and gets 12." « DMchapel » there is moonlight, but not enough to see well « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot4 * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot4 and gets 16." « Treladren » roll 1d20 listen1 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 listen1 and gets 18." « Treladren » roll 1d20 listen2 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 listen2 and gets 16." « Treladren » roll 1d20 listen3 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 listen3 and gets 15." « Treladren » roll 1d20 listen4 * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 listen4 and gets 8." « Lackef » roll 1d20+6 listen1 * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+6 listen1 and gets 20." « Lackef » roll 1d20+6 listen2 * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+6 listen2 and gets 12." « Lackef » roll 1d20+6 listen3 * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+6 listen3 and gets 19." « Lackef » roll 1d20+6 listen4 * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+6 listen4 and gets 20." « DMchapel » Lackef about halfway through the watch you definitely hear something coming towards the wagons, something trying not to be heard * Lackef whispers to tre, "Something's coming" « DMchapel » Tre spot and listen, please. Lackef, you too * Treladren looks around « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 14." « Treladren » roll 1d20 listen * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 listen and gets 20." « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot and gets 16." « Lackef » roll 1d20+6 listen * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+6 listen and gets 22." * Treladren readies sling and bullet « DMchapel » neither can see anything, but now you both hear someone coming towards the wagons. it is definitely a someone, from out in the grass in the direction you were heading * Treladren whispers to Lackef, "What should we do?" * Lackef quietly wakes the rest of the party « DMchapel » Modren? « Lackef » "something is coming , keep quiet" [9:29pm] ooc I am at camp no? * Treladren switches sling for mace * Lackef readies his sling and finds cover « DMchapel » aye, you are at camp sleeping. Lackef is trying to wake you [9:30pm] ooc ahh.......I missed that bit [9:30pm] * Modren rouses grogily from his sleep « DMchapel » Graff wakes when shook, readies a crossbow and kicks the rest of the party awake [9:30pm] mmm what ? [9:31pm] * Modren remebers and readies his mace « DMchapel » "Get ready, fun is coming." « DMchapel » Tre, you are still up on the wagon, yes? * Lackef moves into position close to tre , ready to cast Aid « Treladren » yes « DMchapel » make a spot please « Treladren » roll 1d20 spot * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 12." « DMchapel » ... [9:32pm] * Modren makes his crossbow at hand as well « DMchapel » i am sorry that the bot hates you tonight [9:32pm] roll 1d20+6 spot * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+6 spot and gets 11." [9:32pm] +6 and I get 11 « Lackef » I am up on there now too with him « DMchapel » Lackef, a spot as well, please « Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot and gets 12." « Treladren » dammit « Lackef » Dangit! « Lackef » he is standing in my way « Treladren » can I try to blend in with the wagon? [9:33pm] * Modren is still under the wagon waiting to see if he needs his crossbow or mace « DMchapel » a low whistle breaks the expectant silence. Graff whistles back, a complex series of chirps * Lackef relaxes a bit. « DMchapel » Tyrrel stands up from the grasses a few paces out in the dark and walks into camp [9:34pm] * Modren chuckles « DMchapel » "Good to see you are all awake, I found our friends." * Treladren puts mace away « DMchapel » (don't feel bad, if you guys had spotted him i would have been amazed) * Lackef puts his sling back over his shoulder [9:35pm] "mayhaps we should all learn that bird call, lest we make pin cushions out of each other in the dark" « DMchapel » "Keep that mace, handy. And your sling, I want to go pay a visit." * Lackef nods « Treladren » bards * Lackef readies his sling again * Treladren gets mace back out, makes sure it is oiled « DMchapel » Graff laughs, "Nothing to the whistles actually, it is a trick to fool someone trying to sneak in. I was just sining him a song. Had there been a reply again we would attack." « DMchapel » singing, even [9:37pm] well thats the trick then isn't it [9:37pm] thanks for that « Treladren » interesting « Lackef » aye « DMchapel » Tyrrel goes to wake Krystal and Lerris, and helps Krystal don her armor. « Treladren » i'd like to help Krystal don her armor, if you know what I mean « DMchapel » "Here's the plan, there are three small tents up the road and to the left aways. They are sloppy and unorganized, only have one watch and his is next to the fire." « DMchapel » (yeah, you would, which is why Tyrrel does :D) « DMchapel » "We are going to head out into the grass and come up behind them, find out who they are and... well, we will see from there." * Lackef shakes his head dissaprovingly at tre, "resist temptation my son:" * Lackef nods [9:39pm] temptation make life intersting Lackef « Treladren » i should have made that OOC [9:40pm] * Modren grins « DMchapel » lackef is just jealous he can reach the breastplate [9:40pm] ouch * Lackef shakes his tiny fist in rage [9:40pm] awww how cute « Treladren » shorties get no love, man...I feel ya (chestpump) [9:40pm] "I am a monster....rawr!" « DMchapel » heh « DMchapel » so we all clear on what Tyrrel plans? « Lackef » aye [9:41pm] yeah. « Treladren » yes « Treladren » come up from behind and maul them « DMchapel » right-o :D « Treladren » then ask them who they are « DMchapel » see, the boy gets it [9:42pm] Perhaps a Light stone lobbed in the opposite direction to distract them.........I happen to have one « Treladren » i read that in a Sean Connery voice « Lackef » modren :if we need distraction.. I can provide it « Treladren » let's go!!! « Treladren » silently, tho « Treladren » leave the marching band in camp « DMchapel » Tyrrel signals you all to be as quiet as possible and heads out into the grass, cutting away from the road as he does [9:43pm] * Modren moves as silently as he can [9:43pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren tries to move silently [9:44pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » after making your way about a quarter-mile into the dark, Tyrrel cuts sharply back to the right, towards the road [9:44pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » three hundred yards later he stops and drops to a knee [9:44pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren stops [9:44pm] * Modren mimics his movements [9:44pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren squats [9:45pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef is already down in the grass so just bends down slightly [9:46pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » "Graff, go left. Fortrez, right. Treladren and Kamuzu will wait here with Krystal and Lerris. Lackef, Modren, with me." [9:47pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef nods [9:47pm] * Modren nods [9:47pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Lackef, Modren, hide and move silent please. only one of each [9:47pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren waits in the dark [9:47pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+5 hide [9:47pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+5 hide and gets 9." [9:48pm] roll 1d20+2 hide [9:48pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 hide and gets 3." [9:48pm] omg [9:48pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » ick [9:48pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » ooc "GAAAAAAH!" [9:48pm] ooc - HERE I AM [9:48pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren stands up [9:48pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » move silent rolls? [9:48pm] roll 1d20+2 MS [9:48pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 MS and gets 3." [9:48pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+1 move silent/ run deep [9:48pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+1 move silent/ run deep and gets 16." [9:48pm] ooc ar you shitting me [9:49pm] ooc two 1's in a row [9:49pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Tyrrel glances back at Modren, "Wait here." [9:49pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » you are like a fricken bull moose mod :) [9:49pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » wow, that sucks [9:49pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » leave the cowbell in camp next time [9:49pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Lackef, hide and move silent [9:49pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Modren and Tre, spots and listens please [9:49pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+5 hide [9:49pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+5 hide and gets 15." [9:49pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20 spot [9:49pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 spot and gets 11." [9:50pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20 listen [9:50pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 listen and gets 10." [9:50pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+1 Ms [9:50pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+1 Ms and gets 5." [9:50pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » musta tripped over Med's cowbell [9:50pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » *mod's [9:50pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Mod, listen and spot [9:50pm] ooc no more rolls please [9:51pm] roll 1d20+4 listen [9:51pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+4 listen and gets 6." [9:51pm] roll 1d20+6 spot [9:51pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+6 spot and gets 26." [9:52pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Lackef as you creep through the grasses with Tyrrel he says to you "We are just about there, we will wait here to make sure Graff and Fortrez are in position." [9:52pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef nods [9:52pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Modren, you notice the grasses moving off to your right... Tyrrel and Lackef went more to the left [9:53pm] * Modren shifts his position to look towards the rigt and readies his mace [9:54pm] * Modren is now facing threat just to be clear [9:54pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » you see someone coming towards you, make a hide check [9:54pm] roll 1d20+2 hide please be good [9:54pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 hide please be good and gets 10." [9:55pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » he stops short just about ten feet away, it is clear he has seen you but is surprised to find you there. you get a surprise round action [9:56pm] * Modren rushes forward and swings with his mace [9:57pm] roll 1d20+3 [9:57pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+3 and gets 15." [9:57pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » you catch him with a good crack to the chest, roll damage please [9:57pm] ould be +1.......2n d level [9:57pm] roll 1d6+3 [9:57pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d6+3 and gets 6." [9:58pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » he is rocked by the heavy blow but still steady on his feet [9:58pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Lack and Tre, listen checks please [9:58pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20 listen [9:58pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 listen and gets 1." [9:59pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Modren, roll initiative please [9:59pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » lol [9:59pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren is jammin to his ipod [9:59pm] roll 1d20+2 init [9:59pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 init and gets 3." [9:59pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+6 listen [9:59pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+6 listen and gets 7." [10:01pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Modren, the half-orc in front of you, for that is clearly what he is, growls at you and readies a swing with his battle axe [10:01pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » he hits with a glancing blow [10:02pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » take 4 points [10:03pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » your go [10:03pm] roll 1d20+4 attack [10:03pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+4 attack and gets 24." [10:03pm] * Modren roars [10:03pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » ooc wow... [10:04pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » woo hoo!!! [10:04pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » roll to confirm please [10:04pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "DMchapel Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" [10:04pm] lol [10:04pm] roll 1d20+4 attack [10:04pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+4 attack and gets 12." [10:04pm] zoinks [10:04pm] betwen chappy and his bot i dunno ;-) [10:04pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » you strike a crushing blow to his head, damage please [10:04pm] roll 1d6+3 [10:04pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d6+3 and gets 8." [10:05pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » what is your critical hit multiplier? [10:05pm] x2 [10:05pm] roll 1d6+3*2 just trying [10:05pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d6+3*2 just trying and gets 18." [10:05pm] it works [10:05pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » heh [10:06pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » he crashes to the ground without ever getting the chance to make a cry of alarm, his skull broken [10:06pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » tNice hit! [10:06pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » well done [10:06pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Lackef make a listen please [10:06pm] ooc just get a bunch of 1's in a row and it's bound to happen [10:07pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+6 listen [10:07pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+6 listen and gets 22." [10:07pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » you hear the battle raging behind you, Tyrrel does too and rushes towards the noise [10:08pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef follows behind [10:08pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » do i notice them leaving? [10:08pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » my ipod is kinda loud, that's why i ask [10:08pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Tre you are back with Krystal and Lerris, no? [10:09pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » did i mess this up? [10:09pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » okay, no [10:09pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i are correct...never mind [10:09pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » my fault [10:09pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Tre, please make another listen though, even you may have heard that deathknell [10:10pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20 listen [10:10pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 listen and gets 10." [10:10pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » good enough [10:10pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Tre, the three with you head off to the noise as well. you all meet up over the dead body of the roving guard [10:10pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren kicks the body to see if it moves [10:11pm] "don't think so" [10:11pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Tyrrel looks at the crumpled shape "Seems that they were a bit smarter than I had thought, but still no where near any good. Good work, Modren." [10:11pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef searches the body [10:11pm] He didnt get off an alarm [10:12pm] * Modren burns 2 cure minor on himself [10:12pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Lackef, he is wearing dirty hide armor, carrying a crude longbow with seven arrow, and a battle axe [10:12pm] +2 hp [10:12pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » "should we set their tents on fire? [10:13pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » OOC: I HATE THE GIANTS!!!!!!! [10:13pm] Perhaps a blessing before we continue [10:13pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » "That may not be a bad idea," agrees Lerris [10:13pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef casts cure light on modren [10:13pm] * Modren casts bless [10:13pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » remember, +1 to all attack rolls and saving throws [10:13pm] +1 att and sav for all in 50 ft for 2 minutes [10:13pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » :) [10:13pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d8+2 cure [10:13pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d8+2 cure and gets 7." [10:14pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Modren should be at full health now, no? [10:14pm] he cast that on me, then yes [10:14pm] * Modren smiles thank you Lackef [10:14pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef nods and readies hammer [10:15pm] I shall throw a light stone as far as I can to the left [10:15pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » "Let's all go foward together, Graff and Fortrez will be in position by now." [10:15pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » wait one last spell [10:15pm] are the zombies to the left? [10:15pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » "come here Tre" [10:15pm] I am trying to throw a stone away from us DMchapel [10:15pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » "It is still a little way off to the camp, hold that light spell until we are about to attack." [10:15pm] aye [10:15pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren goes to Lackef [10:15pm] * Modren grabsa stone [10:16pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » "modren: let me cast a glammer instead to distract them" [10:16pm] If you wish [10:16pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef casts aid on tre [10:17pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » OOC: what does that do? [10:17pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » aid? +1hit and +1hp? [10:17pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » actually 1d8 hp [10:17pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » ah, +1 hit and 1d8+caster level [10:17pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » so 1d8+2 [10:17pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d8+2 [10:17pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d8+2 and gets 4." [10:17pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » (got my cheat sheet up :D_) [10:17pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » you get 4 extra temp tre [10:18pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » cool [10:18pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef gets ready to cast ghost sound before attack [10:18pm] * Modren still holds the stone [10:19pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » okay so if i have this right, Lackef is going to cast ghost sound, Modren will throw a stone with a light spell on it? yes? [10:19pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » yes on my end [10:19pm] only if they dont react to ghost readied i guess [10:20pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » ah, okie dokie [10:20pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » so you all creep towards the camp, hide and move silent please [10:20pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20+1 hide [10:20pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+1 hide and gets 21." [10:20pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+5 hideandseek [10:20pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+5 hideandseek and gets 21." [10:21pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20+1 ms [10:21pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+1 ms and gets 12." [10:21pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+1 move silent [10:21pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+1 move silent and gets 7." [10:21pm] roll 1d20+2 hide [10:21pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 hide and gets 10." [10:21pm] roll 1d20+2 MS [10:21pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 MS and gets 3." [10:21pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » stupid cowbell [10:21pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » lol [10:21pm] are you kidding me [10:21pm] ooc if this were real dice I would buy a new set [10:23pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » okay so as you creep up to camp you spy three tents, one that would be best described as yellow, one approching blue, and something that was once red. you can all plainly see the "guard" sitting comfortable next to the fire. his head pops up as you get close, he has obviously heard something. he is peering out into the darkness [10:24pm] ooc - something hmmmmmmm wonder what that could be [10:24pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef casts ghost sound imitating a flock of birds on the other side of the camp in the trees [10:24pm] * Modren observes [10:25pm] * Modren if they dont bite ligh stone [10:26pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » the guard is obviously not fooled by this "flock of birds". he grabs his axe and heads over to where the noise came from [10:27pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren readies mace [10:27pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef readies hammer and ducks in grass [10:28pm] how many humanoids in camp? [10:28pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » roll d8*2 +1d6+1 [10:28pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "DMchapel rolls a d8*2 +1d6+1 and gets 13." [10:28pm] * Modren observes [10:28pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » i think i did that wrong [10:29pm] wtf string was that [10:29pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » does anyone remember how to roll sneak dice? [10:29pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » silently [10:29pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » well, as he was going over to the trees, Graff shot him in the back and crit'd [10:29pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » roll d8+1*2 [10:29pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "DMchapel rolls a d8+1*2 and gets 14." [10:30pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » roll d6 [10:30pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "DMchapel rolls a d6 and gets 6." [10:30pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » okay so 20, that works too [10:30pm] better [10:30pm] also i dont think you can put spaces in the string t have it work [10:30pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » the guard falls dead, a bolt imbedded in his throat. once more a guard dispatched without the chance to raise alarm [10:31pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » we're getting good at this! [10:31pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » i will take luck over skill any day [10:31pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » so now that the guards have been dispatched, Tyrrel waves everyone in [10:31pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren goes in [10:32pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef sneaks in as well [10:32pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » the sound of snoring is clearly audible from all three of the tents [10:33pm] * Modren moves [10:33pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef whispers "now which one of these might hold the leader...." [10:33pm] * Modren motions to anyone looking at the butt end of his mace - meaning we want some alive [10:34pm] * Modren moves stealthily towards the faded red tent [10:34pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren whispers "so don't kill them?" [10:34pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Tyrrel points to the three of you and then to the red tent, he send Krytal, Lerris and Graff to the blue, he and the zombies take the yellow [10:34pm] * Modren whispers not all if we dont have to [10:34pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » "Capture them if you can, neutralize either way" [10:35pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef heads towards the red tent [10:35pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren puts away mace, readies sling to use like a sock and a rock [10:35pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef watches for trip wires or alarms [10:36pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+4 spot [10:36pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+4 spot and gets 10." [10:36pm] * Modren listens at the tent and motions for the others to hold a second. how many sleeping inside [10:36pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » nothing noticed in the camp [10:37pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » possibly two in the tent [10:37pm] * Modren holds up 2 fingers. [10:37pm] * Modren looks to the other tents........everyone in position? [10:37pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren whispers "peace to you too" [10:37pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » everyone is ready [10:38pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » ready [10:38pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » ... [10:38pm] * Modren points to the tent flap then rushes in [10:38pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef nods [10:38pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren follows [10:38pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef follows behind [10:39pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » the tent is small and you are practically standing on its occupants, a sleeping male orc and a female (you think) half-orc [10:39pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » hawt [10:39pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » not really [10:40pm] * Modren mace butt to the face [10:40pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » to which? [10:40pm] on nearest [10:40pm] male [10:40pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren whispers, they're already sleeping, why knock them out?" [10:40pm] ooc and no not hot [10:40pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » make an attack Mod [10:40pm] roll 1d20+4 [10:40pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+4 and gets 8." [10:40pm] ffs [10:40pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » heh still hits [10:41pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » damage [10:41pm] roll 1d6+4 [10:41pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d6+4 and gets 9." [10:41pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef attempts to tie up the female [10:41pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren helps however he can...grabs for legs and arms [10:42pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » the male wakes up with a roar, Lackef and Tre make grapple checks. everyonre make initiative rolls [10:43pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20+5 grapple [10:43pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+5 grapple and gets 13." [10:43pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20-2 grapple [10:43pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20-2 grapple and gets -1." [10:43pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » Doh! [10:43pm] roll 1d20+2 init [10:43pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+2 init and gets 18." [10:43pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20+5 init [10:43pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+5 init and gets 10." [10:43pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » nice negative roll [10:43pm] crap +1 attacks guys [10:43pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+1 init [10:43pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+1 init and gets 15." [10:44pm] i didnt add mine [10:44pm] grapp is an attacke [10:44pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » just add +1 to my roll, i didn't add grapple was 14 [10:45pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » wait, i have aid too... [10:45pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » so that makes it 15 [10:45pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Modren is up [10:45pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » the orc is awake and pissed [10:45pm] Mace to face [10:45pm] roll 1d20+5 [10:45pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+5 and gets 17." [10:45pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » subdual or lethal? [10:45pm] lethal that tiem [10:45pm] time [10:45pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » okie do [10:45pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » damage [10:46pm] roll 1d6+3 [10:46pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d6+3 and gets 5." [10:46pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » his eyes glaze for a moment but he stays concious [10:47pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » he can not stand, so he swipes at you with his axe from the ground [10:47pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » he missed wildly, then rolls as far from you as he can [10:48pm] in a tent? [10:48pm] ooc - how large is this tent with 5 combatants in it [10:48pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Lackef, Treladren, the female orc broke out of you grapple, and swings at Tre with her fist [10:48pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » the tent isnt large at all, but he is no longer between your feet :) [10:48pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » ooc it is a tent of holding [10:49pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » lol lack [10:49pm] =-) [10:49pm] ooc - should have asked many rounds ago [10:49pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » DMChapel, can i try to grap her arm as she swings it at me, and put it behind her back? [10:50pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » no, she attacks before you do. but she also misses [10:50pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Lackef, you're up [10:50pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » didn't know if I had a chance to parry [10:50pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » can I take a clean swing at the male orc? [10:50pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » ooc mechanics-wise, thats basically what you did [10:50pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » word [10:50pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Lackef, you can [10:51pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » I do so then [10:51pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+3 [10:51pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+3 and gets 8." [10:51pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » swing and a miss [10:51pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » you missed his knee [10:51pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » aye, a miss [10:51pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Tre, you're up [10:52pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » wait does he count as a goblinoid? [10:52pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » no [10:52pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » sorry [10:52pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » nm then [10:52pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » try to subdue the female, grapple i guess, try to pin arms and legs somehow [10:53pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » grapple check, which is BAB + STR again [10:53pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » scratch that [10:53pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » make a touch attack [10:53pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » attack roll with BAB and STR mod added [10:53pm] Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + special size modifier = grapple ? [10:53pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » right [10:54pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » you have no size mod [10:54pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » d20? [10:54pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » right [10:54pm] +1 attack [10:54pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » yes all bonus from spells apply [10:54pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » handheld? [10:55pm] +2 [10:55pm] aid and bless [10:55pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » <==confused thoroughly [10:55pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20 [10:55pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20 and gets 4." [10:55pm] +2 =6 [10:55pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » + str bonus right? [10:55pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Tre it would be your handheld plus the +1 from bless and +1 from aid [10:55pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i didnt add any bonuses, because i wasn't sure what it was [10:56pm] +2 from spells plus str bonus [10:56pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » +2 base, +4 str [10:56pm] much better [10:56pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+6 then [10:56pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+6 then and gets 19." [10:56pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » +2 base, +4 str, +2 spells [10:56pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » so 21. good [10:56pm] lololololl [10:56pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » that was lackefs roll [10:57pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » sorry was showing him what to roll [10:57pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » 4 (roll) plus 8 [10:57pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » 12 [10:57pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » now this means you have initiated the grapple, this is where the rasslin' comes in, go ahead and make a grapple check, same number d20+8 but now you have to beat what she rolls [10:57pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » oh [10:57pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » okay, go ahead and make the touch roll Tre [10:58pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » that is d20? [10:58pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » yes [10:58pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » bonuses? [10:58pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » +8 [10:58pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » the d20+8 [10:58pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » I don't have touch attack on my sheet, that's why I'm confused [10:58pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20+8 [10:58pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+8 and gets 26." [10:58pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » a touch attack is an attack roll with the aim of just making contact, the aromor she is wearing does not matter, you just need to touch her [10:58pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » got it [10:58pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » <--green [10:58pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » it just changes what her armor class is [10:59pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » okay, so you easily make contact, now initiate the grapple, make a grapple check. it is the same numbers [10:59pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20+8 [10:59pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+8 and gets 21." [11:00pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » you have easily pinned her arms behind her back [11:00pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef hums the gorn battle music from star trek [11:00pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Modren you are up [11:00pm] Smash to the face of the male with the butt end of my mace [11:00pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » subdual? [11:01pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » hulk smash [11:01pm] yes [11:01pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » proceed [11:01pm] roll 1d20+5 [11:01pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Modren rolls 1d20+5 and gets 14." [11:01pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » sorry for the delays on my retardedness [11:02pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » swing and a miss [11:02pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » he retaliates as best he can with his axe [11:03pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » he hits with a vicious blow, 12 points of damage [11:04pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » where does that leave you Mod? [11:04pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » damn.... [11:05pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Mod? [11:05pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » u killed him [11:05pm] 2 hp [11:05pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » *sobs* [11:05pm] sorry afk [11:05pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » oh okay, i thought i may have killed you IRL [11:05pm] He hurt me BAD [11:05pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » me too [11:05pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » lol [11:05pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » I cast cure light on modren [11:05pm] I have a firewall, no chance [11:06pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d8+2 [11:06pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d8+2 and gets 9." [11:06pm] * Modren roars [11:06pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Tre the female orc is trying to break free of your grasp, make an opposed grapple roll (same numbers, you still have to beat her roll) [11:06pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » lackef, not yet [11:06pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20+8 [11:06pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+8 and gets 17." [11:06pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » ok sorry [11:07pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » she breaks free of your grasp and stands. Lackef, you can take an attack of opprotunity against her [11:07pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i smell like orc [11:07pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » ok whack an orc with my hammer [11:07pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+3 [11:07pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+3 and gets 23." [11:08pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » YAY!!!! [11:08pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » confirm the crit, please [11:08pm] "kill if you have to boys" [11:08pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d20+3 [11:08pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d20+3 and gets 7." [11:08pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » awwww [11:08pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » not a crtical, she ducks at the last moment and takes the blow on the collarbone, do damage [11:08pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » roll 1d6+2 [11:08pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Lackef rolls 1d6+2 and gets 3." [11:09pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » good roll [11:10pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » lackef, you have the chance to heal Modren, but if you do so you will provoke an attack of opprotunity from the female [11:11pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » I cant leave a man hurting. Gaerdal wouldnt hear of it [11:11pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » I am healing mod [11:11pm] dude stay alive [11:12pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » no worries, she misses wide [11:12pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Mod, ypou can have those 9 points [11:12pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Tre you are up [11:13pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » fists of fury against closest orc [11:13pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d20+8 [11:13pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d20+8 and gets 10." [11:13pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » that sucked mucho [11:13pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » still a hit [11:13pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » yea verily it did my child [11:14pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » how is handheld damage done? [11:14pm] subdual [11:14pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » weapon damge + STR mod [11:14pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » fists are 1d3 [11:14pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » no weapons? [11:14pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » in a tent, no room to swing mace, sling is put away [11:15pm][01/20/2008]« DMchapel » Tre, fist or mace? [11:15pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » fist...looking to knock out [11:15pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d3+4 [11:15pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d6/2 + 4 [11:16pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d6 [11:16pm][01/20/2008] * Lackef kicks dicebot [11:16pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll 1d6 [11:16pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » roll d6 [11:16pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i killed dicebot [11:16pm] no i sneak attacked that mofo [11:16pm] * Modren wins [11:16pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » lol [11:16pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d3+4 and gets 6." [11:16pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren Dice Error: Invalid arguments in the attempted roll" [11:16pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d6 and gets 2." [11:16pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d6 and gets 4." [11:16pm][01/20/2008] *** Notice -- Server flood protection activated for #fazedcampaign [11:16pm][01/20/2008]Joins: chapelDM ( Clones: DMchapel & DMdicebot «6 users » [11:16pm][01/20/2008]« chapelDM » sorry folks [11:17pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » huh? [11:17pm][01/20/2008]« chapelDM » i d/c'd [11:17pm][01/20/2008]« chapelDM » Tre was the attack with fist or mace? [11:17pm] we won [11:17pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » fist [11:17pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » looking to knock out [11:17pm] everyone died exept pcs [11:17pm] yay [11:17pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » he rolled a six on damage [11:17pm] [11:16pm][01/20/2008] * DMdicebot --> "Treladren rolls 1d3+4 and gets 6." [11:17pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » see told ya [11:18pm] i log everything [11:18pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » brb [11:18pm][01/20/2008] Quits: DMchapel ( (Ping timeout) [11:18pm][01/20/2008]« chapelDM » if you attack unarmed without improved unarmed prof, you would provoke an attack of opprotunity [11:19pm][01/20/2008]« chapelDM » did i drop? [11:20pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » yes [11:20pm][01/20/2008] Quits: chapelDM ( (Quit:) [11:20pm][01/20/2008] Quits: DMdicebot ( (Quit:) [11:20pm] gimme 10 seces guys [11:21pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » looks like you have at least that [11:21pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » Tre: who are you trying to knock out the one on the groud? [11:22pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » geez, i leave to pee, and the whole room falls apart [11:22pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » the closest one too me, i believe its the woman [11:22pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » I would go for the guy if you can [11:22pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » he is dangerous counsious [11:23pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » knock him out then we can just kill the woman [11:23pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » after we tie him I can heal him and we can interrogate [11:23pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » gamewise, my character would rather we not kill anyone if we don't have to [11:23pm] "i said before, kill them if you have to" [11:23pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » mine too , but we dont truck to kindly to orcs [11:24pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » "But they're all God's creatures!!!" [11:24pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » ok, fine, kill them we will [11:24pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » sometimes my son we must erradicate evil to protect the good [11:24pm] "them or us chief" [11:24pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » we can still take the male alive [11:24pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » ok, then I'll try to knock out the male [11:25pm] perhaps.....modren smiles [11:25pm][01/20/2008] * Treladren humps female orc [11:25pm] ooc - he has subdual and real damage.........shouldnt be long n ow [11:25pm] * Modren smacks jobn [11:25pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » tag team? [11:26pm] =-D [11:26pm] fine [11:26pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » as soon as our DM comes back [11:26pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i dont want sloppy seconds [11:26pm] you have a cleric or 2 can be cleaned up [11:26pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » or witnesses, so you'll have to die afterwards...I can't have anyone saying I boned an orc [11:26pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » even though she does look like an ex-gf [11:27pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » beard and all [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm] CHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ [11:27pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » is that a cry for help, or witnesses? [11:28pm] cry for DM [11:28pm] my world just stopped [11:28pm] just a gray void all of hte sudden [11:28pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » glad i could bring you into my mental lair [11:29pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » the clowns with farting penises sit over there to the left [11:29pm] oh noes [11:30pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » just make sure you snip this before you post it, k? [11:31pm] haha no [11:31pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » buy my mental lair will get crowded [11:33pm] what's the worst that could happen [11:33pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » come on chapel! [11:34pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i don't want to know what the worst is [11:34pm] i blame sasqu here [11:35pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » should I summon a celestial badger or owl next turn ? [11:35pm] * Modren glares [11:35pm] my next move was to enlarge you [11:35pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » Don't I am scared of heights! [11:36pm] then you could see what a nermel penes was...............then after the spell over you would cry [11:36pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » lol [11:36pm] and i wold win [11:36pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » he knows what one looks like, geez [11:36pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » nermel had a penis? is that why garfield hated him? [11:36pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » Modren, shouldn't your ISP have kicked you off by now? [11:36pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » darn right tre , I am known as tripod [11:36pm] the new nernal in the movies was gay [11:37pm] I AM THE ISP [11:37pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » lol [11:37pm] flood limit psh [11:37pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » how did we break the room [11:37pm] 20% on that archive Treladren [11:37pm] fs [11:37pm] ffs [11:38pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » that's a lotta files [11:38pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » is he coming back? [11:38pm] yes yes it is Treladren [11:38pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » looked on fazed and the other forum. no word from him on either [11:38pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » man, I've got a real cold and heartless line in my mind right now...and I'm fighting the forces of evil not to type it [11:38pm] Lackef i dunno [11:39pm] logs dont have to be posted. [11:39pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i was thinking of starting a thread called "That's inappropriate", where people could post some inappropriate moments in their life... [11:39pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » esp with the orc raping and all [11:39pm] but i do give him the benfit of the doubt [11:39pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » didnt' know if that was something that would fall into one of the other threads, like RTT or confessions [11:39pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » that would be the tMI thread [11:40pm] well i dont faze that much [11:40pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » inappropriate, as in....the above little convo with the girly-orc [11:40pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » or true stuff [11:41pm] i do thinnk that the dnd stuff is off limits as long as we keep it here...........once we bring it back there who knows [11:41pm] just be prepared [11:41pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » we cound taint everyone with our madness [11:41pm] i doub it [11:41pm] i have seen fazers [11:41pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » agreed, no dnd stuff... [11:42pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i just don't know if it would take off, or get locked with a quickness [11:42pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i think it might be too much like confessions [11:42pm] it wouldnt take off. [11:42pm] just result in hazing (hardcore [11:42pm] of a few peeps [11:42pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » and lockage [11:42pm] stupid fat fingers there [11:42pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » prolly right [11:43pm] there is a rason we had the lessing to make a new forum.......... [11:43pm] and use irc [11:45pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » Seems like doing yahoo would have been more stable at the rate we are going [11:45pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » if we had a dicebot [11:45pm] zomg [11:45pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » except with all the sexbots jumping in to pimp their rides [11:46pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » mmm sexyorcbots [11:46pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » "Hey, I'm Angela, 18/f/CA, wanna see my sexy pics? [11:46pm] ./join crunchbits sex server [11:46pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » does the f mean fat? [11:46pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » Flatulent [11:46pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » fake [11:47pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » full of fail [11:48pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i miss the days when I used to pose as a 13 year old girl and goad pedos into harassing me... [11:48pm] ummm wowo [11:48pm] enjoy those mammories [11:48pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » it was all fun and games until i got a dick-pic in the email...not fun after that [11:49pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i haven't been the same in the last 2 weeks [11:50pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » i'm gonna call it for me at the top of the hour [11:50pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » me too I guess [11:53pm] yah looks like a dead session [11:53pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » yep [11:53pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » man, that sucks for Chappy...first his grandad, now his internet..what's next? [11:54pm][01/20/2008]« Lackef » well guys i guess I will see you next week [11:54pm] his plers? [11:54pm] * Modren hids [11:54pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » take it easy [11:54pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » r u drinking? [11:54pm] this log ends when he left [11:54pm] drinking fuck yea [11:54pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » just wondring [11:54pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » it was the slurred speech [11:54pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » lol [11:55pm] yeah it happens hte long i play [11:55pm] longer* [11:55pm][01/20/2008] Quits: Lackef ( (Quit: IceChat - it may not be hot but darn it's cool) [11:55pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » hah [11:55pm] later guys [11:55pm][01/20/2008]« Treladren » cya [11:55pm] * Disconnected Session Close: Sun Jan 20 23:55:35 2008